Just Weighing
Just Weighing
Politicians are parasitic organisms that latch onto the host society, exploiting its resources and constituents for their survival and success. They may initially seem benign or even beneficial, drawing support from various groups within the population; however, over time, they can drain vitality from their host. Just as parasites can weaken and consume their hosts, some politicians may prioritize their own interests and agendas, draining resources, eroding trust, and undermining the overall health of society. While not all politicians fit this description, those who act in a parasitic manner can...

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Politicians, Pundits, & Other Parasites

Parasitic Politics

Their Corruption & Selfishness

Politicians are parasitic organisms that latch onto the host society, exploiting its resources and constituents for their survival and success. They may initially seem benign or even beneficial, drawing support from various groups within the population; however, over time, they can drain vitality from their host. Just as parasites can weaken and consume their hosts, some politicians may prioritize their own interests and agendas, draining resources, eroding trust, and undermining the overall health of society. While not all politicians fit this description, those who act in a parasitic manner can create significant harm to their communities, causing lasting damage that can be difficult to repair.


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How The Two-Party System Promotes Elitism in America

Unveiling the hidden agendas in American politics, this article explores the influence of wealthy constituents and interest groups on party policies, shedding light on the bias inherent in the system.

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Empathy Tricks of the GOP Trade

Why empathy and sentimentality matter for our politics and culture, and how the GOP deceives us with melodrama that appeals to our emotions.

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How We Can Embrace Our Political Fears

The role of fear in political identity and the impact of black and white thinking on our lives. This document investigates how fear of different political ideologies can influence our sense of who we are and what we value. It also defends the idea that fear can be beneficial for human well-being and social harmony. It then explores the phenomenon of black and white thinking, a cognitive style that categorizes the world into extremes. It explains how this thinking style can help us in some scenarios, but also hurt us in others. It recommends some strategies to overcome black and white thinking and cultivate a more realistic outlook.

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Let’s Throw Open the Borders Fellow Stoners

We can find a way to deal with our silly and nervous feelings about immigration by looking at how drug policies changed to more kind methods.

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Mediocre Maga GOP Man & The 2024 Election: Killing Your kids to own the Elitist Libs

Exposing the absurdity and hypocrisy of the MAGA/GOP, who are so obsessed with defeating the elitist libs in 2024 that they are ready to endanger their own children’s lives. From anti-vaxxers to QAnon believers, these fanatics are blindly following Trump’s lies and conspiracy theories, even if it means losing their loved ones.

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Make Earth Great Again: Trump's New Space Deal

When alien landlords descend upon Earth, President Trump attempts to sublet the entire planet, risking our eviction. Can he pay the cosmic rent, or are we destined to find a new home among the stars?

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Political Divisions: Redefining Liberal & Conservative

The political landscape has changed. Conservative vs liberal, policy and party, are no longer important. What matters now is whether you stand for democratic principles or MAGA Trumpian authoritarianism.

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Political Parties & Immigration: The Black & White Thinking of the Two-Party System

In America, power is largely divided between two parties: the Democrats and Republicans, who control most elected offices. This two-party system has shaped U.S. politics for much of its history and is a distinctive feature of democratic nations. While this system offers certain benefits, it also has notable shortcomings, especially when dealing with complex issues like immigration.

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Republicans Want Privatized Medicine & They're Willing to Bet Your Life to Make Money

COVID reveals that the only thing the Republicans can make better is the number of people who die from their lack of readiness. They also want you to buy into their economic plans that work only for them, even if they endanger your life. By lying, downplaying, and profiting from COVID, the GOP caused many unnecessary deaths.

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The GOP Weaponization of Justice & How the History of Police Shows this Vulnerability

The GOP, which professes to be the party of law and order, uses the police as a tool for its political interests, by spreading fear and attacking the most marginalized groups.

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The Inequality of Democracy

A critique of the impact of inequality on democracy in the US, exploring the historical and structural causes of inequality, the problems and prospects for representation and empowerment of various groups, and the effects and challenges of interest groups and political parties in the policy arena.

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The MAGA Hiding in Freud’s Primal Horde: A Tale of Conformity

The primal horde is represented by MAGAs, who highlight the difference between conformity and independence. Conformists, who are scared of the obstacles and risks of independent achievement, choose political conformity, which causes negative consequences, as seen in the MAGA example.

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What Trump Taught Us About the Line-Item Veto: The Risk to American Democracy

A discussion of the arguments for and against the line-item veto, a power that enables the president to reduce wasteful spending, but also to undermine the congressional process, and how former President Donald Trump exemplified the problems and challenges of this power.

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Why Do Many Working-Class & Poor Support the Republican Party Given They Are Least Likely To Benefit?

This article investigates the perplexing phenomenon of poor and working-class people’s support for the Republican Party, which often worsens their outcomes. It looks at the different factors that affect political choices, such as social class, education, religion, race, and nationalism. It also uncovers the inconsistency and danger of the Republican Party’s position on matters such as big government, individualism, economic policies, political instability, and Christian nationalism.

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