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Christian Pollution

Christian Idiocy

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MORE OF Christian idiocy

How Believing & Calling Yourself A Christian Makes You Stupid

Many people view faith as an essential source of comfort and solace during challenging times, but others argue that it can actually stifle intellectual development by discouraging skepticism and independent thought.

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How Christians Become Idiots

The Christian faith often leads individuals to abandon rational thought processes, resulting in irrational and dangerous behaviors.

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The Intellectual Consequences of Christianity

Christians tend to have difficulty making sound decisions, often lacking a sense of empathy towards others due to their religious beliefs that can blind them from practical realities.

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Believing Christianity Will Make You Gullible Enough to Believe Anything

If you accept the Christian story, you may also be inclined to believe in other fanciful tales without applying reasonable skepticism.

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Childhood Idiocy & Christian MAGA Greatness

Christianity steals rational thought, instilling superstitious beliefs and magical thinking. Those who believe in Christianity are vulnerable to any irrational ideas.

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Christian Success Formula

Christianity claims to offer all the answers for life's problems, including how to be successful, yet hardly anyone becomes rich by being a Christian because preaching the wonders of hard work and prayer simply don't cut it in today's world.

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Christian Idiocy Strikes Again! The Monsters of Patriarchy

Are you really that gullible to believe that males are superior and should hold all power positions while females are second-class citizens with no rights or freedoms?

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Women & The Christian Trap

The Christian tradition has historically been used as a tool to control and limit the rights of women, creating a trap that prevents them from fully participating in social, economic, and political life.

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Christian Politics

Christians believe in Jesus Christ as their savior and rely on him for guidance. However, this statement implies that those who do not adhere to Christianity are wrong or bad people, which is a false assumption. Furthermore, making laws based on religious beliefs can lead to discrimination against individuals or groups with different faiths or no faith at all, which is unjust and inhumane.

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