Just Weighing
Just Weighing
We spend most of life working without ever questioning the wisdom of this activity. Despite this obliviousness, a wisdom of work grows within and around the concept of

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The Wisdom of Work

What is work, career, and industry and what is the wisdom we should derive from them?

We spend most of life working without ever questioning the wisdom of this activity. Despite this obliviousness, a wisdom of work grows within and around the concept of "career" intended to help facilitate and maximize the various elements of this activity: productivity, motivation, etc. What if our understanding of work is completely wrong?

The conventional wisdom of work and career is questioned and challenged in articles that explore and critique the assumptions, beliefs, and values that underlie our understanding and practice of work. You will also find articles that propose and suggest alternative and radical ways of thinking and working.


MORE OF The wisdom of work

Do companies really need CEOs?

Examine the necessity of CEOs in modern organizations. By analyzing their impact on company value. Are these leaders necessary? Statistics say they are not worth the cost. CEO compensation requires a radical overhaul.

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Fiction & Life Colliding

Ambition is complex, multifaceted, and varies amongst people, but unfairness appears in companies of all sizes, in the form of nepotism, cronyism, favoritism, glass ceilings, racial bias, and other forms of inequality. These issues are not isolated incidents but rather standard practices in corporations. Companies may subject potential employees to rigorous hiring processes and deman ambition while simultaneously hiring overpriced CEOs and executives based solely on their reputation. The same rules that apply to workers and lower-level managers do not apply to CEOs, resulting in overpaid executives unable to generate a positive return on their compensation investment.

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Inequality, Life Chances, Upward Mobility, & the American Dream

How realistic is the American Dream? Examine the dream and how it influences the decisions and prospects of Americans in the present day. Challenges the myth surrounding this dream that can make people work their lives away for nothing.

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Productive & Counterproductive Behavior in Organizations: The Need to Measure Performance

Delve into how behavior, productive or otherwise, can influence your success in business or corporate advancement. Learn about the importance of gauging performance.

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The Difference Between Extrinsic & Intrinsic Motivation: Why It Matters

Understand the distinction between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation and how they influence behavior and performance. Learn how to apply both types of motivation suitably and flexibly in different fields and situations. Improve your performance and satisfaction by balancing extrinsic and intrinsic motivation.

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The Four Forms of Motivation: Extrinsic, Identified, Intrinsic, & Introjected

What motivates you to do what you do? In this article, you will learn about the four forms of motivation that influence human behavior: extrinsic, identified, intrinsic, and introjected. You will discover how these motivation forms originate from external or internal factors, lead to action or non-action, and have positive or negative consequences. You will also find out how to use these motivation forms wisely to enhance your performance and satisfaction in life.

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The Law of Effect: How Consequences Influence Behavior & Why Rewarding Yourself Doesn’t Motivate

Rewarding yourself may sound like a good idea to motivate yourself to do things you don’t like or find hard. But did you know that self-rewarding can actually harm your motivation, performance, and well-being? In this article, you will uncover the psychological concepts of the Law of Effect and operant conditioning, and how they show why self-rewarding doesn’t work. You will also find out about a better way to self-motivate: Drive Fulfillment. This is the process of achieving your desires and needs by creating practical strategies, rather than relying on external stimuli. Read on to discover how to implement Drive Fulfillment in your life and attain your goals.

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The Only Thing You Need to Know When Starting a Business

Ethics are a myth in business, especially when starting a new business. A realistic and sobering view of the business world, where corruption and exploitation are rampant. The author advises that the only thing you need to know when starting a business is your why, and that you should use it as a motivation and a justification for your actions, regardless of their impact on others.

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The Cost of Selling Ourselves: A Critical Look at the Role of Capitalism in Our Lives

Insights into the impact of external influences on self-improvement and the role of economic systems in shaping our lives and social interactions. In a world where we’re constantly bombarded with messages to sell ourselves, we need to step back and reevaluate the external influences that shape our lives and interactions.

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Unquestioning obedience, including jobs, will lead to slavery.

Many people have questioned the role of work in our lives and whether it is a form of modern slavery. Some see work as a necessary part of society and a source of satisfaction, while others feel trapped and unhappy in their jobs. The term “slavery” may not apply to work, since workers are not owned by anyone and can choose their occupation, but the feeling of hopelessness and despair may be similar.

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Unveiling the Pitfalls: Why Pay-for-Performance Fails to Deliver Long-Term Results

How effective are pay-for-performance systems in motivating employees? This article explores the problems of performance pay, suggesting that motivation needs better defining to undertand the inconsistencies in performance pay results.

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What are the similarities & differences between need theories?

Unravel the complexities of need theories in this comprehensive article. Discover how these theories, despite their differences, all agree on one premise: human behavior is motivated by internal and external needs.

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