Writing Writers Who Write: Discussing the Craft of Writing
Two Reasons Why Author Roland Smith Is One of My Heroes
Terry Trueman
2 Minute Or Less Read Time
A tribute to Roland Smith, a renowned writer of children’s and young adult books, by his friend and fellow author Terry Trueman. It narrates how they met, how Smith inspired and helped Trueman in his writing career, and how Trueman admires Smith’s adventurous and successful life. It also includes a poem by Trueman dedicated to Smith.
Mimesis: The Secret to Realistic and Engaging Writing
Vincent Triola
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Do you want to write more realistically and engagingly? Apply the concept of mimesis to your writing. Mimesis is the imitation of reality in art and literature. By reducing the use of unnecessary pronouns, you can reduce the narrative distance between your readers and your characters. You can also make your writing more concise and efficient, which will improve your reader engagement. You will also see some examples of how mimesis works in different forms and genres of writing, such as novels, short stories, and articles.
The Secret of Writing Engaging Free Verse: Syllabic Poetry
Vincent Triola
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Learn how to write engaging free verse poetry by using syllabic poetry as a tool. Syllabic poetry counts the number of syllables per line, rather than the number of stresses or rhymes. This article will teach you how to use syllabic poetry to create rhythms, emphasize words, and vary line lengths in your free verse poems.
Christians, Christian T. Roll, & Thoughts on Satire
Vincent Triola
5 Minute Or Less Read Time
Satire is a powerful form of writing that uses humor, irony, sarcasm, or ridicule to criticize, expose, or mock social, political, or moral issues; but quality satire must be truthful and expose social issues, otherwise it becomes slanderous. Satire often employs exaggeration, parody, or caricature to make its point. By doing so, satire challenges dominant groups and forces them to confront their behavior and hypocrisy. However, the most essential element of satire is honesty. Explore the purpose and value of satire as a form of honest criticism and social commentary. We will also look at some examples of satire from various genres and media, such as novels (Animal Farm), films (Dr. Strangelove), shows (The Daily Show), cartoons (The Simpsons), and blogs (The Onion).