Glory of False Affirmation
Affirming what you already believe to be true is the act of an ignorant person. Signs, coincidences, and ironies do not affirm anything about you other than you being gullible.
Don't buy the bullshit — especially about yourself.
People love affirming what they already believe, primarily if it is something positive for or about them. Entire systems of thought evolved to affirm ideas for those who benefit from them. It is not in the interest of the rich to say, "You will work your entire life and likely never achieve affluence." Someone needs to do all the work, so the wealthy will tell you, "If you work hard, and more importantly, believe, the money and easy life will manifest."
Just remember, it is your fault when that money and life of luxury don't come because you didn't work hard enough, and most importantly, because you didn't believe enough.
A lot of dysfunction results from just plain bad illogical thinking. Many people live their lives thinking irrationally, like trying to convince themselves with affirmations and this creates dysfunction. Irrational thought practices such as this magical thinking create dysfunction. For example, people who believe that all things happen for a reason, tend to look at every circumstance in terms of it being purposeful. This can be a positive thing at times but it can lead to terrible outcomes. For instance, people who think this way tend to view their lives as being out of their control which can lead to lack of effort and being complacent. Worse yet, these people may see their lives as completely in their control and by not affirming their positivity, faith, or any magical thinking in outcomes, failed.
Whether you gain from someone else's or suffer your own failure, this is what it means to live in the glory of false affirmations.