Just Weighing
Just Weighing
About Just Weighing is a collection of verses and prose by Terry Trueman and Vincent Triola, providing thoughts on various topics. The site serves as a thematically driven set of understandings for issues presented in novels, publications, and sites like Christian Pollution. If you want to understand why your best efforts in business fail or why anyone would dismiss religion or even common wisdom as nonsense, you will likely find your answers here. Site Use On the menu at the top, you will find topics or themes. Themes are arranged...

About - Site Use

Just Weighing


Just Weighing is a collection of verses and prose by Terry Trueman and Vincent Triola, providing thoughts on various topics. The site serves as a thematically driven set of understandings for issues presented in novels, publications, and sites like Christian Pollution. If you want to understand why your best efforts in business fail or why anyone would dismiss religion or even common wisdom as nonsense, you will likely find your answers here.

Site Use

On the menu at the top, you will find topics or themes. Themes are arranged without chronology to allow reading to flow without having to search for prior topics. We add new topic consistently so subscribing to the email list will give you the latest articles.

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