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Just Weighing
In a recent decision, the United States Supreme Court has scrapped what is known as the

The Danger of Liberal Fascists

How Scrapping the Lemon Test Opens the Door for Fascism

A Shift in the Supreme Court's Approach to Religion and Government

Updated on March 6, 2025
Published: March 6, 2025
2 Minute Read Time

In a recent decision, the United States Supreme Court has scrapped what is known as the "Lemon test," an important legal standard that was established in 1971. This ruling sets the stage for greater religious influence on government actions, potentially opening the door to fascism.

The Lemon Test: An Explanation

Before we delve into how the scrapping of the Lemon test may lead to fascism, let's first understand what this test entails. The Lemon test was a three-part standard that courts had used since 1971 to determine whether government actions touching upon religion were constitutional. These three parts included:

1. A "secular legislative purpose," meaning the action should not primarily promote religious beliefs or practices.
2. It should neither advance nor inhibit religion, meaning it shouldn't favor one religion over another or favor religion over non-religion (and vice versa).
3. It must avoid fostering "an excessive government entanglement with religion," meaning the government should not be too involved in religious matters.

The Supreme Court's Decision: A Step Towards Fascism?

In a recent ruling, the Supreme Court sided with Kennedy v. Bremerton School District and effectively scrapped the Lemon test. This decision has raised concerns among many that it may pave the way for greater religious influence in government actions, which could potentially lead to fascist policies.

Real-World Examples: The Slippery Slope Towards Fascism

1. School Prayers and Religious Indoctrination

One example of how the scrapping of the Lemon test may lead to fascism is in the realm of education. Without the Lemon test's protections, schools could begin implementing religious prayer or indoctrination into their curriculum, favoring one religion over another, and potentially leading to the suppression of other beliefs. This scenario echoes many aspects of fascist regimes in history, where education was used as a tool for propaganda and indoctrination.

2. Government Funding of Religious Institutions

Another example is government funding allocated to religious institutions. In the absence of the Lemon test's limitations, taxpayer money could be directed towards building or maintaining churches, mosques, or other religious buildings, favoring one religion over another and fostering an excessive entanglement between government and religion. This type of policy has been a hallmark of many fascist regimes throughout history.

The Importance of Safeguarding Against Fascism

The Supreme Court's decision to scrapping the Lemon test is a concerning shift in how courts will assess government actions involving religion. Without these protections, there is potential for greater religious influence on government decisions, which could open the door for fascist policies. It is crucial that citizens remain vigilant and advocate for legal standards that protect against such encroachments on their freedoms.

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