Writing Writers Who Write: Discussing the Craft of Writing

No one said writing for a living would be easy.

Of course, no one told you how completely undervalued that vital career would be. To learn the skill of writing one must be ruthlessly honest and fearless when presenting that truth. But how do you master the craft of writing? How do you find your voice, your audience, your niche? How do you deal with rejection, criticism, and self-doubt? How do you balance creativity and productivity, passion and profession, art and commerce? These are the challenges that every writer faces, whether they are beginners or veterans, amateurs or professionals, hobbyists or entrepreneurs. This blog is here to help you navigate the complex and rewarding journey of writing for a living. You will find practical and inspiring advice, success stories and lessons learned, tips and tricks, resources and tools, and much more. Whether you write fiction or non-fiction, poetry or prose, blogs or books, this blog is for you.

Fallacies & Rhetorical Devices: Thank You for Smoking

Vincent Triola
2 Minute Or Less Read Time
Fallacies & Rhetorical Devices: Thank You for Smoking

CHEATERS INC. & DUMB LUCK LTD. ~ From the Authors & Chapter 1

Vincent Triola & Terry Trueman
Under A Minute Read Time
CHEATERS INC. & DUMB LUCK LTD. ~ From the Authors & Chapter 1


Vincent Triola & Terry Trueman
Under A Minute Read Time


Vincent Triola & Terry Trueman
Under A Minute Read Time

CHEATERS INC. & DUMB LUCK LTD. ~ Chapter 4 & Author's Note

Vincent Triola & Terry Trueman
Under A Minute Read Time
CHEATERS INC. & DUMB LUCK LTD. ~ Chapter 4 & Author's Note

Why Writing With Terry Trueman Is a Bad Idea

Vincent Triola
3 Minute Or Less Read Time
Why Writing With Terry Trueman Is a Bad Idea

A Complete Guide to Understanding & Using Rhetorical Analysis

Vincent Triola
13 Minute Or Less Read Time
A Complete Guide to Understanding & Using Rhetorical Analysis

Good Reasons Why Writers Write & Shouldn't Write

Vincent Triola & Terry Trueman
4 Minute Or Less Read Time
Nothing to see here...move along please

Leprechauns: The Modern Iteration

Vincent Triola
5 Minute Or Less Read Time
Leprechauns: The Modern Iteration

Streamline Your Writing: A Pleonasm Survival Guide

Vincent Triola
8 Minute Or Less Read Time
Streamline Your Writing: A Pleonasm Survival Guide

Online vs Traditional Education: Where will you best learn?

Vincent Triola
6 Minute Or Less Read Time
Online vs Traditional Education: Where will you best learn?

Death of the Centaur in Modern Literature

Vincent Triola
7 Minute Or Less Read Time
Death of the Centaur in Modern Literature

The Power of Narrative: A Comprehensive Guide to Defining Narratology

Vincent Triola
8 Minute Or Less Read Time
The Power of Narrative: A Comprehensive Guide to Defining Narratology

Boost Your Creative Writing Skills with Action-Packed Gerunds, Adjectives, & Adverbs‍

Vincent Triola & Terry Trueman
7 Minute Or Less Read Time
Boost Your Creative Writing Skills with Action-Packed Gerunds, Adjectives, & Adverbs‍

How to Embark on The Write Journey to Writing Success

Vincent Triola & Terry Trueman
8 Minute Or Less Read Time
From Zero to Hero: How to Embark on The Write Journey to Writing Success

Exploring Human Existence: Writing from an Existential Perspective

Vincent Triola
7 Minute Or Less Read Time
Exploring Human Existence: Writing from an Existential Perspective

Why you won't sell books on Social Media

Vincent Triola
5 Minute Or Less Read Time
Why you won't sell books on Social Media

Why Selling Cheap Books is a Bad Idea

Vincent Triola
6 Minute Or Less Read Time
Why Selling Cheap Books is a Bad Idea

Unleash Your Creativity: Mastering the Art of Writing with Inverse Language Techniques

Vincent Triola & Terry Trueman
6 Minute Or Less Read Time
Unleash Your Creativity: Mastering the Art of Writing with Inverse Language Techniques

Adverbs: Misunderstood, Abused, & Powerful Tools

Vincent Triola & Terry Trueman
5 Minute Or Less Read Time
Adverbs: Misunderstood, Abused, & Powerful Tools

Why Authors Need a Website

Vincent Triola
10 Minute Or Less Read Time
Why you need an author website.

Education: The Cheater's & Fortunate Son Perspective

Vincent Triola & Terry Trueman
14 Minute Or Less Read Time
Education: The Cheater's & Fortunate Son Perspective

Strategies to Handle Publisher Rejection & Not Give Up The Writing Dream

Vincent Triola & Terry Trueman
7 Minute Or Less Read Time
Strategies to Handle Publisher Rejection & Not Give Up The Writing Dream

How to Deal with Writing Pet Peeves & Learn from Them

Vincent Triola & Terry Trueman
5 Minute Or Less Read Time
Pet Peeves in Our Writing World

The Social Journalism Conundrum & Why Medium is Doomed

Vincent Triola
19 Minute Or Less Read Time
The Social Journalism Conundrum & Why Medium is Doomed

Time to Shit Readers, Medium!

Terry Trueman
10 Minute Or Less Read Time
Time to Shit Readers, Medium!

When I Started Publishing on Medium

Vincent Triola & Terry Trueman
10 Minute Or Less Read Time
When I Started Publishing on Medium

A Tribute To Education's Teaching Heroes & Studious Learners

Vincent Triola & Terry Trueman
6 Minute Or Less Read Time
A Tribute To Education's Teaching Heroes & Studious Learners

When All Else Fails, Talk About Sex to Get More Traffic

Terry Trueman
10 Minute Or Less Read Time
When All Else Fails, Talk About Sex to Get More Traffic

Learn to Deal & Not Deal With Writing Critics

Vincent Triola & Terry Trueman
10 Minute Or Less Read Time
Learn to Deal & Not Deal With Writing Critics

Writing: Losing Friends & Enjoying The Emptiness

Vincent Triola & Terry Trueman
9 Minute Or Less Read Time
Losing friends and enjoying it

How to Avoid Pedantic Editing & Create Original, Stylish Writing

Vincent Triola
15 Minute Or Less Read Time
How To Avoid Becoming a Pedantic Editor or Unoriginal Writer

Men Trembled ~ None Believed the Myth of Writer Immortality

Vincent Triola & Terry Trueman
7 Minute Or Less Read Time
Men Trembled because None Believed the Myth of Writer Immortality

Exploring the Depths of Human Experience

Terry Trueman
7 Minute Or Less Read Time
Exploring the Depths of Human Experience

Writing isn’t some mystical mystery

Terry Trueman
4 Minute Or Less Read Time
Writing isn’t some mystical mystery

Wounded Writer Fledglings & Not Them

Terry Trueman
6 Minute Or Less Read Time
Wounded Fledglings & Not Them

Thank god for typing with two fingers

Terry Trueman
5 Minute Or Less Read Time
Thank god for typing with two fingers

Writing's Struggles & Joys - Advice From an Old writer

Terry Trueman
8 Minute Or Less Read Time
Writing's Struggles & Joys - Advice From an Old writer

More Urbane Witty Successful Writing Shit

Terry Trueman
5 Minute Or Less Read Time
Some more urbane witty shit

Some Basic Calisthenics to Better Writing

Terry Trueman
6 Minute Or Less Read Time
Some Basic Calisthenics to Fab Writing

Writing, Making Music, Painting, & Other Ego Trips

Vincent Triola & Terry Trueman
10 Minute Or Less Read Time
Writing and Dealing and Tipping and Tripping, Man

Genre Fiction: The Plight of the Escapist

Vincent Triola
9 Minute Or Less Read Time
Genre Fiction: The Plight of the Escapist

Tricks to the Existentialist Trade

Terry Trueman
7 Minute Or Less Read Time
Tricks to the Existentialist Trade

How to Write a Story That Comes True by Lying to Yourself

Vincent Triola
6 Minute Or Less Read Time
Nude Yoga & Android Servants

Persuasive Writing: The Key to Successful Writing

Vincent Triola
6 Minute Or Less Read Time
The Need to Write Persuasively

Thinking first-person POV is lazy writing isn’t wrong — it’s stupid.

Vincent Triola
4 Minute Or Less Read Time
Thinking first-person POV is lazy writing isn’t wrong — it’s stupid.

How Ignoring Theme Ruined the Asexual, Female, Blue Alien Story

Vincent Triola
5 Minute Or Less Read Time
The Asexual, Female, Blue Alien

Learn to Write Mosaic Poetry To Improve All Verse

Vincent Triola
3 Minute Or Less Read Time
Writing Mosaic Poetry

How to Stop Undermining Your Writing with Faux Humility

Vincent Triola
9 Minute Or Less Read Time
How Faux Humility Harms Your Writing & Reinforces Ignorance

How Writing Teaches You: The Craft and the Lessons

Vincent Triola
4 Minute Or Less Read Time
What the Craft of Writing Teaches