Just Weighing
Just Weighing
Bullying is a widespread, serious problem that affects people of all ages, cultures, and backgrounds. Bullying is a form of abuse that can take various shapes, such as physical, verbal, relational, cyber, sexual, and prejudicial. These types of bullying can harm the victim’s body, mind, and relationships in different ways. Bullying also carries into adulthood with many people suffering in the workplace and other areas of life.

Category of
Bullies, Bigots, & Other Bastards

Bullying: Six Faces Of Evil

Six Forms of Bullying

Bullying is a widespread, serious problem that affects people of all ages, cultures, and backgrounds. Bullying is a form of abuse that can take various shapes, such as physical, verbal, relational, cyber, sexual, and prejudicial. These types of bullying can harm the victim’s body, mind, and relationships in different ways. Bullying also carries into adulthood with many people suffering in the workplace and other areas of life.


MORE OF Bullying six faces of evil

Bullying: Training for Adult Bigotry & Discrimination

Despite recent research and parental and student outrage, bullying persists. Bullying and bigotry go hand in hand with some of the worst perpatrators being adults for promoting a system of violence that allows the most privilidged to rise to the top, while stealing opportunities from the most vulnerable populations: LGBTIA, minorities, and the underpriviledged. The lack of understanding and attention lies in the devaluation of children and societal discrimination. Bullies are nothing more than bigots, racists, and elitists in training.

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I was a skinny, physically weak, fearful, cowardly BULLY in high school

In this frank and uplifting article, the author recounts his transformation from a bully to a better person. He opens up about his violent tendencies, the fears, and difficulties that drove them.

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Netflix I Want to See: Hairy Puder & The Philosopher’s Bone

Netflix originality success! They took the boring and outdated Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone and turned it into a hilarious and daring polemic that exposes the flaws and prejudices of the original story. Hairy Puder is a young boy who discovers his true sexual identity upon attending NO BIGOTS magic institution, where he meets a diverse group of friends. Along the way, he uncovers a sinister plot to steal the Philosopher's Bone, a powerful artifact that can stop VoldiTrump.

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Understanding Bullying: Causes, Impacts, & Solutions

Bullying is a complex and multifaceted problem that plagues people of all walks of life. It is a form of violence that manifests in different ways, such as physical, verbal, relational, cyber, sexual, and prejudicial. In this article, we will explore the six faces of evil that characterize bullying, as well as their causes, consequences, and prevention strategies. By gaining a deeper insight into the nature and dynamics of bullying, we can strive to create a more respectful and compassionate society.

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Bullying: Causes, Targets, & Risk Factors

Bullying is a symptom of the larger society, where schools mirror the world’s inequalities. Bullying often targets people who are marginalized or discriminated in some way, such as by their ethnicity, faith, or social class. This reveals how bullying is a form of injustice that perpetuates the advantage of the dominant groups. In school settings, this advantage is expressed through popularity, which grants some kids more authority and sway than others. Bullying then becomes a way of preserving this unfair system, which persists into adulthood as bigotry and intolerance.

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