Writing Writers Who Write: Discussing the Craft of Writing
How Online Writers Succeed or Fail
It's one thing to learn the magic formula for success as a writer (talent, perseverance, and luck); it's quite another to figure out all the myriad ways there are to fail and then avoid them. Online writing is mired in unknowns, making success a trial-and-effort circumstance, even when doing everything your told. If you believe posting things on a webpage, even a popular one, will result in success, you are doomed to fail. Learn a variety of skills to write content for the WEB and reduce your learning time.
The Social Journalism Conundrum & Why Medium is Doomed
Vincent Triola
19 Minute Or Less Read Time
Why writing on Medium is a bad idea. Medium, a platform for social journalism, attracts writers of varying abilities with the promise of a readership. However, the platform’s emphasis on metrics such as social media likes and followers may result in a degradation of content quality. Even when basic grammar and punctuation are completely ignored, redundant and poorly researched writing is still rewarded. This highlights a fundamental flaw in the way social journalism operates.
Time to Shit Readers, Medium!
Terry Trueman
10 Minute Or Less Read Time
After his Medium postings did not gain audience or earnings, Terry Trueman embarks on a quest to make Medium produce readers mustering all his experience that got him published in 1998. "I had a successful decade and a half before Medium! The power of authorship will prevail!" He ralllies his fellow authors. What often makes good writing deters success on Medium due to user generate wisdom that proliferates poor search engine results. Follow Terry Trueman on this journey through the digital void.
When I Started Publishing on Medium
When you start writing on Medium, it’s fun but soon devolves into a lot of work to get people to read your stuff. Soon you realize all effort is in vain because no one is even reading. Like a ship lost at sea, writing on Medium starts off as an exciting adventure, but soon devolves into a desperate struggle to be seen.
When All Else Fails, Talk About Sex to Get More Traffic
Terry Trueman
10 Minute Or Less Read Time
This humorous and sarcastic article mocks the common practice of using sex as a way to attract more readers and viewers to online content. The author claims that sex is the ultimate marketing tool, and that he has decided to use it to boost his blog’s popularity. He then proceeds to write a series of absurd supposedly sexy stories.
Wounded Writer Fledglings & Not Them
Terry Trueman
6 Minute Or Less Read Time
One of the challenges that online writers face is the awareness that their writing, like everything else, will eventually end. This can cause sadness and loss, especially when writing about loved ones. However, this can also be a source of joy and strength, as writing can help them cope with mortality and celebrate life.
Genre Fiction: The Plight of the Escapist
Vincent Triola
9 Minute Or Less Read Time
A hilarious take on why literary fiction writers look down on genre fiction. An in-depth analysis of the differences between genre and literary fiction, and why some writers of literary fiction may view genre fiction as escapist in nature.