Just Weighing
Just Weighing
Here you will find the real conservative news that doesn't apologize for anything and upholds those Christian values no matter who gets hurt. You'll be drunk on trickle-down economics and prolife capital punishment supporters who know that forced birthing is the way to stop women murdering their babies, no matter how many pregnancies end in death for the mother.
Straight from the headlines come GOP stories so powerful you'll feel nauseated and dizzy from all the love!

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Politicians, Pundits, & other Parasites

Politics Puked From the Headlines

Real Conservative News!

Here you will find the real conservative news that doesn't apologize for anything and upholds those Christian values no matter who gets hurt. You'll be drunk on trickle-down economics and prolife capital punishment supporters who know that forced birthing is the way to stop women murdering their babies, no matter how many pregnancies end in death for the mother.

Straight from the headlines come GOP stories so powerful you'll feel nauseated and dizzy from all the love!


MORE OF Puked from the headlines

More Crazy Political Crap & Worse

One day, the Christians of America decided to build their Capital Building on their Christian beliefs. They worked tirelessly to force their decision on their fellow nonChristian citizens who thought they were insane for thinking so ridiculously. Yet, the Christians prevailed and when complete, the Capital held an election and packed the new Capital with Christians. The new Capital Building creaked and groaned under their weight, but the Christians of America paid no attention and continued adding their nonsense to the building in the form of lobbyists and congressional representatives. Suddenly, the Capital began collapsing and everyone, even the non-Christians were hurt in the falling building. The Christians of America were shocked and couldn’t understand what had gone wrong. They had worked so hard to actualize their insane beliefs, but they had failed to see the dangers of basing their entire lives, other people’s lives, law, and pretty much everything else, on ridiculous antiquated ideas. With the collapse of their government, one would assume the Christians of America learned their religion was stupid and to use basic common sense when making law and creating policies but they didn’t and began building a new country based on Christianity but this time they renamed everything “Republican” or “Conservative” and pretended this was somehow different than just calling themselves Christians.

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GOP Misfortune Cookie Politics - You just know it's bad!

Stuff yourself with GOP fortune cookies, too deliciously stupid to ignore! We'd say a great fortune awaits you, but that would be lying like a Republican.

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GOP Politics Puked From Headlines After a Bad Florida Trip

You don't have to look far to find evidence that the GOP is a bunch of crazies, Florida or any news site will do. Well, maybe not Fox or CNN. Evidence in the news supports the belief that Forida Republicans are not intelligent, violent, hypocritical, and evil. Jesus-loving Florida Republicans can't stop making headlines with their hate and insane thinking. Just read any news site.

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Indictment Day for Trump, the MAGA-GOP Nominee 2024

Ignorance and irrationality have a significant impact on politics. Political ignorance leads to uninformed voting decisions and a lack of accountability for elected officials. Many Americans practice rational ignorance, a deliberate choice to not become informed about an issue because the cost of acquiring information outweighs the expected benefit of possessing it. This is the MO of the GOP: downplaying every injustice, inequality, and seeking to explain social problems with simple black and white answers.

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Jan 6th Patriots Headline Greatness

On January 6th, 2021, a group of “patriots” decided to take democracy into their own hands by storming the United States Capitol. Their plan? To overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. Unfortunately for them, their actions were widely condemned and they ended up facing legal consequences. Who knew that breaking the law could have negative repercussions?

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Subtle Headline Reminders of GOP Madness As We Approach 2024

As the 2024 election draws near, it is incumbent upon us to remember the actions of the Republican party that have contributed to the current state of affairs in America.

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Anti-vaxxer Republicans Pay The Price of Herd Imbecility

The GOP thinks your only value as a human is to work. They believe this so much they will lie to you and say vaccines are unsafe and infringe on your human rights. I mean, it’s not like the general population needs protection from infectious diseases or anything, especially while they are at work. No all you need is Jesus and the freedom to work while people are dying!

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Think Trump is Bad: Meet The Biden Crime Family

If you are a Republican, you are not a good person. I cannot make this any clearer. You are not a good guy. If you are willfully ignorant because avoiding or rejecting information contradictory to one’s existing beliefs is a deliberate act. Don't confuse willful with simple ignorance, which is the lack of knowledge or awareness of something. The willfully ignorant hold complete awareness of their contradictions or lies.

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When Will The Republican GOP Nightmare End?

The GOP is a nightmare in which everything good is turned into evil. The song This Land is Your Land becomes an becomes a rallying song for the MAGA and Christians who think they are obeying God with their hate. When will the Republican nightmare end?

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