Just Weighing
Just Weighing
Table of Contents The Stars of Conservative News Proud Boy With Back Paint Denied Release The Stars of Conservative News There is nothing redeeming about Republicans. The January 6th insurrection proved exactly the kind of cowards and liars that make comprise the GOP. To understand the depth of cowardice and dishonesty, you need only understand the fight they supposedly dedicated themselves to winning.  Some of the rioters are affiliated with extremist groups, such as the Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, Three Percenters, and QAnon, that have a strong loyalty to Trump...

Puked From The Headlines

Jan 6th Patriots Headline Greatness

Just kidding around! Sorry!

Updated on November 6, 2024
Published: August 9, 2023
9 Minute Read Time

The Stars of Conservative News

There is nothing redeeming about Republicans. The January 6th insurrection proved exactly the kind of cowards and liars that make comprise the GOP. To understand the depth of cowardice and dishonesty, you need only understand the fight they supposedly dedicated themselves to winning. 

Some of the rioters are affiliated with extremist groups, such as the Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, Three Percenters, and QAnon, that have a strong loyalty to Trump and his ideology. These groups believe that Trump is the rightful leader of the country and that he is fighting against a deep-state conspiracy of pedophiles, Satanists, and globalists. They also view the Jan. 6 riot as a patriotic duty and a necessary step to restore democracy and freedom.

Their warped fantasy, without a shred of evidence, wraps itself in Christianity producing a cult not unlike many other bizarre religions but on a much larger scale. However, other infamous cults seem to have far more loyalty to their leader than the MAGAs.

In 1971, Susan Atkins, Patricia Krenwinkel, and Leslie Van Houten strolled into court singing because they were dedicated to the cause of- What? Yes, Charlie Manson. So dedicated to Manson, these twenty-something women would take years of prison to recant and renounce Charles Manson.

Big, tough Proud Boys and other Christian Patriots looking to overturn the government, turned on each other, lied, and made outrageous claims to get out of trouble. Shows just how much dedication MAGA had to their cause

These are the stars of the GOP who would heroically take back the government from evil liberals. What a fucking joke.

Proud Boy With Back Paint Denied Release

Fit enough to attack a cop; fit enough to sit in jail.

I’ve heard that Nelson Mandela had the same problem during his 27 years of fuckin’ incarceration. MLJ Jr. too, John Lewis too, And Gandhi, and Nathan Hale; It’s so inspiring to see our Proud Boy heroes carrying forward such traditions — Oh, the quiet suffering. Oh, the sacrifices. Side note: Every time I was arrested for Civil Disobedience I felt proud and right and considered my discomfort and fears an important part of it all, wanting to make, willing to endure on behalf of what I knew was right. I never said or thought of saying: “It wasn’t me” “I was just kidding” “Gee, I made a little mistake, I’ve changed my mind: those Vietnamese and Central Americans probably deserved everything our country is doing to them...can I go home now, please,

My back is kinda sore.”

These Jan 6th racists carried American Flags on flag poles used as weapons while searching for and chanting for the lynching of the elected Vice President. Among them was the ex-cop Daddy-o is now a “pastor,” ranting about homos and such, insisting that we all return to the true conservatism of hetero/white male dominance. I’ll sure miss his spiritual guidance when his ass gets thrown in prison where he fuckin’ belongs. MAGA, MAGA, MAGA!!!!!

Allow that shit to sink in before you decide just how much their comfort matters to you.

But they were patriots?

Not according to the FBI. The Jan 6th traitors face new fun and games on Independence Day, including loss of their independence Oops...just when you thought it was safe to go back to your Klan cookout — “I heard the judge, call my name.” You traitors are so Fucked.

There is no honor among traitors.

Nobody wants another Civil War yet no democracy or republic has lasted longer than a couple hundred years. So we better buck up and face reality. Here’s a sad, but fortunate truth in “Merica EVERYBODY has guns or access to them. A tiny gun can kill you just as dead as a big gun; ask Bobby Kennedy. So before you fascists decide to carry your Bushmaster semi-autos into a war with REAL patriots the kind who can actually read and understand and defend the Constitution, ask yourselves how well your popular uprising is going to work out when the traitors Oath Keepers start ratting each other out for plea deals?

We don't need no stinkin' plea deals. We have Trump!

Poor heroic patriot now has legal fees and thinks Trump should have to pay.


Hey, Jan 6th Traitor your fearless leader stiffed every working guy he ever came in contact and this includes concrete industry mob bosses, but he’s gonna drop whatever he’s doing and pay YOUR fuckin lawyers even though he doesn’t pay his own? Yeah. Cool. I’m sure this is gonna work out great for you. Go take another dump on our Constitution, loser. You “didn’t do nothing wrong?”

Yeah. You did. But you saved the best for last, a living, breathing, knuckle-dragging example of the truth that you fuckin’ Trumpers and traitors are as clueless as we all knew you are.

Just Remember:

Everything Trump touches dies.
Everything Trump touches dies.
Everything Trump touches dies!!!!!

It’s such a damned easy phrase to remember because Rick Wilson titled his first book about Trump: ETTD. Fred Trump is turning in his grave both in pride and fear for Donald’s viciousness. Donald’s mother was quoted as saying that if Donald ever got into politics it would “be a disaster.”   All parents except for those rare freaks of nature who happen to be paired psychopaths or some other form of lunatics, do our best with our kids. It’s evolutionary and biological, we have no choice — but like every tiny fledging in a nest, every wolf cub in a den and every human being attaining a certain level of maturity and ambulatory competence, the day comes when they can make us proud, or like Fred, spin in our graves doing 360 degree barrel rolls around and around and around and making no difference whatsoever in the conduct, behavior, and ultimate outcomes for a guy with zero compassion, empathy, or decency, a guy, a Tangerine Imbecile who everything and everybody he touches, Dies.

Why won't Republicans ditch the tangerine imbecile: ‘Merica’s’ enemies are always at the gate: Communism became Feminazis became Secular humanists became Sharia Law became Critical Race theory...

The man to Unite the USA
This is the man who will save us from our enemies!

We needed somebody to tie it all together into one big package of bite-sized, easily digestible bullshit-bits, that only a strong heroic gift from god (the Christian god, mind you) could fix. We needn’t lose the idiot so much as seeing his idiot followers for what/who they are an unruly lynch mob of assholes convinced of their rightness and righteousness, despite a lifetime of evidence to the contrary. The real tragedy is that none of these moral imbeciles are going anywhere, but round and round in their mad, mad circles, infinity loops of self-perpetuating delusion.

They Keep Going Despite the Loss

It’s okay GOP, I’m not a particularly good sport about losing either.

So, at poker last night, Mikey accidentally dealt 4 cards to two of the players and 3 cards to the rest of us.

This wasn’t noticed until the end of the hand when one of the guys with 4 cards and me with 3 cards were left and the betting was finished.

The guy with 4 cards, naturally, had a far better chance of making a winning hand than I had, not even accounting for the fact that I’m by far the shittiest player of the group.

One of the great gifts of COVID-19 is I can finally quit playing poker with these much-beloved pack of idiots once and for all (but I digress).

So indeed, and of course, the guy with the big advantage won.

But, again, the 4 cards vs 3 cards wasn’t noticed until then.

I got angry and yelled and made a big fuss (not exactly unusual behavior for me, I’m sorry to say) even after this mess was all rather unsatisfactorily settled by my sense of it.

Mikey and I argued back and forth, rather good-naturedly but with an edge of combativeness.

Finally, we stopped bringing it up.

I’m sure that there are several giant points of ethics, epistemology, character and personality traits, and disorders available for a smart enough poet to examine in this fiasco.

All I’ve got for you is that fairness and righteous indignation don’t always prevail in life ... but often enough they DO! You want a bigger lesson than that? You wish you had a poet who could explain how we can make the world better and more loving and forgiving and just?

Unfortunately, or fortunately for you, that poet ain’t me.

In fact, I'm happy to see my younger, Antifa pals representing at the ironically named “Summer of Love,” Proud Boys Fascist get together. We won’t look away. We’ll fight Nazi’s Everyday.

I give Trump and his MAGAs one thing; they're just stupid enough to keep going. this morally repulsive, obnoxious fuckin’ NAZI P.O.S., whose most famous punch lines include, “You’re fired!” and “Only I can fix this.” is still holding rallies in the heartland where good solid WHITE folks live and he’s gathering crowds of idiots wearing his team colors, their eyes glazed over in adoration? Come on Adolf, it’s almost 1930 people aren’t gonna keep buying all this “evil Jew” nonsense.

Well, except for Rudy Giuliani who says, "Jewish Men Have Small Cocks"

These little explosive outbursts of headline news, are so cathartic after so many years of Tangerine imbecilic madness, seeing the quislings and moral idiots get there oh-so-richly-deserved come-uppans. Damn, I never thought I could feel this satisfied and contented, ever again, re; matters political. I wonder if Allende and Neruda felt this good in Chile, when... Oops. hold on a sec, I hear Caligula’s special ring on my cell phone.

This just in: Report: Capitol Rioters to Blame Trump and Conservative Media!

Funny thing about video: the sound, the image, the real time proof of what violent traitors wanted, planned together and did. We’ve come a long way from Abraham Zapruder in Dallas and this time there’s no doubt whatsoever.

The actual headline from a recent online story reminded me that at the end of the ‘Merican Civil War, 627K casualties later, all the confederates were required to do to reclaim citizenry in the US of A was lay down their arms and call Jefferson Davis a “flaming asshole” or something like that.

News is the first version of history. And history will teach you everything you want to know just so long as you only believe the parts you wanna believe.

I’m also glad we’ll have these last big get-togethers before our enemies finish us off.

Maybe there is some hope in the digital age. I imagine historians or archeologists digging up old videos, baffled over why this Trump character could not win in a justice system that bows to money. 

With the most brilliant legal and moral geniuses since the O.J. Defense Team (sidebar digression: This included the sperm donor for the Kardashian nightmare) who could have ever seen this outcome racing towards us? It’s like a high fly ball falling at increasing velocity toward the proboscis of the sun-blinded center fielder? Who guessed it? Not me, that’s for sure — Still, once in a while even evil idiots lose a game or two.

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