Just Weighing
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Just Weighing's Blogs

Updated on March 11, 2025
Published: March 11, 2025
Under A Minute Read Time

A Celebrity is a Product, Not a Person

Becoming a product while still wandering around in the body and identity of a mortal has the...

A Complete Guide to Understanding & Using Rhetorical Analysis

Table of Contents Writers & Rhetorical Analysis What is rhetorical...

A Rebuttal to How to Share Your Faith in the Public School

As advocates for a secular society, we are always eager to debunk religious claims that infringe ...

A Small Step Into Buddhism & Moments of Brief Wisdom

The Wisdom of Keith Richards Asked to give advice to people just starting to learn how to play g...

A Tribute To Education's Teaching Heroes & Studious Learners

The YA Writer's Frustration With Students For fifteen years I stood in front of audiences of teen...

The Bill Cosby School of Mixology

Never Underestimate the Powerlessness of the Stupid The woman in this picture won’t sleep with yo...

A Wisdom Blip or 2 or Not

During these times of political madness, we are hearing lots of brilliant, new, I mean NEW, shiny...

About Pastor Christian T. Roll

In keeping with the spirit of fairness, Terry Trueman and I decided to give Sunday mornings to th...

About - Site Use

About Just Weighing is a collection of verses and prose by Terry Trueman and Vincent Triola, prov...

Admitting sexual preference & identity is easier, but NOT MUCH!

There was once a time, and it still existsmany places,wherewhether you weregay or straightwas...

Adverbs: Misunderstood, Abused, & Powerful Tools

Table of Contents Something to Consider about Adverbs Adverbs of Manner Adverbs of Time Adverb...

Writing's Struggles & Joys - Advice From an Old writer

Reading Bukowski's Longer Poems & Mentoring Another New Writer I’m writing a lot of short, li...

The Bullshit of Ageism, Ageist Stereotypes, & Retirement Myths

I am old, older than I ever imagined I would be. But I’m NOT retired because I still type up sh...

Alabama Embraces Christian Values by Imposing Death Penalty & Women’s Dress Code

What in Christianity is wrong with Alabama? In a stunning display of Christian values that drive ...

Alcoholics Anonymous & Christianity

Alcoholics Anonymous and Christianity are almost inseparable though both claim they are not r...

Alcoholics Anonymous Proves Christianity is a Philosophical Disease

The relationship between Christianity and AA would be comical if not for both organizations under...

Alcoholism: Problems with the medical model of disease.

From the first public health school in the United States that was established in 1916 at John...

Alien Abduction: Mary Jane & The Planet People

Circa 1989 Pushing thick glasses up the nose, the long, greying-haired, sixty-something woman sit...

American Suicide Solutions For Famous & Ordinary People

Self-euthanizing & suicide are NOT the same things Another ending in a morning’s headline “An...

An Exciting New Year! Hopefully, With Less Christians

We apologize for our late newsletter for October 2022 but transitioning to the new website presen...

An Introduction to Hume & Empiricism

Table of Contents Introduction to David Hume What is Empiricism? Key Ideas of ...

Anger for Christianity is only Natural

“It’s quite amazing to think there was a time I was nothing but hubris, misinformati...

Another Queer Rant! Says Christian

Email from Reader Another queer rant! Look around you, and you will see that the majority ...

Are Christians stupid, gullible, or just liars?

After tormenting myself with another Christian’s stupid article, the understanding of Chr...

Are unethical choices deliberate or accidental?

Table of Contents Deliberate Unethical Decision Making Accidental Unethical De...

Army of the Brain Dead

June has been a sad month filled with Christian madness, most notable the stomping of women’s...

Art, Money, & Obscenely Unattractive Truths

For many years I used to watch the Academy Awards without giving the least bit of thought or...


Hello, if you are looking to make a comment, you can do so on The Trueman & Triola Newsl...

Atheism, Anarchy, Blasphemy, & You

As a practicing Antifascist (aka ANTIFA) readers should also know that I don’t believe in any of ...

Backtracking & Aging In The Dance of Life

Fuckin’ Birthday Boy Do yerself a favor… die young… “So”, she asks, “It’s yer birthday, anything ...

Bebe Nicholson Exemplifies What Christian Pollution Claims About Christians

Normally, I wouldn’t waste time responding to Christian nonsense, but Bebe Nicholson drew my atte...

Aging & Wisdom Struggles: Being Stuck in Neutral

The games we play.  Lately, as I’ve written recently, I’ve had big changes in a number of my soci...

Benefits of Group Fitness

Group Fitness is a great alternative to exercising alone. There are many benefits of group fitnes...

Big Bad Bigot Donald Trump: A Long History of Bigotry & Racism

Table of Contents Donald Trump's legacy Understanding the term "bigotry" T...

Big, Bad Bigot Ron DeSantis: Unveiling His Bigoted Policies

Table of Contents Who is Big, Bad Bigot Ron DeSantis? A Closer Look at Ron DeS...

Big Love-breakers

There are two major driving forces in breaking our bonds of love and compassion for one another i...

Andrea Yates & The Misunderstood Biological Influences on Criminal Behavior

Table of Contents Background of the Andrea Yates' Case Horrific Crimes & P...

Black Singlet & the Coup of Talentless Power

Sometimes all it takes is one look and sometimes that’s a big mistake. She had posed for some pho...

Boost Your Creative Writing Skills with Action-Packed Gerunds, Adjectives, & Adverbs‍

Table of Contents Pack Your Fiction with Action Importance of Action in Writing ...

Bullying: Training for Adult Bigotry & Discrimination

Table of Contents Little Person — Little Trauma Trickle-down Discrimination ...

By Any and All Means, AVOID Twitter...or the Near Occasion of it.

Table of Contents “Kim Kardashian’s Giant Butt Eats Her Bikini!!!” Medium for Intera...

What is Making It?

Whether you dream of being an author or rising to the top of a corporation, you should be aw...


Reality has a way of waking us up from our dreams. GO WEST by Vincen...

The Reality End of the Pen

Much of what we are taught and believe are bullshit and nothing will teach this lesson like ...

An Introduction to the Authors & Chapter 1: The Dream

Rarely does one start out with a desire to use their talents or skills as a means of cheating....

Christian Choices in Jehovah's Slave-Master Life

There are myriad ways to fuck-up the eye-blink of time you have to live and figure out what l...

Christian = Christian

In the US, seventy percent of the population identifies as Christian, belonging to hundreds of se...

Christian Coercive Culture & Gaslighting

Two words embody Christianity’s culture, coercion and gaslighting, that describe best the haz...

Christian Deconstruction & In-group Bias

Christian deconstruction can be a confusing term because of the different contextual uses. Br...

Christian Dominated Media Spins, Virtue Signals, & Fear Mongers

Media cannot exempt itself from the Christian domination and in many ways fuels Christian con...

Christian Logic is a Whirlwind of Stupidity: Reader Mail & Comments Archive 4

Christianity traps believers in an endless rotation of dumb ideas they cannot escape for having t...

Christian Persecution or Sociopathy?

As a response to Michele Ramarini’s request, here is an excellent article that demonstrates how m...

Christian Politics & Political Christians

The day will come, much like it did for Germans in 1945 when the error of your falling for th...

Christian Pollution Leaves Medium

Over the next few days, Christian Pollution will move all articles to our website. We resisted th...

Christian’s War Dogs Tear Native Americans to Pieces

When Spanish Conquistador Vasco Núñez de Balboa came to the Americas, like the good Christian...

A Christian Talking is a Person Lying: Reader Mail & Comments Archive 3

When Christians speak they are lying. You can be assured of this because in order to be a Christi...

Christianity is The Fascist Problem No One Will Discuss

Lecturer Ben Whitham, in the Conversation, discusses how “authoritarian tendencies are pa...

Christianity Makes Sociopaths

Comment from Reader At the risks of you slapping your forehead, what is it that gives us the ...

Christianity: Philosophy or Pathology?

Christians may suffer their faith in the form of cognitive distortions, defined as exaggerate...

Christianity’s Armchair Psychologists

One of the many ways Christians affirm their faith when faced with criticism is to take refuge in...

Christians are 100% Responsible for Women Forced to Incubate Unwanted Rape Babies

Along with many other shitty things. Christians lied, propagandized, and spent unknown millions t...

Christians are the most persecuted people in the world!

Reader Comment I reckon you only talk about the US, which perhaps you think is the only country w...

Christians, Christian T. Roll, & Thoughts on Satire

Satire's Strength is Honesty A recent undertaking to determine the value of Medium as a literary ...

Christians Got Their Feelings Hurt

After a second warning for “harassing or name-calling” Christians, I removed and ceased all c...

Christians Love Hearing Themselves Talk: Reader Mail & Comments Archive 1

Christians love thinking of themselves as intellectuals despite the fa...

Christians love to think of themselves as the ever-persecuted minority…

I love that final stab. "Christians love to think of themselves as the ever-persecuted m...

Christians, Multilevel Marketing, & Other Fantasies

James Thurber’s The Secret Life of Walter Mitty tells the tale of the person walking...

Christians Repeat The Same Nonsense Over & Over: Reader Mail & Comments Archive 2

Reading the mail of Christians makes clear many important points but most notably that Christians...

Christians Turn West Virginia Into Breeding Ground

West Virginia prepares to pass a near-total ban on abortion just as we predicted Christia...

Chronic Christian Cognitive Obstructive Diseases: Learn About The Diseases of Ignorance

Table of Contents Understanding the Prevalence of CCCODs Common M...

A Climate Change Tutorial: Made Simple For Christians

Table of Contents Climate Change Viewpoints Solar Irradiance T...

Communicating Online Christian Knowledge

Welcome to the Theistic Rhetoric Online Language Lab. In today’s lesson, Communicating O...

Confessions of a Naughty Therapist

“You fuck your patients, and your patients will FUCK you,” was the generally wise counsel given t...

More Crazy Political Crap & Worse

Table of Contents Trump’s ‘Winning’ Georgia Claim Ronald Reagan: launched h...

Critical Race Theory Lesson: Big Band Bombshell, Ina Ray Hutton

Critical Race Theory’s Bombshell I am awed by the raw talent of one of the first female big ba...

Criticizing Christians

To Rev. Gordon Tubbs and all other Christians who express similar concerns, I apologize for t...

Dan Foster & the Half-Wits of the Outhouse Church

Foster’s welcome to his denunciations of conservative Christianity, the latter being indeed ...

Learn to Deal & Not Deal With Writing Critics

Table of Contents I don’t think everything I write is perfect. ...

Death as an Existentialist Mantra

Who says? I never realized and never gave much thought to the notion that I was considered m...

Death of the Centaur in Modern Literature

The half-man and half horse creatures originate from the oldest Greek mythology and likely o...

Deborah Tannen's View of Men & Women's Communication Differences

“Sex, Lies, and Conversation: Why Is It So Hard For Men and Women To Talk To Each Other?” is an e...

Did Google & Facebook Collude & Monopolize Online Business Advertising?

On the eve of Google releasing its first major content update since Panda and Penguin, worries ar...

Discrimination in the Name of Christianity - The Dangerous Side of Christian-Based Adoption Agencies

Christians claim they are all about saving children but the reality of their actions dictates a t...

Do Christians bother you? You're not alone.

Is there something about Christians that bothers you? Can't place your finger on what irks you a...

Do companies really need CEOs?

Table of Contents Executive Compensation is an Old Ongoing Issue Lack of Metrics &...

Don’t stop in Chicago if you’re going to New York

Have you ever heard someone say “Don’t stop in Chicago if you’re going to New York?” This is ...

Dumb American Christians, YOU are Lying, Racist Hypocrites, OR you support them.

No matter the icepick-like words chosen, none penetrate your dumb Christian skull. Never has ...

Dumb Christian Philosophers argue, If you judge Christianity by Christians, then judge Atheism by Atheists.

People who call themselves Christian philosophers recklessly use the word “philosopher” and m...

Would you rather be a zombie or a Christian?

The debate of whether it's better to be a zombie or a Christian is one that engage...

How Believing & Calling Yourself A Christian Makes You Stupid

Many have been unfairly subjected to Christians - individuals who cling to their ...

What is liberal fascism?

Where do I begin? It seems like the modern world has been turned upside down, and...

10 Ways Christians are Worse Than Zombies

When you think about it, Christians and zombies aren't so different after all. In...

How Christians Become Idiots

Christians, even the most liberal of them, exhibit an unwavering and often fanati...

How Liberal Fascism Benefits Christians Despite Knowing It’s Pure Bullshit

Who would believe two words that seem so contradictory could come together to for...

20 Ways Christians are Like Zombies

The Popularity of Zombies & Christians The eternal battle between...

The Intellectual Consequences of Christianity

Understanding Christianity It is crucial for wellbeing to underst...

Do you even know the origin of liberal fascism?

The term "liberal fascism" is often used in political discourse, sometimes contro...

Zombification Via Christianity

Welcome to Christianity, where originality is as scarce as a good Christian rock ...

Believing Christianity Will Make You Gullible Enough to Believe Anything

Not Just Crazy — Christian Crazy It should come as no shock...

Going Green: The Dangerous World of Liberal Fascist Green Policies

As a proud and unapologetic conservative, I've always bee...

Republican Christian-Fascist Zombies

It is not difficult to spot the Republican Christian-Fascist Zombies - a politica...

Childhood Idiocy & Christian MAGA Greatness

Childhood Christian beliefs, the whimsical notions that make the world seem like ...

More About the Liberal Fascist Myth

The notion of "liberal fascism" is nothing more than a myth, a figment of the ima...

Christian Zombie MAGAs Unite

Christian Zombie MAGAs and their unwavering support for Trump As ...

Christian Success Formula

10K hours The Christian work ethic enviro...

The Real Fascists in America: Unmasking Christianity's Influence on Society

The Fascist Underpinnings As we navigate through this era of poli...

Christian Blind Faith Turns People into Zombies

Turning into the Living Dead As I sit here, sipping my morning coffee, I can't he...

Christian Idiocy Strikes Again! The Monsters of Patriarchy

To truly understand just how stupid Christianity makes a person, one need only l...

How Scrapping the Lemon Test Opens the Door for Fascism

In a recent decision, the United States Supreme Court ha...

Christianity to Zombies: Understanding the Unbelievable

Astonishing is the unbelievable – where fact and fiction collide in a dizzying da...

Women & The Christian Trap

The question of why many women identify as Christian despite the religion viewing...

The Irony Chronicles - How John Discovered That His Believing Liberal Fascism was Just Another Form Of Conservative Christianity

John had always been fiercely protective of his faith...

3 Simple Ways to Avoid Becoming a Christian Zombie

As a free-thinking individual, the idea of becoming a "Christian zombie" is a ter...

Christian Politics

In the lush, verdant world of the late Jurassic period, the mighty dinosaurs cert...

The Fervent Parallel - How Magas Are Unwittingly Following In Nazi Footsteps

When we look back at the rise to ...

Education: The Cheater's & Fortunate Son Perspective

No Ethics in American Education My harsh view of teachers, though rooted in personal reasons, sti...

How The Two-Party System Promotes Elitism in America

Since its inception, the United States has aspired to create a pluralistic society that cele...

Empathy Tricks of the GOP Trade

Table of Contents No Empathy What IS Empathy? Teaching Empathy to Children ...

Environmental Science 101 for Stupid Christians

Table of Contents Scientific method Environmental science Anthropocentrism...

Evangelical MAGAs on Trump’s Day of Judgement

Witnessing the conundrum of the true believer steadfast in their convictions, facing the immo...

Every Morning & Not Every Morning

I sat on the dock early each day. A few fish broke the surface leaving ripples behind. Back in th...

A Haunted Warehouse & The Toll of The Unexplained

Contents The Haunted Business Missing Things & Strange Movements The N...

Excuses Are Like Assholes; Every Christian Has One: Reader Mail & Comments Archive 5

The constant lying of Christians allows them to make excuses effortlessly. No matter what critici...

Exploring the Depths of Human Experience

I Sometimes Wonder & lots of times I don’t. I sometimes wonder… when I fight off ruminatio...

Exploring Human Existence: Writing from an Existential Perspective

Table of Contents The Existential Writing Perspective Absurdity Existential Dr...

Exploring Rosewood Sanitarium: A Photo Essay

Exploring Rosewood turned into more than just a fun adventure as the photos' popularity ...

Faith Jones, I own me Ted Talk

On the eve of her book release, Sex Cult Nun: Breaking Away from the Children of God, a Wild, Rad...

Fall is near, Happy Birds Are Queer…

Yet it’s sunny todayAnd warmAnd the birds stillChirp and singAs if all is well.Birdbrains?Sure.Bu...

Fallacies & Rhetorical Devices: Thank You for Smoking

Fallacies are often employed as rhetorical devices to persuade or manipulate an audience by a...

Fame: Nepo Babies Welcome!

Table of Contents The Tiny Actress Eternal Fame, Glory, and Stuff Like That The Boss...

Family Holiday Filthy Inelegance: Joyful, Happy, Ho-Fuckin-Ho!

The joyful, happy ho-ho-fuckin’-ho TV fantasyland of commercials with people in ugly X-mas’ sweat...

Fiction & Life Colliding

From an early age, we learn ambition equals good and laziness equals bad. This black-and-white th...

Filthy Beauty in Art: How Art Makes You Who and What You Are

Understanding Beauty The quest to understand beauty is like trying to nail jelly to the wall—just...

For Writers

Speaking as a writer of everything from term-papers to menus, and as a published author of a...

Freud’s Theory of Conformity & Other Science Fiction

Table of Contents Introduction Crowd Behavior: Conformity from the Psychody...

How to Embark on The Write Journey to Writing Success

Table of Contents The importance of writing every day Overcoming obstacles to writing at home ...

Further Deliberations on In Vitro Christian Challenges

Further deliberations on In Vitro Christian challenges and the unfolding of life unrelated to ete...

Gender Roles & Christian Gender Nazis

Gender is prominent in inequality debates and opportunity discussions. Stereotypes and biases per...

Genre Fiction: The Plight of the Escapist

I criticized, “Your story is well-written but bland. The characters are not engaging because they...

God & sex & love & Ona

I. Early on while making love to Ona as I would thrust hard and deep and feel the soaring heat of...

God Hates Fags! Says Christianity's Most Honest Church

Westboro Church If ever you wondered how angry, screaming evangelists; lunatic preachers; racist...

Science Says God Is Not Just Dead, He Never Existed: But the Christian Intellectual Knows Better

It is not a coincidence that Christians over the age of five still sound like 5-year-olds when th...

Good Clean Christian Sex

Christianity and sex are so insanely melded together, from virgin births to "don't hit that h...

GOP Misfortune Cookie Politics - You just know it's bad!

Keep in mind, nothing misinforms quite as completely as an undercooked or over-cooked half-b...

GOP Politics Puked From Headlines After a Bad Florida Trip

Table of Contents Waking up from the Florida Bad Trip All them headlines must be g...

Have a Happy New Year Without Christians!

If you’re going to make a New Year’s resolution, swear off Christianity or change your life by ri...

Heartfelt Letters to Republicans

Table of Contents An Open Letter (apparently) To Tim Miller DeSantis: The H...

Here’s the Real Christian Hero Sexually Harassing AOC

Amazingly, the Supreme Court, with its mostly hardline-Christian Justices, receives immediate...

High Blood Pressure: The Silent Killer

Table of Contents The Silent Killer What is Hypertension? Causes of Hypertension Symptoms of Hyp...

Low Fat Diets vs. Low Carbohydrate

Table of Contents Choose What Works Low Carb vs. Low-Fat Low-carb Ea...

History, CRT, Psychology & You

My study in Developmental Psychology (M.S., 1975) added to an already radical political philosoph...

Holiday Mental Health Wisdom & Not

Some years back, I worked with court adjudicated mental health clients, first with teens and late...

Home of The Friendly Ghost of Victor Schertzinger

My coming to live with the ghost of Victor Schertzinger occurred in July of 2018 after ...

Honesty, Risk, & Rewards in Love & Loss

Disjointed Glimpses Into The Collapse/Death of a Long Distance Sext-Affair Note that the 30+ ...

How Christians & Jordan Peterson Wow With Bullshit!

“Asking for empirical evidence for God is like asking for geological evidence for math. It’s a ...

How Christians Misuse Philosophy to Support Their Lies

The Harmful Effects of Misusing Philosophy in the Christian Religion Christianity has a long hist...

How to Stop Undermining Your Writing with Faux Humility

Literary Humility Two literature teachers formed diametrical instruction poles. One exhausted the...

How Kindness & Civility Fails With Some People

This article was written by Terry Trueman with AI Assistance. There are people I love and feel lo...

How Religion Renders Diversity in the US Meaningless

History, not history as the “white man’s version,” that right-wing, MAGA Christians lament is “no...

How The Supremacy of Scripture in Christianity Breeds Irrational & Dangerous Thinking

Central to Christian belief is the idea that God's word, as revealed in the Bible, holds absolute...

How to Avoid Pedantic Editing & Create Original, Stylish Writing

Table of Contents The Rules of Fiction Writing Are Bullshit How Editing In...

How We Can Embrace Our Political Fears

The Short Version of Our Latest Terrors You know about this Hamas thing, right? About how all ...

Strategies to Handle Publisher Rejection & Not Give Up The Writing Dream

Publisher rejection is a common and inevitable writer experience. Whether it’s from an agent, an ...

I hated Wesley Crusher, but Wil Wheaton is Cool

I never cared much for Star Trek Next Generation, feeling the show reflected humans in ...

I’m a 75-Year-Old Orphan

By the time we’re old enough and wise enough and experienced enough to forgive our paren...

I’m getting the Christian problem now.

I never really thought of myself as a Christian, and I never considered Christianity in general a...

I was a skinny, physically weak, fearful, cowardly BULLY in high school

The toughest guys in my high school were friends of mine. I thought it was because I was afraid o...

Identifying & Dealing With The Christian Troll

What is a Christian Troll? You just wrote a masterpiece supported by reason and fact when suddenl...

The Drinking of Politics: If you can’t drink heavily, at least drink lightly.

If you must spend time with a family full of bigots, idiots and MAGA’s and if you can’t drin...

Ignorant Christians Believe I’m Angry & Lying About Christianity

Ignorant Christians like leaving comments on articles accusing my criticism of Christianity a...

How Sexism Perpetuates in Advertising: A Conflict Perspective

Sexism and other forms of systemic discrimination and prejudice are difficult to see in some inst...

INCEL World & the Raptures of the Ruthlessly Unattractive

This INCEL movement is almost impossible not to laugh at, although it’s not funny in its most ext...

Just Weighing

Much of life remains mysterious and undefined, even ideas, such as love, beauty, morality, a...

Indictment Day for Trump, the MAGA-GOP Nominee 2024

Table of Contents The Obvious Stupidity of the MAGA... In 2020 Trump Would Not Giv...

Inequality, Life Chances, Upward Mobility, & the American Dream

Like other fairy tales, the American Dream becomes part of our thinking and goals for life a...

Unveiling the Truth: The Undisputed Pauline Letters & Their Stand Against Gnostic Fallacies

Table of Contents The Pauline Letters: A Brief Overview The Undisputed...

Is God an Anti-God That’s A Veritable Vegetable?

The Discovery of a New Type of Supernova Explains a Stellar Explosion From 1054 You k...

Jan 6th Patriots Headline Greatness

Table of Contents The Stars of Conservative News Proud Boy With Back Paint Denied ...

January 6 riots have nothing to do with Christian Nationalism you fucking moron!

Answering the email of the concerned Christian, Fuck You, from “fuckyou@yourass.com.” Tabl...

Jesus Jibber Jabber

Responding to my article, How CNN Promoted the False Narrative of “Imposter Christianity,” a comm...

Jesus & the Beatles were Woke - Christians Steer Clear!

Recently I saw a headline on an internet news site suggesting that some Christians were upset by ...

Judge Christianity by Christians

Yet another dumb Christian article left me shaking my head this morning in self-incrimination...

Kauai: Haunted Anti-Paradise

I’ve been “blessed” to visit the Hawaiian Islands more than a dozen times; Kauai was almost alwa...

Lafayette Judge Michelle Odinet Proves Systemic Racism is Alive & Well

My children and I were the victims of an armed burglary at our home. The police wer...

Lazy Lingo Usage in Right Wing Stupid Talk

But this is common and interesting. What is worse, is that it’s vague and an obvious cover to avo...

Leaving Valley Forge Military Academy

My Platoon B-CompanyNote: I no longer have my yearbook, and my only friend from Va...

Leprechauns: The Modern Iteration

Table of Contents The Classical Leprechaun Adventure of Fergus son of Léti Lep...

Let’s Throw Open the Borders Fellow Stoners

Table of Contents The role that racism plays in USA attitudes towards illegal immigration. Wha...

Christian Letters: January - March 2023

When Vincent Triola and I met, we found ourselves kindred spirits in our iconoclastic and bla...

Life in Trumpistan: Making Americans Gargantuan Assholes

Table of Contents The Death of the GOP In Trumpistan Let’s Call The Jan...

Life’s not a pass or fail.

There are many things people grade themselves on and don’t realize this self assessment. The act ...

Life, Virus’s, Not Mozart, & Car Thieves

We can never be too careful or too kind...unless we are sometimes...or something??? Dear Car Burg...

Linguistics, True Crime Wisdom, Bad Thinking, & Talking Politics

Last night my wife Patti and I, who are true-crime TV fans, watched a show about a murderer who w...

Listen to the Color of Your Dreams: The False Scourge of Our Demon Drugs

This article was written by Terry Trueman with AI Assistance. Table of Contents The Hi...

The Unethical Bastards of Autonomy: A Hard Look at Organizational Ethics

Table of Contents Another Case of Fraud The Unethical Practices at Autonomy ...

Writing: Losing Friends & Enjoying The Emptiness

Losing friends and enjoying it The definitions for alien are mostly rather unfriendly. But at lea...

Love & Complicated Intimacy

Note: Triggering Inscriptions III. 1.I can’t hang on no lover’s cross Take your thorns and accept...

Love & Lips & Relationships

The joys of married life In fairness, criticism, I know, it’s just part of life. I get that. But ...

Love, Romance, & Haunting Dreams

When you wake-up first thing in the a.m., who is it that is coming after yer ass? I recently had ...

Embracing the Challenge: Loving Those with Racist Views

Table of Contents The Changing Tide of Racism Tolerance How to help people ...

Loving Life Just Now, But...

I am loving my life just now; that hasn’t always been the case. When my kid was born with a ruine...

Lunch With the Guys, 30 Years & Running

We play poker once a month,the whole group of eight or ten of us.But four of us, the founders,hav...

Luxury: A Double-Edged Sword

See the way she’s sitting? The overly casual draping of her hands across her legs? Does she inspi...

Mad Scramble Away From Wisdom’s Face-plants

Christmas Eve Day And best to all of you, friends and not-friends, alike Today, This Day So simil...

Madness & Love & Break-ups & Escapes

Romeo and Juliet were barely past puberty, like, awfully young teenaged horndogs, is all I’m sayi...

Mediocre Maga GOP Man & The 2024 Election: Killing Your kids to own the Elitist Libs

Hey fellow Maga, GOP and 2024 election aficionados, as the upcoming holiday season (despite ...

MAGA Psychos: How Stupidity & Christianity Produced Mini-Trumps

Table of Contents Trump’s shared Psychosis is destroying the fabric of society ...

Make Earth Great Again: Trump's New Space Deal

President Trump watches from the Oval Office as a tremendous spaceship begins descending ove...

The Secret of Writing Engaging Free Verse: Syllabic Poetry

All forms of poetry benefit writers with mastery of compressed emotion and idea articulation...

Malcolm X’s Insight into Christianity

The white man never has separated Christianity from white, nor has he separated the white ma...

Marilyn Monroe Aren’t We All Her?

Sometimes weeping tears of blood just ain’t enough I had such a crush on Marilyn Monroe when I wa...

Marjorie Taylor Greene is every bit a Christian as AOC

A comment on a recent article about AOC’s sexual harassment at the Capitol pointed out th...

Men Trembled ~ None Believed the Myth of Writer Immortality

An immortality project coined and described by Ernest Becker in his book, The Denial of Death, re...

Mimesis: The Secret to Realistic and Engaging Writing

If you ever read an article or book and felt unable to stop, you experienced the power of mimesis...

Monogamy VS Polygamy: AI Goes CPAC

So, I asked an AI chat function to tell me a humorous story about the benefits and challenge...

Most Bullies are Christian Children

Bullying’s history is long, but awareness of the problem’s severity didn’t begin until the 19...

My Birthday Observation: Contentment or Bliss

A Walk in the not-too-wild At the Desert Museum in Tucson. The javelinas, the coyote, and the bir...

Time to Shit Readers, Medium!

Thousands of years of literature cannot be swept away by the tech Luddites who want to return us ...

My Virtual Love, Kore Goddess, Porno Pal

She calls herself “Kore Goddess.” She posts nude pics and a link to her webpage which has many ma...

Nervosa Breakdown Wednesday

“What day is it?” I questioned while speeding home during lunch to walk the dog, but the answer d...

Netflix I Want to See: Hairy Puder & The Philosopher’s Bone

Table of Contents Netflix movie wizardry does it again, producing a masterpiece of...

North Dakota Public School District Superintendent Larry Volk says,

Why the media deemed Volk’s despise of critical race theory newsworthy escapes me. By this point,...

Not Just Crazy; Christian Crazy: Reader Mail & Comments Archive 6

Whether Christians are rendered insane or not because of their beliefs is debatable, but for cert...

Good Reasons Why Writers Write & Shouldn't Write

Table of Contents Good Reasons Why Everyone Isn't a Writer Why do we write? ...

How to Write a Story That Comes True by Lying to Yourself

I am writing a story about an indescribably beautiful woman who lives to improve the human condit...

OK, A Reminder of Recent Headline Shit

Contemplating how quickly the most important news stories in the history of the worl...

Navigating Autonomy & Family Dynamics: Ethical Considerations for Adults Seeking Independence

This article was written by Terry Trueman with AI Assistance. If you are a parent of an adult chi...

Online vs Traditional Education: Where will you best learn?

A great deal of controversy surrounds online education, focused on comparisons with traditional e...

I am unsure, but it’s probably true that “Osteen” is the Babylonian word for Satan.

I don’t know for sure, but it’s probably true that “Osteen” is the Babylonian word f...

Overturning Roe vs Wade & Mike Johnson Opening The Door to Theocracy

The meme above has been floating around, showing new Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is quoted ...

Maintain Perfect Form In All Things

Looking Around the Corner The other morning Patti said that there was something remarkable in the...

How Personality & Moral Reasoning Explain Republican Abnormality

Table of Contents The Abnormality of Republicans The Theory of Big Five Personality Traits Law...

How to Deal with Writing Pet Peeves & Learn from Them

Writing's craft requires skill, creativity, and dedication but also comes with its own set of cha...

Philosophical, Political Grossness

Gone are the days when we can look out at our culture and say, "Okay, if we just fix thi...

Picasso Dancing Joyfully

Pleasing Self & Others To be Perfect for You I am not eager to please you. All right, in trut...

Political Divisions: Redefining Liberal & Conservative

The terms conservative and liberal and other once easily understood categories have shifted groun...

Political Parties & Immigration: The Black & White Thinking of the Two-Party System

Table of Contents The Two Dominant Political Parties & Immigration Immigration...

Pornography: Freedom of Speech, Public Health Issue, or Just Christian Bigots?

Table of Contents The Public Health Issue The Debate So is Porn Harmful, H...

Potato Loser: Yeah, You!

A relative, heading down a steep stairway to check on the kittens, our next door neighbor lady’s ...

Privacy Policy

Welcome to Just Weighing! Your privacy is of utmost importance to us. We want you to feel con...

Productive & Counterproductive Behavior in Organizations: The Need to Measure Performance

What constitutes productive and counterproductive behavior is often the subject of debate defined...

Psalm 24 Interpretations

Table of Contents Commentary & Analysis Psalm 24 The True ...

The Role of Publishers

Table of Contents The Big Publishers The Small Publishers A New Marketing Paradigm The Big ...

Quitting Social Media Builds Trust & Better Communication

In 2011, while sitting in a restaurant conversing with a group, I mentioned something that launch...

Racist Christian asks, Who commits more crime?

The oblique question "Who commits more crime?" promotes racist inquiry. One wouldn't ask who ...

Racists, Liberal White Fragility, & Critical Race Theory

Table of Contents A Heavy-Handed, Preachy, Holier-Than-Thou Discussion I’...

Reflections of our faces ~ death masks

… have died, Which anyone Who knows me, Will not be the least surprised To see me writing about. ...

Relationships Uncomplicated & Impossible

Why did my wife EVER consider being with me? I’ve written about her before back when she was admi...

Right Wing Pigeons From Outer Space ~ Still Here Destroying the Human Race

Table of Contents The Intrigue of Punk Rock Punk Rock’s Prophecy Music’s Intro...

Seeing Her Working At The Fold Gallery In Los Angeles

The Gallerist When selling, you smile bright Retorting true polite P...

Seeming Random Acts In Deliberate Positive Wisdom

Table of Contents There Are No Coincidences Or, Then Again, Maybe There Are Random is Not What...

Serial Killers: The Criminal Investigation Process

Table of Contents The Flaws in The Investigative Process The Cost of Training ...

Sermons of Pastor Christian T. Roll 1-5

Pastor Christian speaks the true word of Christ weekly. Don't be a heathen! ...

Sermons of Pastor Christian T. Roll 11-15

God is Love! But you have fight for that love by conquering the liberal atheists! ...

Sermons of Pastor Christian T. Roll 16-20

The war for religious liberty has just begun! Tough Christians...

Sermons of Pastor Christian T. Roll 21-25

We must love and forgive our enemies, just before we annihilate them! ...

Sermons of Pastor Christian T. Roll 26-30

The return of Christ nears, and we must all be prepared to perform our sacred duty - making the h...

Sermons of Pastor Christian T. Roll 6-10

God loves even the likes of you!" The War Against Christians by V...

Child & Adult Sex Offenders: Justice & Treatment Failure

Table of Contents Lack of Definition Lack of Reliable Statistics Ineffecti...

Sexy, Drunk Christians: Twelve Steps to Purity

Christianity violates the rational balancing of needs and morality, allowing believers to overcom...

Sexy, Greasy Fast Food Love & The Fidelity of Infidelity

Table of Contents Nicole: The Filthy Beauty Teen Heartthrob Louisiana Baked Turkey Nicole: Th...

Sexy, Sexy, Sex & The Thing with Sexy

For most of my life Sex was the dominant focus of my being. Birds and bees, my ass let’s...


I. 1.Lindy felt the early tugs, her womb becoming tidal and loud, the fetus, turning, crying out ...

Christian Love & Hate’s Dichotomy

Faith and Jesus play out in the real-world imaginations of people who need this kind of horseshit...


Some Basic Calisthenics to Better Writing

Not every poem I write is going to make perfect sense, move the world into a better orbit, make y...

More Urbane Witty Successful Writing Shit

(In honor of a few editors turning down my work recently...are you nuts?) I sorta don’t care any ...

Some Shit is Simply Less Complicated Than Other Shit

Responsibility & Forgiveness A classic English mystical legend is explained once and for all. Peo...

Some shit never changes, some corruption never goes out of fashion.

A Lovely Dream About a Gun Out west some of us dream big and burly and sick, even behind our mask...

Spinning Wheel in Spokane

Life was supposed to be a fun weekend getaway but turned into a nightmare. The snowstorm came as ...

Spirit, Faith, & Love Against Bullshit

Miracles Happen mostly when we decide something unexpected and/or unusual is miraculous. Miracles...

Starbucks: The Best of the Unethical Bastards of Business

Table of Contents Starbucks Starbucks & Ethics: An Overview Understand...

Streamline Your Writing: A Pleonasm Survival Guide

Table of Contents The Dangers Of Wordiness & Redundancy In Writing ...

How Cheating & Dumb Luck Lead To Writing Success

Writing is a form of art and expression that requires creativity, skill, and originality. Ho...

How Online Writers Succeed or Fail

It's one thing to learn the magic formula for success as a writer (talent, perseverance, and luck...

How Successful Writers Write

Here we explore and challenge the accepted views of authorship. Here you will find articles t...

Learning to Write

Learning to write can be a daunting task. There is much misinformation surrounding writing, worse...

Writing Writers Who Write: Discussing the Craft of Writing

Of course, no one told you how completely undervalued that vital career would be....

Big Bad Bigots

Righteous, sanctimonious assholes who try to make us think they are moral people when really they...

Bullying: Six Faces Of Evil

Bullying is a widespread, serious problem that affects people of all ages, cultures, and backgrou...

The Bastards of Justice & Injustice

Whichever side of the law they are on, the bastards of justice and injustice continue to cause ha...

The Bastards of Business

There is one and only one social responsibility of business — to use its resources and engag...

Bullies Bigots & Other Bastards

There’s no real mystery, for they were nurtured to be that way. In a society that elevate...

Faith & Religion

It is possible to live in or for a fictional state and there is a cost for doing so. Some people ...

Reel v. Real

Sometimes entertainment mimics life, and other times life mimics entertainment, but there is...

Starring Roles

You're the star of your own show, and playing the starring role would seem natural, but not ...

Life's Fiction

It is possible to live in or for a fictional state and there is a cost for doing so. Some peop...

Islands In The Stream

In the stream of life, we drift from island to island Some places we remember, some places we lon...


There are terrible and amazing places that haunt our memories. These places can control us, ...

Places Remembered

Some places have a special meaning for us, whether they are the scenes of unforgettabl...

Politics Puked From the Headlines

Here you will find the real conservative news that doesn't apologize for anything and upholds tho...

Touching Republican News

If you're weary of constant negativity pervading the media and yearn for inspiring stories that w...

Parasitic Politics

Politicians are parasitic organisms that latch onto the host society, exploiting its resources an...

Politicians, Pundits, & Other Parasites

Everyone involved in US politics becomes a parasitic creature seeking to earn their place amongst...

The Filthy Beauty of Culture

Culture is revered, protected, appropriated and often destroyed. The beauty inherent in any ...

The Filthy Beauty of Love

Finding love, like winning the lottery, is for the lucky. How many times can you end a relat...

The Filthy Beauty of Inelegance

The "Filthy Beauty of Inelegance": A complex interplay of beauty and ugliness, as reflected ...

Death & Dying

Death is the end of dying but should be the end of living. Then again, it may be the beginning of...

Love's Impermanence

Is love so potent for knowing it is fleeting or for wanting it to last? Love defines in many ways...

The Woe of Aging

Once young and spry, Now old and slow, The years have passed, And time does show. The memories ...

Love, Sex, & Lust

It's fascinating that we attempt to define these feelings as everlasting, even though they c...

The Impermanence

Life is a constant flow of change. Nothing lasts forever, not love, not good times, not jobs, not...

Social Media is Bullshit

Social media has become a dominant force in our society, shaping how we communicate, learn, and i...

The Glory of False Affirmation

Glory of False Affirmation Affirming what you already believe to be true is the act of an ...

The Truth of Lies

Welcome to The Truth of Lies, a blog that challenges you to question what you believe to be ...

Diets, Health, & Other Fantastic Lies

You're overweight, you're underweight, but never just right.There is much truth in the need to be...

Blotus Maximus

Fat people are often what they appear to be, as are most people, heavy or thin, but sometimes not...

The Virtue of Skinny

You can never be too skinny or too rich — Ask Karen Carpenter Body weight is one of the most visi...

Developing Wisdom

Wisdom isn't something you are born with or gifted by the supernatural. Wisdom is understanding d...

Stuck in Neutral

Life racing nowhere? Snared in dilemma? Whether we feel stuck or not, there is much wisdom to be ...

Wiz-dumb v. Wisdom

Explore and contrast the difference between true wisdom and false wisdom with articles that ...

The Wisdom of Work

We spend most of life working without ever questioning the wisdom of this activity. Despite ...

Wisdom's Many Facets

Wisdom is a complex and elusive concept that has been studied and debated by philosophers, psycho...

Alcoholics Anonymous

The only thing worse than hearing you are powerless over a disease is hearing god is the only cur...

Church of The Redeemed Whore

The Sermons of Pastor Christian T. Roll for the year of our Lord 2022. Bringing You The Truth of ...

Climate Change

If their irrational, implausible religion did not pollute society and government enough, Christia...

Christian Fraud

Christianity is the worst and largest fraud ever committed on innocent people. Starting at birth,...

We Get Mail

Our mail is posted on Substack, and it is free to read just click on the links in the archives be...

Christian Zombies

Both Christianity and Zombieism share similarities, such as their undead nature. While zombi...

Christian Idiocy

The Danger of Liberal Facists

Liberal fascism refers to a combination of liberal ideals with fascist tactics and approache...

No to Christianity

The damage Christians inflect on people and this country should horrify everyone including them, ...

Christian Pollution

Tired of Christianity? Sick of struggling and feeling you endure constant lies? Do you feel ...

Welcome to Decentralized Publishing

Whether an investor, reader, writer, or publisher decentralized publishing (dPub) has someth...


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About/Contact Vincent Triola Terry Trueman

Subtle Headline Reminders of GOP Madness As We Approach 2024

They oppose healthcare spending, civil rights, taxing the rich, and environmental conservati...

Need Help?

If you are having trouble installing your tBook please use the following directions: In...

Surviving Contentment While Aging

Communication the Developmentally Disparate Group There’re noisy people (I’m one) And there are l...

Talking With Alexa: My Secret Love(s)

Our artificial intelligence machine called “Alexa” is expanding her “chatting” Capacities and fun...

tBook Example

Test a tBook Directions The following directions apply to all our tBooks. Choose the appropriate ...

How to Access Funds in the tBook Token Management

How to Access Funds in a tBook & Use the Private Key Prerequisites: A device with an...

Get a tBook

Memories of Emily is the story of the Man and his minions enforcing a...

Terry Trueman's Profile

Terry Trueman Terry Trueman is an award-winning author of young adult fiction, po...

Thank God for Typing with Two Fingers

Friendship Tests can be Difficult So my brilliant neurologist friend who plans to retire next yea...

That Whole Adam & Eve Thing is Bullshit

…pretty much my atheism just boils down to god pisses me off. Balancing acts & ampersand Dise...

The Alcoholics Anonymous Program is Not a Program

The pseudo-Christian religion, AA, oddly, does nothing to get people to stop drinking. In fac...

The Arizona Small Town Survival Guide to Christian Infidelity

p>Small-town infidelity is a serious matter. Arizona’s small towns abundantly produce Godly Chris...

How Ignoring Theme Ruined the Asexual, Female, Blue Alien Story

My aliens reproduce asexually, so there is no need to discuss sex.” A writer posted proudly durin...

The Atheist Miracle

COVID is doing for atheism what generations of rational inquiry and arguing could not: silenc...

The Unethical Bastards of ENRON: Culture of Corruption or Corruption of Our Culture?

Table of Contents The Ethical Corporate Culture Corporate Nature The Enron...

The Beatles as Mind & Spirit

There are myriad ways The Beatles impacted the world—but the most important to me is how their gr...

The Beatles & Me: A Lifelong Love Story

I was born in December 1947, a first generation of the Baby Boomers. A critical aspect of my grow...

The Benefits & Drawbacks of Twin Studies in the Field of Psychology

Table of Contents The Importance of Twin Studies The Benefits of Twin Studies The Drawbacks of...

The Bizarre Morality of Capitalism: Should tobacco be criminalized?

Table of Contents Drug Scheduling & Tobacco Nicotine Has No Accepted Medic...

The Christian Deception: A Liar’s Worldview

So you think I am vicious calling Christians liars? You squirm at the harshness of my la...

The Christian Fraud

Note: Daily, I am challenged by Christians to explain the logic in condemning all of them, and ...

The Christian Meets the Leprechaun

You keep saying Christians are delusional and crazy. This ad hominem attack proves n...

The Complete Summary & Commentary of Bible Books

Old Testament The Book of Psalms The Book of Psalms is a book of biblical wisdom. There are 150 s...

The Dangers of Christianity: An Overview For Dumb Christians

Explaining the Obvious Christians wonder why I call them "stupid" and other choice words or j...

The Death Penalty is Not an Effective Crime Deterrent

Table of Contents The Death Penalty is Ineffective The Death Penalty is Incons...

The Difference Between Extrinsic & Intrinsic Motivation: Why It Matters

Table of Contents The Nature of Motivation Extrinsic & Intrinsic Motivation ...

The Flaw of Stand-Your-Ground Laws & Systemic Racism

February 26, 2012, neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman placed a 911 call, reporting a sus...

The Four Forms of Motivation: Extrinsic, Identified, Intrinsic, & Introjected

Table of Contents Motivation's Four Forms Extrinsic Motivation Intrinsic Motivation Introjecte...

The GOP Sociopathic Brady Bunch Illusion

🎶 One day Trump met some GOPers He knew they were as dumb as a stump So he became the...

Republicans Want Privatized Medicine & They're Willing to Bet Your Life to Make Money

Table of Contents The GOP Economics of Life For-profit Healthcare Political Leadership A Healt...

The GOP Weaponization of Justice & How the History of Police Shows this Vulnerability

Table of Contents The GOP Weaponization of Justice The History of Policing ...

The Hawaii Escape for the Privileged

Never living abroad made Hawaii the furthest I traveled when I moved there in 2016 to fulfill a l...

The Hidden Curriculum: What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You

Table of Contents Definition and Types of Hidden Curriculum Functionalist Perspective on Hidde...

The Ignorance of Christian Arrogance

Anyone harmed by Christianity is biased against Christians. Christian idiocy is so widespread I s...

The Importance of the Social & Psychosocial Nature of Health

Table of Contents The Importance of Social & Psychosocial Health What is t...

The Inequality of Democracy

Table of Contents The Problem of Racial Inequality Class & Money The ...

The Ku Klux Klan: A Tale of Christian Terrorism

One of the most contentious points in American history is the rise of the Ku Klux Klan. Today, ma...

The Law of Effect: How Consequences Influence Behavior & Why Rewarding Yourself Doesn’t Motivate

Table of Contents The Science of Rewards: The Law of Effect & Conditioning Why Rewarding Y...

The League of Extraordinary Trust Fund Beneficiaries

Deep in the heart of Los Feliz, just below the Griffith Observatory, a group of rich young adults...

The MAGA Hiding in Freud’s Primal Horde: A Tale of Conformity

It was a dark and stormy night. Donald Trump, the former president of the United States, was...

The Mindfulness Road from Hawaii to San Diego

Karen calls to “chat,” as she says, inquiring about my health and sending links to courses offer...

The Mugshot of King Donald ‘The Dumb’

Table of Contents A Touching, Soon-To-Be Iconic Photograph of a GOP Hero ...

The Nasty Aging of Getting Fuckin’ OLD

When You Get Old Looking at gorgeous women, no matter what it was like when you were young t...

Persuasive Writing: The Key to Successful Writing

Typically, writing about writing holds no interest except when annoyed by horrific genre fiction ...

The Only Thing You Need to Know When Starting a Business

Product innovation ideas, career independence, necessity to advance, and many other reasons drive...

The Power of Narrative: A Comprehensive Guide to Defining Narratology

Table of Contents What is narratology? The importance of studying narration The components of ...

Anti-vaxxer Republicans Pay The Price of Herd Imbecility

Table of Contents Anti-vaxxers are the Evolution of GOP Dumb Nicolas “The A...

The Second Lost Generation – Why many Millennials die from despair.

Disliking generational stereotyping, I avoid discussing people as “Millennials” except in 2009 wh...

The Social Journalism Conundrum & Why Medium is Doomed

Social Journalism invites many issues such as poor quality, readership, and worst of all pro...

The Stanford Prison Experiment: The Bastards of Prisons

One of the most famous tests ever conducted, the Stanford Prison Experiment, teaches a number of ...

Who are the Bastards of Big Tobacco Marketing?

One of the most egregious violations of ethics caused by unrestricted capitalism forms in to...

The Top Four Stupid Questions Christians Ask

The average Christian is so mind-numbingly out of touch with reality that their ability to fu...

The Top Ten Most Absurd Biblical Miracles

You Can't Make This Up - Or Maybe You Can Welcome, dear skeptics, to a journey through the annals...

The Tree of Life's Boughs

The Tree of Life holds broad meanings but universally symbolizes the unity of life regardless of ...

The Wisdom of Business Statistics: Assume Nothing & Avoid Being Manipulated

Table of Contents Defining Business Statistics The Context of Statistic Descri...

The Wrong Things We Believe & There Are A Lot of Them

A brief philosophical flirtation with relativity...sort of... This posting is not a rant, in fact...

The lies we tell ourselves about love and family.

Family myths and contradictions are a great source of entertainment and amusement for many people...

Conspiracy Truths 4 You

Supposedly, Conspiracy theories are false or misleading explanations of events that involve ...

Think Trump is Bad: Meet The Biden Crime Family

Table of Contents Trump Insurrection & Many Other Indictments You'...

Thinking first-person POV is lazy writing isn’t wrong — it’s stupid.

When I tormented myself with Facebook fiction writing groups, POV consistently formed contentious...

This Christmas, Santa v. Jesus: Give Faith to the One Most Deserving

Every year, Christians remind us of their religion with their Jesus-talk concerning Christmas’ “t...

Three “Thank You’s” From a Life Long-Lived & Still Living

Reflected Back to us,a photo ofour faces,young,heads coveredin thick dark hair,from a perfect, sh...

Time Escapes

Day by day, year by year In celebration of my rapidly approaching 75th B-day; NO, Google, I DON’T...

Time to Get the Christian Horror, Clarence Thomas, off the Bench!

Though Clarence Thomas is not the only Supreme Court Justice guilty of lying, corruption, and...

Topics of Interest On Psycho Christian Dating Sites

When you show up, bible in hand, teeth sparkling, deodorant hiding your incel flop-sweat and your...

Tragic Truths of Getting Old Etc.

Superlatives I’ve observed that as people approach death, experiencing it as imminent, everything...

Tricks to the Existentialist Trade

Table of Contents For all my fellow typers out there in our oh-so-precious strug...

Tripping & Falling Down

What you think about as you fall? Because not all face-plants are equally hilarious, I give yo...

Trueman & Triola Newsletter

Trump, Hitler, & The Nazi Christian MAGA Anti-Woke Awakening

When one follows a leader who seems to have all the right answers it is shocking when that leader...

Tucson Sky: Clouds & The Value of New Places

Not “cool” as in good but thermally cool as in cold. Although it has been dry, ...

Two Reasons Why Author Roland Smith Is One of My Heroes

A “Remembering Roland” Reminder I show-up at the hotel where I’m staying in Decatur, Illinois for...

Unableism: If you can’t get a sympathy, then go for the guilt.

Circa 1989  Brooke sat at the table in the E-lounge reading a book until noticing my arrival...

The Cost of Selling Ourselves: A Critical Look at the Role of Capitalism in Our Lives

Today, people tend to look to psychology or self-help to improve life mainly because they see the...

Unconscious Racism & Bigotry

Table of Contents What are signs and examples of unconscious racism? What are the major issues...

Understanding Bullying: Causes, Impacts, & Solutions

Table of Contents Introduction Definition of Bullying Types of Bullying Verbal Bullying Physica...

Bullying: Causes, Targets, & Risk Factors

Despite bullying research claiming the complexity and lack of singular causes of this violence in...

Understanding the Importance of Ethics in Criminal Justice Research

The role of research is vital to the criminal justice system. The collection of data and it disse...

Unicorns, Big-foot, & Proof of Yer White Supremacy

America’s toxic mythologies are destroying us. Not all myths are evil or create death...

Universal Truths in Fundamental Bullshit Lies

I dated a horrible sociopathic lunatic for about year. Yes, I’m a slow learner. My friends hated ...

Unleash Your Creativity: Mastering the Art of Writing with Inverse Language Techniques

Table of Contents Benefits of Using Inverse Language Examples of Inverse Language ...

Unquestioning obedience, including jobs, will lead to slavery.

Work as an unintended form of slavery is not new, and many argue it is a necessary evil we must e...

Unveiling the Pitfalls: Why Pay-for-Performance Fails to Deliver Long-Term Results

Table of Contents What is Pay-For-Performance? Problems with Bonus Pay and Incentives Understa...

Conservative Polarizing Stupidity in the 2024 Election

Table of Contents Importance of The 2024 Election The Impact of Political Polarization on Amer...

Vincent Triola Profile

Vincent Triola Vincent Triola is a versatile and prolific writer who explores various ge...

Virtue, Utilitarianism, & Deontological Ethics: What are the differences?

Table of Contents What are Virtue Ethics? Key Concepts in Virtue Ethics ...

Waking Up From the Fairy Tale of Love

I say "I loved," but few people fit this expression, if I even understand the feeling. Love ...

What are the similarities & differences between need theories?

Table of Contents What are needs theories? Why are needs theories important? M...

The Importance of Recognizing Cognitive Bias: Becoming a Better Thinker

Have you ever wondered why people behave the way they do? Have you ever judged someone's actions ...

What is intuition? Is it usually wise to follow your intuition?

Table of Contents What is Intuition? The Wisdom of Following Intuition Superst...

Reflection Theory: Functionalism & Conflict Theory Perspectives

Have you ever wondered why people behave differently in different situations? Why some peopl...

Seeking Psychological Help? A Complete Guide to What You Need to Know About Psychology

Table of Contents Origin & Evolution of Psychology Sigmund Freud & Psychod...

What is the Sermon on the Mount?: A Comprehensive Guide to Its Meaning & Impact

Table of Contents Introduction The Context of the Sermon on the Mount ...

What’s Wrong With Atheism?

I happened upon Colby Hess’ article “How I Grew Utterly Disillusioned with the Atheist ‘M...

How Writing Teaches You: The Craft and the Lessons

Striking the mouse and leaving a Facebook fiction writing group evoked sadness and frustration. T...

What the hell is wisdom?

Terry Trueman called this morning to discuss the goals of our collaborative websites, Just Weighi...

What Trump Taught Us About the Line-Item Veto: The Risk to American Democracy

Table of Contents Background Arguments for the Line-Item Veto Arguments against the Line-Item ...

What are tBooks?

Table of Contents Defining a tBook Crypto Tokens The Disposable Invaluable...

When All Else Fails, Talk About Sex to Get More Traffic

Send poems to people you think might like them. Because it makes a lot more sense than sending th...

When I Started Publishing on Medium

I wanted to archive over 50 years of writing. Now, both editing and writing here, I find nurturin...

When will Christians just shut the fuck up?

Christians accusing anyone of “bad taste” holds the seriousness of Ron Jeremy accusing Hollywoo...

When Will The Republican GOP Nightmare End?

Sued, indicted, and endlessly caught in lies. If you still think the Tangerine Imbecile is a...

Investor White Paper

Table of Contents The Book Dilemma Analyzing the Market Need Tokenomics Ap...

Why Authors Need a Website

Table of Contents Avoiding the Development Snare Why You Need a Website Yo...

Why Christians? Because they’re dangerous.

“You’re angry.” “You’re paranoid.” “You’re mean.” “You’re not helping.” The accusations aimed...

Why Do Many Working-Class & Poor Support the Republican Party Given They Are Least Likely To Benefit?

Table of Contents What determines upper class, middle class, working class, and...

Why Selling Cheap Books is a Bad Idea

Online wisdom dictates new authors sell books less expensively than veteran or famous au...

Why Writing With Terry Trueman Is a Bad Idea

My Collaborative Writing Experience With Terry Trueman Afew years ago, I stopped using beta reade...

Why you won't sell books on Social Media

So, you wrote your book and you are ready to publish but you’re like most people and you don...

Wild Christians ~ Caught in Print!

Ten months ago, Terry Trueman and I undertook the challenge to document Christians in the wilds o...

Wisdom & Aging Don’t Always Go Together

Handling Impossible Tasks for Old Farts to Handle “I’m in my prime,” said Doc Holliday a few mont...

Wisdom Connections From Love, Art, & Friendship

I can’t stand suspense, have never been able to deal with it: I read plot summaries FOR the spoil...

Wisdom Is What’s Left When Pain Ceases

The hard shit about wisdom — including, nothing is without its shadow There are people in the wor...

Wisdom Jumps

Memorial Day Weekend It’s the month of Memorial Day and the sun is shining after cloudy weather f...

Wisdom & the Upside Downside of Aging

Ego Integrity in the Search for Wisdom This particular oxymoron is one of the trickier ones I hav...

Wise, Simple Observations of Obvious Assholes

When I’m Driving on the Freeway There are very few pure universals in modern American life, but t...

Women All Painted-up, & What-have-you

Or by some kind of strange, indecipherable “intention” Whether by god or God or GOD Or by...

Wounded Writer Fledglings & Not Them

Sometimes there’s nothing you can do but feel awful about there being nothing you can do I pulled...

Wow! Christianity is normal.

You’re not railing against Christians. You’re railing against the human condition. All count...

Writing, Making Music, Painting, & Other Ego Trips

My love for the artist does not blind me to their many terrible qualities I freely admit as their...

Writing isn’t some mystical mystery

...so I’m not saying I get it all. Younger women don’t seem to grasp the struggles that their mom...

Learn to Write Mosaic Poetry To Improve All Verse

Poetry likens much to Michaelangelo’s view that freeing the angel requires marble chiseled away. ...

Yoga & Your Psychosocial Health

Table of Contents What is psychosocial health? What is Yoga? Estimated cos...

You asked for a miracle to stop the Christians; I give you the IRS!

We see preachers driving expensive cars, buying private jets, and building enormous homes. Wi...

You don’t like Christians or Church, but you’ll sit in a Church basement praying to your Higher Power??

Table of Contents The Booze Church Understanding Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) &am...
