Just Weighing
Just Weighing
Tired of Christianity? Sick of struggling and feeling you endure constant lies? Do you feel like something is wrong with your faith and Christian beliefs? Perhaps it is the hypocrisy eating at you, maybe it is the demand to accept unrealistic ideas to be considered Christian, or possibly it is the sense of these values doing nothing to improve your life that bothers you. You are not alone! Millions of Christians and nonChristians feel the religion's pain, internally and externally. Welcome to the Christian Pollution! The time is now to...


Christian Pollution


Tired of Christianity? Sick of struggling and feeling you endure constant lies? Do you feel like something is wrong with your faith and Christian beliefs? Perhaps it is the hypocrisy eating at you, maybe it is the demand to accept unrealistic ideas to be considered Christian, or possibly it is the sense of these values doing nothing to improve your life that bothers you. You are not alone! Millions of Christians and nonChristians feel the religion's pain, internally and externally. Welcome to the Christian Pollution!

The time is now to take back control of your life.

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Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous

Praying away the demon of alcohol will not cure addiction but this is exactly what Alcoholics Anonymous claims to be a program of recovery.

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Church of The Redeemed Whore

Church of The Redeemed Whore

Vengeance is for the Lord but Pastor Christian T. Roll brings that vengeance weekly with his sermons exhalting the MAGA cause!

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Climate Change

Climate Change

Drill, baby drill! Christians love to destroy the environment and they do it with a smile on their face. Learn how Christians are the biggest polluters on the planet.

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Christian Fraud

Christian Fraud

Christianity is the worst and largest fraud ever committed on innocent children. If the only way to make believers of people is to indoctrinate them at birth, the religion is a fraud.

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Christian Zombies

Christian Zombies

Both Christianity and Zombieism share an undead state since they are not alive but still move around or behave as if they were, with zombies being undead creatures and Christians appearing like undead due to their brain dead state.

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Christian Idiocy

Christian Idiocy

Learn how Christians lose IQ points by believing their ridiculous religion.

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The Danger of Liberal Facists

The Danger of Liberal Facists

Authoritarians oppress people through violent means and intimidation in order to maintain power and use oxymoronic names like liberal facists to target victims.

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