Just Weighing
Just Weighing
There’s no real mystery, for they were nurtured to be that way. In a society that elevates the most beautiful, athletic, wealthiest, and luckiest for having been born with these attributes, the rise of shitty people should come as no shock. In my first sixteen years, not a day passed without my parents, peers, or teachers, most of whom were strangers besides my parents, insulting, humiliating, or calling me some derogatory name like


Bullies Bigots & Other Bastards

Ever wondered how someone becomes such a terrible person?

There’s no real mystery, for they were nurtured to be that way. In a society that elevates the most beautiful, athletic, wealthiest, and luckiest for having been born with these attributes, the rise of shitty people should come as no shock.

In my first sixteen years, not a day passed without my parents, peers, or teachers, most of whom were strangers besides my parents, insulting, humiliating, or calling me some derogatory name like "faggot."
I find it difficult to believe adults genuinely believed this treatment of children was some form of tough love or just "kids being kids." ~Vincent Triola
