One day, the Christians of America decided to build their Capital Building on their Christian beliefs. They worked tirelessly to force their decision on their fellow nonChristian citizens who thought they were insane for thinking so ridiculously. Yet, the Christians prevailed and when complete, the Capital held an election and packed the new Capital with Christians. The new Capital Building creaked and groaned under their weight, but the Christians of America paid no attention and continued adding their nonsense to the building in the form of lobbyists and congressional representatives. Suddenly, the Capital began collapsing and everyone, even the non-Christians were hurt in the falling building. The Christians of America were shocked and couldn’t understand what had gone wrong. They had worked so hard to actualize their insane beliefs, but they had failed to see the dangers of basing their entire lives, other people’s lives, law, and pretty much everything else, on ridiculous antiquated ideas. With the collapse of their government, one would assume the Christians of America learned their religion was stupid and to use basic common sense when making law and creating policies but they didn’t and began building a new country based on Christianity but this time they renamed everything “Republican” or “Conservative” and pretended this was somehow different than just calling themselves Christians.
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