Writing Writers Who Write: Discussing the Craft of Writing

Learning to Write

Learning to write can be a daunting task. There is much misinformation surrounding writing, worsened by the internet. Learning to write is more than just grammar and punctuation and this artistry is often lost in the desire to quickly produce content. Writing is not only a skill, but also a craft requiring creativity, imagination, and expression. You must find your voice, your style, and your message. It demands attention, dedication, and practice.

Writing can be a daunting task, but it can also be a rewarding and fulfilling one.

This blog is here to help you learn how to write effectively. You will find helpful and reliable advice on how to improve your writing skills and techniques. You will learn how to avoid common writing mistakes and pitfalls. You will discover how to use grammar, punctuation, vocabulary, and syntax to enhance your writing. You will also explore different types of writing, such as fiction, non-fiction, poetry, academic, business, and more.

But this blog is not only about teaching you how to write, but also how to enjoy writing. You will find inspiring and motivating stories and tips from other writers who have overcome their writing challenges and achieved their writing goals. You will learn how to find your passion, your purpose, and your audience for your writing. You will also get suggestions on how to make your writing fun, interesting, and original.

If you want to learn how to write better and have fun doing it, you have come to the right place. This blog will help you become the writer you want to be. 😊

Fallacies & Rhetorical Devices: Thank You for Smoking

Vincent Triola
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Fallacies & Rhetorical Devices: Thank You for Smoking

A Complete Guide to Understanding & Using Rhetorical Analysis

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A Complete Guide to Understanding & Using Rhetorical Analysis

Leprechauns: The Modern Iteration

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Leprechauns: The Modern Iteration

Streamline Your Writing: A Pleonasm Survival Guide

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Streamline Your Writing: A Pleonasm Survival Guide

Death of the Centaur in Modern Literature

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Death of the Centaur in Modern Literature

The Power of Narrative: A Comprehensive Guide to Defining Narratology

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The Power of Narrative: A Comprehensive Guide to Defining Narratology

Boost Your Creative Writing Skills with Action-Packed Gerunds, Adjectives, & Adverbs‍

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Boost Your Creative Writing Skills with Action-Packed Gerunds, Adjectives, & Adverbs‍

How to Embark on The Write Journey to Writing Success

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From Zero to Hero: How to Embark on The Write Journey to Writing Success

Exploring Human Existence: Writing from an Existential Perspective

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Exploring Human Existence: Writing from an Existential Perspective

Why you won't sell books on Social Media

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Why you won't sell books on Social Media

Unleash Your Creativity: Mastering the Art of Writing with Inverse Language Techniques

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Unleash Your Creativity: Mastering the Art of Writing with Inverse Language Techniques

Adverbs: Misunderstood, Abused, & Powerful Tools

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Adverbs: Misunderstood, Abused, & Powerful Tools

Strategies to Handle Publisher Rejection & Not Give Up The Writing Dream

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Strategies to Handle Publisher Rejection & Not Give Up The Writing Dream

How to Deal with Writing Pet Peeves & Learn from Them

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Pet Peeves in Our Writing World

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How to Avoid Pedantic Editing & Create Original, Stylish Writing

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How To Avoid Becoming a Pedantic Editor or Unoriginal Writer

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Writing isn’t some mystical mystery

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Writing isn’t some mystical mystery

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Writing's Struggles & Joys - Advice From an Old writer

How to Write a Story That Comes True by Lying to Yourself

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Nude Yoga & Android Servants

Persuasive Writing: The Key to Successful Writing

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The Need to Write Persuasively

Thinking first-person POV is lazy writing isn’t wrong — it’s stupid.

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Thinking first-person POV is lazy writing isn’t wrong — it’s stupid.

How Ignoring Theme Ruined the Asexual, Female, Blue Alien Story

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The Asexual, Female, Blue Alien

Learn to Write Mosaic Poetry To Improve All Verse

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Writing Mosaic Poetry

How to Stop Undermining Your Writing with Faux Humility

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How Writing Teaches You: The Craft and the Lessons

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What the Craft of Writing Teaches

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The Secret of Writing Engaging Free Verse: Syllabic Poetry

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Christians, Christian T. Roll, & Thoughts on Satire

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Christians, Christian T. Roll, & Thoughts on Satire