Just Weighing
Just Weighing
The joyful, happy ho-ho-fuckin’-ho TV fantasyland of commercials with people in ugly X-mas’ sweaters and smiling faces is, in my experience, a cruel myth. It is a torturous journey into the bowels of perdition, an annual ritual of agony, misery, and a horrifying reality. Fuck da holidays. If you're like me, you might dread the annual family gatherings that come with the holiday season. You know, the ones where you must smile politely while your uncle rants about politics, your cousin brags about her perfect life, and your grandma asks...

The Filthy Beauty of Culture

Family Holiday Filthy Inelegance: Joyful, Happy, Ho-Fuckin-Ho!

Benefits of Being Alone on Holidays

Updated on February 15, 2025
Published: January 4, 2024
2 Minute Read Time

The joyful, happy ho-ho-fuckin’-ho TV fantasyland of commercials with people in ugly X-mas’ sweaters and smiling faces is, in my experience, a cruel myth. It is a torturous journey into the bowels of perdition, an annual ritual of agony, misery, and a horrifying reality. Fuck da holidays.

If you're like me, you might dread the annual family gatherings that come with the holiday season. You know, the ones where you must smile politely while your uncle rants about politics, your cousin brags about her perfect life, and your grandma asks you why you're still unemployed. You might wonder if there's a better way to spend your precious time off than enduring these awkward and stressful conversations.

What are the benefits of hiding out for the holidays when you know you and family disagree about many things?

Hunkering down

Well, I'm here to tell you that there is! It's called hunkering down at home alone, and it's the best thing you can do for yourself and your sanity. Here are some of the benefits of this radical act of self-care:

  1. You get to avoid all the drama and conflict that comes with family gatherings. No more arguing, no more judging, no more feeling like you don't belong. You get to enjoy peace and quiet in your own space, without having to compromise or conform to anyone else's expectations.
  2. You get to save money and time. Think of all the expenses and hassle that go into traveling, buying gifts, dressing up, and hosting or attending parties. Now imagine how much you could save if you skipped all that and stayed home instead. You could use that money and time for something more meaningful or fun, like investing in a hobby, taking a course, or treating yourself to something nice.
  3. You get to do whatever you want. This is your chance to indulge in your favorite activities, whether it's binge-watching a show, reading a book, playing a game, or sleeping in. You don't have to worry about pleasing anyone else or following any rules. You can eat what you want, wear what you want, and listen to what you want. You can be yourself, without any guilt or pressure.
  4. You get to recharge your batteries. The holidays can be exhausting, especially if you're an introvert or a highly sensitive person. You might feel drained by all the noise, crowds, and stimulation. By staying home alone, you can give yourself a break and restore your energy and mood. You can also use this time to reflect on your life, set goals, or practice gratitude. You can make this a meaningful and rewarding experience for yourself.
  5. You don't have to deal with any drama, arguments, or conflicts that might arise from being with mean people. You don't have to pretend to like their gifts, their jokes, their opinions, or their company. You don't have to worry about hurting their feelings or offending them by being yourself.

So, there you have it: four benefits of hunkering down at home alone for the holidays. Of course, this doesn't mean that you must cut off all contact with your family or friends. You can still keep in touch with them through phone calls, texts, or video chats if you’re a true glutton for punishment. You can also send them cards or gifts if you want to show them some love. But remember that you don't owe anyone your presence or your happiness. You have the right to choose what's best for you and your well-being.

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