Just Weighing
Just Weighing
Not Just Crazy — Christian Crazy It should come as no shock that the same people who believe the bible holds the truth of creation and salvation are the same people who believe every conspiracy theory. Christianity is a fiction and if you allow yourself to believe and base your life's decision-making on this fiction you are apt to believe anything.

Christian Idiocy

Believing Christianity Will Make You Gullible Enough to Believe Anything

How Christian Beliefs Lead to Complete nonsensical Ideas

Updated on March 6, 2025
Published: March 6, 2024
4 Minute Read Time

Not Just Crazy Christian Crazy

It should come as no shock that the same people who believe the bible holds the truth of creation and salvation are the same people who believe every conspiracy theory. Christianity is a fiction and if you allow yourself to believe and base your life's decision-making on this fiction you are apt to believe anything.

"You know, the moon landing was a Hollywood set-up, and the same director helped fake the world’s roundness. It’s all connected to the flat Earth truth they’re hiding!"

"I’ve done my research, and it’s clear that all historical events are orchestrated by the Illuminati. They’ve got their hands in everything, from the pyramids to the stock market crashes!"

According to Dr David Roberson, the connections between religion and conspiracy theories in the US have been increasingly obvious since the election of President Trump in 2016, and even more so since the emergence of COVID-19 in early 2020. From the New Age improv of the “Q Shaman”, Jake Angeli, to op eds on “the cult of Trump”, to the Washington Post article from February last year describing a “rapid spread” of vaccine conspiracy theories among evangelical groups on social media, the two are increasingly frequently connected in popular discourse.

"Don’t get me started on vaccines. They’re just a ploy to implant tracking devices. Big Pharma is in cahoots with tech giants to monitor our every move!"

"Miracles are not myths; they’re suppressed truths. The pharmaceutical industry knows that prayer can heal, but they hide this fact to keep selling their drugs. It’s all part of the plan to undermine faith and make us reliant on science."

"The so-called ‘renewable energy’ movement is a hoax. It’s just a distraction from the fact that they’ve already discovered free energy, but they’re suppressing it to maintain their power!"

Conspiracy theories have a long history, and as Dr. Robertson states, they "have been increasingly obvious" after the 2016 presidential election. Clearly, Trump gave liscense to the conspiracy believers, who did not start believing Qanon and other madness, but simply felt they could voice their nonsense without fear. In the Christian-dominated USA, the intersection of these conspiracy believers, politics, and religion should be obvious.

"The scriptures are infallible, and they warn us about the end times. That’s why I believe the government’s hiding the truth about the apocalypse. They know it’s coming because they’ve decoded the prophecies!"

"Angels and demons are real, and so are aliens—they’re just misinterpreted beings from the spiritual realm. The government’s secret space program is in contact with the Anunnaki, and they’re using this knowledge to control world events."

"Chemtrails aren’t just for weather control; they’re part of a grand scheme to manipulate our minds. It’s the government’s way of keeping us in check with the aliens they’ve made deals with."

"The Tower of Babel was the first attempt at a New World Order, and today’s international summits are just a modern version of it. They’re trying to unite us under one world religion to pave the way for the Antichrist, as foretold."

"Every major religion speaks of a great flood, and that’s no coincidence. The global elite are using climate change as a cover-up for the second Great Deluge they’re orchestrating through weather manipulation technologies."

Most Christians believe their religion is founded on love, but in reality Christianity is based on obedience. Faith is an act of unquestioning obedience to an idea. You either have faith or you don't. What millions, if not most Christians, miss about this idea as they laugh at their fellow dinosaur deniers or admonish their racist counterparts like the KKK, who are a Christian sect, is the fact that their willingness to interpret Christianity violates the word of God since it all written right there in the bible. The Christian faith dilemma becomes clear that if you choose to believe in the innerant word of the bible, you condemn yourself to believing insane, contradictory, and ridiculous theories such as creationism, or, you can interpret the bible and god and by virtue of rationalizing the unsavory parts of the religion, you condemn yourself to the same fate of believing nonsense. Unlike your creationist sibling, you are not limited to the bible, and you can find ways to believe anything from Bigfoot to aliens conspiring with the government.

There is nothing complicated about the abundance of conspiracy theories today. If you are willing to believe, that Jesus was sent by God to die for our sins and that this was the only way a supreme being could help humans, then you are apt to believe any fiction you are told, like trillions of babies being murdered daily, Trump fighting a secret war against liberal pedophiles controlling the government, the liberals trying to take all your guns so you will be defenceless when they declare martial law...ad infinitum.

If you reject the fiction of Christianity, you are infinitely less likely to believe any conspiracy fiction.

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