Just Weighing
Just Weighing
Table of Contents The role that racism plays in USA attitudes towards illegal immigration. What are some of the possible benefits to having open borders in the USA? How did USA attitudes towards legalization of marijuana happen? How did the USA go from being a country that criminalized marijuana to one that is gradually legalizing it? Summary You might be wondering, what do drug policies have to do with immigration? Well, let me explain. For a long time, the United States has been waging a war on drugs, criminalizing and...

Parasitic Politics

Let’s Throw Open the Borders Fellow Stoners

What we can learn from the changes in American drug policies to improve our attitudes towards our supposed illegal immigration problems.

Updated on November 3, 2024
Published: December 16, 2023
13 Minute Read Time

You might be wondering, what do drug policies have to do with immigration? Well, let me explain. For a long time, the United States has been waging a war on drugs, criminalizing and incarcerating millions of people for using, possessing, or selling substances that are deemed illegal. This approach has been costly, ineffective, and harmful for many communities, especially those of color and low-income.

However, in recent years, there has been a shift in public opinion and policy towards a more humane and evidence-based approach to drug use and addiction. Many states have legalized or decriminalized cannabis, some have decriminalized other drugs, and some have implemented harm reduction programs such as needle exchange and safe injection sites. These changes have been driven by a recognition that drug use is a health issue, not a criminal one, and that people who use drugs deserve compassion, respect, and support, not punishment and stigma.

So, what can we learn from this example for our immigration issues? Well, I think we can apply the same principles of humanity, evidence, and compassion to our attitudes towards people who cross the border without authorization. Instead of demonizing them as criminals, invaders, or threats, we can acknowledge them as human beings who are seeking a better life for themselves and their families. Instead of spending billions of dollars on building walls, detaining, and deporting them, we can invest in creating pathways to citizenship, providing humanitarian aid, and addressing the root causes of migration. Instead of blaming them for our social and economic problems, we can appreciate their contributions to our society and culture.

I believe that by changing our attitudes towards our supposed illegal immigration problems, we can create a more just, peaceful, and prosperous society for everyone. I hope you agree with me, or at least are willing to consider my perspective.

The real cause of illegal immigration issues is the US economic system. As you may know, the US is a country of immigrants, who have contributed to its growth and diversity for centuries. But immigration is also a source of challenges and controversies, especially in recent years. So how does the US economic system affect immigration patterns and problems?

First, the US economic system is a mixed economy, which means that it combines elements of capitalism and socialism. On one hand, the US has a free market system, where businesses and individuals can supposedly compete and innovate with minimal government intervention. On the other hand, the US also has a welfare state, where the government provides some public goods and services, such as education, health care, social security, and unemployment benefits. The US economic system has both positive and negative impacts on immigration. On the positive side, the US economy offers many opportunities for immigrants to work, study, and start businesses. The US is known for its entrepreneurial culture, its technological innovation, and its diverse labor market. Many immigrants come to the US in search of better living standards, higher education, and more freedom. Some of them become successful entrepreneurs, scientists, artists, or leaders. For example, did you know that Google, eBay, Tesla, and PayPal were all founded or co-founded by immigrants?

On the negative side, the US economic system also creates some problems for immigration. One of them is income inequality. The US has one of the highest levels of income inequality among developed countries, which means that there is a big gap between the rich and the poor. This gap affects both native-born and foreign-born Americans, but it is especially hard for immigrants who face discrimination, exploitation, and lack of access to resources. Another problem is unemployment. The US economy is constantly changing due to globalization, automation, and innovation. This means that some jobs are lost or replaced by new ones. This affects both native-born and foreign-born workers, but it is especially challenging for immigrants who may have less education, skills, or language proficiency.

So what can we do to address these issues? Well, there is no easy answer, but I think we need to have a more balanced and humane approach to immigration policy. We need to recognize the benefits of immigration for the US economy and society, but we also need to protect the rights and interests of both native-born and foreign-born Americans. We need to welcome immigrants who can contribute to our country's development and diversity.  We need to support immigrants who want to integrate and succeed in our country.

The role that racism plays in USA attitudes towards illegal immigration.

Racism is the belief that one's race or ethnicity is superior or inferior to another's, and that this difference justifies discrimination, prejudice, or violence. Racism can take many forms, such as stereotypes, slurs, hate crimes, or systemic oppression. Racism can also affect how people view immigration and immigrants.

Some Americans may have racist attitudes towards illegal immigrants, especially those who come from Latin America, Asia, Africa, or the Middle East. These attitudes may stem from fear, ignorance, resentment, or nationalism. Some examples of racist attitudes are:

- Believing that illegal immigrants are criminals, terrorists, or drug dealers who threaten the security and safety of the US.

- Believing that illegal immigrants are lazy, uneducated, or unskilled who take away jobs and resources from Americans.

- Believing that illegal immigrants are invaders, parasites, or aliens who do not belong in the US and who do not share American values or culture.

- Believing that illegal immigrants are inferior or subhuman who deserve to be mistreated, exploited, or deported.

These racist attitudes may influence how Americans support or oppose certain policies or actions regarding illegal immigration. For instance, some Americans may support building a wall along the border, enforcing harsher penalties for illegal entry, separating families at detention centers, or denying asylum or citizenship to illegal immigrants. Some Americans may oppose granting amnesty, providing humanitarian aid, offering legal protection, or creating pathways to legalization for illegal immigrants. All of these red-blooded, Apple pie and Chevrolet views and attitudes are essentially dumb-ass Nazi shit at their core.

Not all Americans who have negative views on illegal immigration are racist. However, it is important to recognize and challenge racism when it exists in the discourse and debate on illegal immigration. Racism is not only harmful to the dignity and rights of immigrants, but also to the values and ideals of the US as a nation of immigrants. Racism is not compatible with democracy, justice, or liberty. Racism is not what America stands for.

Do you ever wonder if some politicians are playing on the hidden biases of their supporters by spreading negative stereotypes about undocumented immigrants. Let’s explore the concept of unconscious racism and how it can be used as a political tool to manipulate public opinion and gain votes. Unconscious racism, also known as implicit bias, is the tendency to have automatic and often unconscious associations between certain groups of people and certain traits or characteristics. For example, you might associate black people with crime, Muslims with terrorism, or women with weakness. These associations are not necessarily based on facts or personal experiences, but rather on social stereotypes and media representations that we are exposed to from an early age.

Unconscious racism can affect our attitudes, behaviors, and decisions in subtle and sometimes surprising ways. For instance, studies have shown that people with unconscious racial biases are more likely to perceive black faces as angry or threatening, to shoot at unarmed black suspects in a simulated video game, or to give harsher sentences to black defendants in a mock trial.

But how does unconscious racism relate to politics? Well, some politicians may use unconscious racism to their advantage by appealing to the fears and prejudices of their voters. They may do this by casting aspersions on illegal immigrants, implying that they are criminals, terrorists, or freeloaders who threaten the security, economy, and culture of the nation. By doing so, they may create a sense of urgency and crisis that motivates their supporters to vote for them as the only ones who can protect them from the perceived danger. (Lookin’ at you GOP/MAGA’s)

This strategy is not new. In fact, it has been used throughout history by various leaders and regimes to justify discrimination, oppression, and even genocide. For example, Hitler used unconscious racism to scapegoat Jews for Germany's problems and to rally support for his Nazi ideology. Similarly, in Rwanda, Hutu extremists used unconscious racism to incite hatred and violence against the Tutsi minority, leading to the 1994 genocide.

The problem with using unconscious racism as a political tool is that it not only exploits the ignorance and irrationality of the masses, but also reinforces and perpetuates the existing stereotypes and inequalities in society. It creates a vicious cycle of fear, hatred, and division that undermines democracy, human rights, and social justice. It also prevents us from recognizing and addressing the real causes and solutions of the complex issues that we face as a global community.

What can we do to counteract unconscious racism and its negative effects on politics? One possible way is to educate ourselves and others about the nature and impact of unconscious racism. We can learn to recognize our own implicit biases and challenge them with facts and evidence. We can also expose ourselves to diverse perspectives and experiences that challenge our stereotypes and broaden our horizons. We can also hold our politicians accountable for their words and actions, and demand that they use their power responsibly and ethically.

Unconscious racism is a serious problem that affects us all. But we can overcome it if we are willing to acknowledge it, confront it, and change it. By doing so, we can create a more fair, inclusive, and peaceful world for ourselves and future generations.

What are some of the possible benefits to having open borders in the USA?

I want to talk about a controversial issue that has been debated for a long time: open borders. What would happen if the USA allowed anyone to enter and leave the country without any restrictions or barriers? Here are some of the possible benefits that I think open borders could bring to the USA:

- Economic growth: According to some economists, open borders could boost the global economy by trillions of dollars, as people would be able to move freely to where their skills and talents are most needed and valued. This would increase productivity, innovation, and trade, as well as reduce poverty and inequality. The USA, as one of the richest and most powerful countries in the world, could benefit greatly from this influx of human capital and diversity.

- Cultural enrichment: Open borders could also enrich the cultural landscape of the USA, as people from different backgrounds, cultures, and traditions would interact and exchange ideas, values, and experiences. This would foster mutual understanding, tolerance, and appreciation among different groups of people, as well as create new forms of art, music, literature, cuisine, and more. The USA, as a nation of immigrants, has always been shaped by its diversity and multiculturalism, and open borders could enhance this aspect of its identity.

- Human rights: Open borders could also improve the human rights situation of millions of people around the world, who are fleeing from war, violence, persecution, oppression, or poverty. By allowing them to enter the USA without any barriers or obstacles, they would have a chance to find safety, freedom, dignity, and opportunity. The USA, as a leader of democracy and human rights, could uphold its values and principles by welcoming those who seek refuge and asylum.

How did USA attitudes towards legalization of marijuana happen? How did the USA go from being a country that criminalized marijuana to one that is gradually legalizing it?

Cannabis, also called marijuana, weed, pot, or ganja, is a plant with substances that can change how the user feels, thinks, and sees things. People have used it for health, fun, and religious reasons in many parts of the world for a long time. But in the USA, cannabis has been against the law at the national level since 1937, when the government passed the Marihuana Tax Act. This law made people pay a lot of money and face legal trouble if they wanted to buy or have cannabis, making it very hard and dangerous to use.

The reasons behind this law are complex and controversial, but some of the factors that influenced it were racial prejudice, political pressure, moral panic, and economic interests. For example, some people believed that marijuana made users violent and insane, especially among minorities and immigrants. Others saw marijuana as a threat to the profits of industries such as alcohol, tobacco, and pharmaceuticals. And some politicians used marijuana as a scapegoat to gain votes and power.

For decades, the USA enforced a harsh policy of prohibition and repression against marijuana users and sellers, leading to millions of arrests, incarcerations, and ruined lives. The war on drugs also had negative impacts on public health, civil rights, and international relations. Many people began to question the effectiveness and morality of this approach, especially as more scientific evidence emerged about the potential benefits and harms of marijuana.

The first major change in the USA's attitude towards marijuana came in 1996, when California became the first state to legalize medical marijuana. This allowed patients with certain conditions, such as cancer, AIDS, glaucoma, and chronic pain, to use marijuana with a doctor's recommendation. Since then, 35 more states and the District of Columbia have followed suit, creating a patchwork of laws and regulations that vary widely from state to state.

The next big shift came in 2012, when Colorado and Washington became the first states to legalize recreational marijuana. This meant that adults over 21 could use marijuana for any purpose without fear of legal consequences. Since then, 16 more states and the District of Columbia have joined them, creating a multibillion-dollar industry that generates jobs, taxes, and innovation. However, recreational marijuana remains illegal at the federal level, creating a conflict between state and federal laws that poses many challenges and uncertainties.

The USA's attitude towards marijuana is still evolving and changing. According to recent polls, about two-thirds of Americans support legalizing marijuana for both medical and recreational use. However, there are still many opponents who argue that marijuana is harmful to individuals and society. They cite concerns about addiction, mental health, impaired driving, youth access, crime, and environmental damage. They also point out that marijuana is still classified as a Schedule I drug by the federal government, meaning that it has no accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse.

The future of marijuana legalization in the USA is unclear and depends on many factors. Some of these factors are public opinion, scientific research, political will, legal challenges, economic incentives, social movements, and international trends. The debate is likely to continue for years to come as more states consider legalizing marijuana and more data becomes available about its effects.


The same prejudicial, bullshit arguments that finally dissolved in the face of simple facts and public perceptions, experiences, and attitudes regarding legalization of marijuana specifically and American drug policies generally, will eventually break down the present-day attitudes towards American immigration, including the boogeyman of illegal immigration.

The core issue underlying illegal immigration is racism, conscious and unconscious. The use of racist tropes and stereotype to divide Americans for political gain is shameful. Trump has led the charge into bigotry, hate, and stupidity, but has found a target rich environment among stupid and uneducated Americans, racist in ways that can’t even see in themselves. “Mexico’s not sending us their best, they’re sending rapists and murderers” “I’ll build a wall and make Mexico pay for it!” This shit is music to the ears of unhappy, dissatisfied morons living in the GOP, Christian nationalist, fascist information bubble. It’s the fault of all these brown immigrants that my third mortgage on my house taken out three years ago so I could buy everyone in our family a jet ski, has a giant balloon payment coming due soon. It used to be crazy dope fiends that were the cause of all things bad, but now let’s throw kids in cages and shoot anyone coming across the razor-wired boarder, that ought to solve the problem.

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