Just Weighing
Just Weighing
The average Christian is so mind-numbingly out of touch with reality that their ability to function proves amazing. Made ignorant by the religion that tells them to turn a blind eye to criticism, they hinge on illiteracy as they repeat their zombie-like questioning and, worse yet, arrogantly believe they made a point. Herein, the answers to those questions list, and though the hopeless Christian will never read them, this article relieves me of the task of individually answering their moronic, flawed questioning. Why do you blame all Christians when it is...

Christian Fraud

The Top Four Stupid Questions Christians Ask

FAQ for Stupid Christians

Updated on October 12, 2024
Published: October 22, 2022
5 Minute Read Time

The average Christian is so mind-numbingly out of touch with reality that their ability to function proves amazing. Made ignorant by the religion that tells them to turn a blind eye to criticism, they hinge on illiteracy as they repeat their zombie-like questioning and, worse yet, arrogantly believe they made a point. Herein, the answers to those questions list, and though the hopeless Christian will never read them, this article relieves me of the task of individually answering their moronic, flawed questioning.

  1. Why do you blame all Christians when it is just the evangelicals?

I don’t even know how Christians can keep making this argument. At first, I thought the numbers might be a bit confusing, but the longer I look at them, the more I realize that to argue that the “bad” Christians or Christian nationalists are all evangelical would mean that they are willfully ignorant of the Christians sitting beside them in the church who support these people. Pay attention, Christian! Pew Research reported that “52% of Catholics backed Republican Donald Trump,” a man who blatantly aimed his campaign at white, racist Christian evangelical Nationalists.”[i] Many Catholics have long voted Republican since the sixties maintaining the 50% Republican trend since that time.[ii] [iii] 

Similarly, Protestants voted 56% Republican since about 2006.[iv] Mainstream Christian religions follow about the same trend with a little more than half voting Republican (a party aimed almost exclusively at white evangelicals!) Unsurprisingly, white Evangelical voters supported Trump in 2020 to the tune of about 76% to 81%, depending on the survey in question.[v]

Here it is, Christian! The truth about your religion and evangelicals: though white evangelicals vote mostly Republican, they comprise “one-fourth of all voters,” far from the numbers needed to win an election split between two parties unless half or more of the “good” Christians are voting with them.[vi]

Not only does the evangelical prove to be a scapegoat, but the numbers also show the majority of Christians vote for racist, Christian Nationalists.

  1. Why are you prejudiced against Christians, when there are millions of diverse Christians?

Christians love to pretend they are part of some highly diverse group that cannot be lumped together for being completely different. US Christians are not diverse in any sense of the word, all sharing the same ridiculous beliefs in degrees of interpretation and orthodoxy. This question, more than any other, burns my ass because the same Christians who claim this idea love to point to Black American Christians and use them as an example, knowing that Black Americans suffered such racism they were forced to create their own Christian churches, that tend to be more liberal than mainstream sects. If every Christian believes Jesus died for their sins, believes in God, and believes in scripture in varying degrees, then they are far less diverse than they claim. In fact, mainstream Christian sects share most of the same values listed here:

In fact, the only diversity amongst Christians is the orthodoxy of their shared beliefs. One might say that the only real diversity amongst Christians is their degree of orthodoxy, dividing them into sects founded on interpretations of their shared beliefs. For this reason, Christians refer to themselves as Christians and everyone else as nonbelievers. Clearly, a diverse group.

  1. Why do you blame all Christians when those who are guilty of what you say are not “true” Christians?

Ah, yes, the No True Christian fallacy. Inundated almost daily with this claim, my laughter disappeared long ago, answering this nonsense. Let me be clear for all the dumb Christians:

There is no standard for calling oneself a Christian other than saying (not proving) they believe and follow Christianity.

The mind of the Christian struggles to understand this idea because, in their cultural and moral-centric worldview, they deem themselves the "true" followers since they follow the "true" Christianity despite the “untrue” Christians reading, interpreting, and believing the same damn God, Jesus, and bible. The evidence of this flawed ridiculous thinking abundantly surrounds Christians, too dense with irrationality to see, in the form of hundreds if not thousands of different sects: all calling themselves Christians for believing they have cornered the market on Christian truth. Thus, bringing us to the final question…

  1. You must know calling Christians stupid and mindless is an ad hominem attack, so why the name-calling?

    Perhaps the most amusing and telling question asked by Christians, this accusation of ad hominem layers with meaning concerning the true nature of Christians. Ad hominem defines as “against the person,” meaning an attack against the person rather than her argument. Christians love using this fallacy because when looked up by other Christians or by those hoodwinked into believing Christians argue philosophically, the jargon’s definition becomes a rhetorical device, persuading them to see the Christian as innocent of the accusation –– more importantly, that the Christian is correct. If the Christian were to argue, calling the person rude, this accusation does not definitively sidestep what the person claims.

    Just because I call you stupid does not mean you are not stupid.

    Christians often deliberately misuse or misstate the ad hominem fallacy in an attempt to negate the person's argument, evidenced by their application of this fallacy to name-calling, indicating they understand the meaning.

    If I call a Christian a liar because they are lying, that is not ad hominem. Calling a Christian a liar is only ad hominem if falsely used to counter their argument, i.e.,

    Christian says, “Christians are diverse people.”

    An ad hominem attacker says, “Well, you’re a liar, so we cannot believe your argument.”

    Ad hominem attacks the person, not the argument.

    Calling Christians liars for misusing the ad hominem fallacy is not ad hominem; it is just telling the truth.

    Calling Christians mindless illiterates because they ask stupid questions after not reading articles is not ad hominem; it is just telling the truth.

    Calling Christians dumb for needing an FAQ because they are too dumb to understand the articles written about them is not ad hominem; it is just telling the truth.

    [i] Smith, G. (2020). 8 facts about Catholics and politics in the U.S.

    [ii] Sullivan, R. D. (2020, October 20). Explainer: A brief history of the Catholic Vote in the United States. Retrieved from America: The Jesuit Review.

    [iii] NEWPORT, F. (2020, NOVEMBER 13). Religious Group Voting and the 2020 Election. Retrieved from Gallup.

    [iv] SCIUPAC, E. P., & SMITH, G. A. (2018, NOVEMBER 7). How religious groups voted in the midterm elections. Retrieved from Pew Research Center.

    [v] NEWPORT, F. (2020, NOVEMBER 13). Religious Group Voting and the 2020 Election….

    [vi] Ibid.

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