Just Weighing
Cheaters Inc. delves into the dark side of the writing industry, revealing the consequences of cheating and plagiarism. Join us as we uncover the struggles of writers and offer insights into maintaining integrity in a commodified art form.
Criticisms of the US education system that produces an award winning writer and hack writer of essays and web content. The same education system that nurtured a teacher, counselor, and published author also victimized with teacher and student bullying, an essay writer paid by students to do their work for them.
CHEATERS INC. & DUMB LUCK LTD. ~ Chapter 2 continues the satirical saga, delving into the glamorous, not so glamorous, yet fleeting lifestyle of a writer. Vincent Triola and Terry Trueman humorously dissect the reality behind the dream, offering a cheeky glimpse into the world of literary aspiration.
CHEATERS INC. & DUMB LUCK LTD. ~ Chapter 3 confronts the stark reality of the writing dream, offering a humorous yet sobering perspective on the pursuit of literary success. Vincent Triola and Terry Trueman continue their satirical journey, examining how success is a very different reality for everyone.
Explore the raw and unfiltered truths of the writing journey in CHEATERS INC. & DUMB LUCK LTD. ~ Chapter 4 & Author’s Note. Vincent Triola and Terry Trueman offer a no-holds-barred look at the realities of pursuing a dream, with a dose of humor and hard-earned wisdom.
Journey into the satirical world of “CHEATERS INC. & DUMB LUCK LTD.” as authors Vincent Triola and Terry Trueman explore the humorous, strange, and often harsh realities of chasing authorship dreams. This first chapter sets the stage for a humorous yet insightful journey through the trials and tribulations of writing success.
Education is often seen as a noble and essential pursuit for human development and social progress. However, not everyone shares this positive view of education. Some people criticize education as an industry that attracts bad teachers, produces poor students, and perpetuates inequality and injustice. This article, presents a criticism of education from the perspective of a for-profit essay writer and a successful author.
Online vs Traditional Education: Which One is Better for You? Learn about the pros and cons of online and traditional education, and how to choose the best option for your goals and preferences.
Master the art of online writing! Discover how writing for the web differs from novels and essays, and unlock the secrets to engaging online readers successfully.
After his Medium postings did not gain audience or earnings, Terry Trueman embarks on a quest to make Medium produce readers mustering all his experience that got him published in 1998. 'I had a successful decade and a half before Medium! The power of authorship will prevail!' He ralllies his fellow authors. What often makes good writing deters success on Medium due to user generate wisdom that proliferates poor search engine results. Follow Terry Trueman on this journey through the digital void.
Why writing on Medium is a bad idea. Medium, a platform for social journalism, attracts writers of varying abilities with the promise of a readership. However, the platform’s emphasis on metrics such as social media likes and followers may result in a degradation of content quality. Even when basic grammar and punctuation are completely ignored, redundant and poorly researched writing is still rewarded. This highlights a fundamental flaw in the way social journalism operates.
Unethical and dishonest, you say? Phooey! Sex sells my friend and when you are struggling for traffic it is the best clickbait to use. I will show you many ways to gain readers on Medium and other social journalism sites, no matter how ineffective and counterproductive.
The initial excitement of writing and publishing on Medium soon gives way to the arduous task of self-promotion, only to realize that one’s efforts may be in vain, as readership remains elusive.
One of the challenges that online writers face is the awareness that their writing, like everything else, will eventually end. This can cause sadness and loss, especially when writing about loved ones. However, this can also be a source of joy and strength, as writing can help them cope with mortality and celebrate life.
Successful writers possess a unique and paradoxical skill: they are deeply honest with themselves, but they possess the artful ability to spin those truths into compelling narratives that might not be entirely true for their readers. This blend of authenticity and creativity allows them to craft stories that resonate on a profound level, even if the details are fictionalized. At the core of their writing, successful authors maintain an unflinching honesty about their emotions, experiences, and perceptions. This self-awareness enables them to tap into the universal human condition, drawing on genuine insights and vulnerabilities that give their work emotional depth and authenticity. However, their talent lies in weaving these raw truths into imaginative and captivating tales that engage and entertain their audience. By presenting personal truths in a new light, writers create a rich tapestry where reality and fiction intertwine. They might exaggerate, embellish, or completely transform real-life experiences to serve the story's needs, but the underlying emotional truth remains intact. This delicate balance between honesty and fabrication allows readers to connect with the characters and narratives on a deeper level, finding echoes of their own lives within the pages of a novel or the lines of a poem. In essence, the most successful writers master the art of being truthfully imaginative, using their own self-awareness as a springboard to craft stories that captivate, inspire, and resonate with their readers.
A hilarious take on why literary fiction writers look down on genre fiction. An in-depth analysis of the differences between genre and literary fiction, and why some writers of literary fiction may view genre fiction as escapist in nature.
Writers may suffer from lack of friends and loneliness for various reasons. One possible reason is that writing requires a lot of time and dedication, which may limit the opportunities for social interaction and networking. Another possible reason is that writing can make writers more sensitive and observant, which may make them feel alienated or misunderstood by others who do not share their perspective or passion. A third possible reason is that writing can involve dealing with difficult emotions and experiences, which may make writers feel vulnerable or depressed.
Aging’s a real bummer, especially when you realize that even your writing won’t make you immortal. Oh well, at least we can laugh about it! This piece offers a humorous and satirical perspective on the inevitability of aging and the transience of fame, even for authors.
As a writer, my goal is to capture the essence of the human experience and represent the experiences of my readers. I strive to speak for all through my writing, and to connect with my readers on a deeper level. I may not be a mind reader, but I'm writing about you and your experiences, capturing the essence of what it means to be human and speaking for us all. It’s like having your own personal biographer!
Writers, lift those pens and curl those laptops to discover the precise words when working out manuscripts and rough drafts. Ignore the opinions of others. Focus on sculpting your craft into linguistic perfection.
The following are some recommendations for enhancing the wit and strength of your writing while remaining faithful to your craft. They are simple in theory but challenging in practice. They will not compromise the quality or integrity of your work.
Sometimes, simplicity is the key. I pen down words about you and the shared experiences of humanity, aiming to encapsulate the truth in a lucid manner that resonates with everyone.
Terry Trueman uses the contrast between existentialism and nature to show his perspective on writing and life. He also uses humor and irony to make his point more engaging and relatable. He challenges the reader to question the value and relevance of existentialist philosophy, and to appreciate the simple and concrete moments of joy and wonder that nature offers.
One of the secrets of successful writers is to live a life full of experiences and stories. Roland Smith is a perfect example of this. He is a prolific and award-winning writer of children’s and young adult fiction and nonfiction books. But before he became an author, he worked as a zookeeper for 20 years, where he encountered many exotic animals and adventures. He also traveled extensively around the world, visiting places like Africa, Asia, Europe, and South America. He draws inspiration from his rich and diverse background to create engaging and thrilling books for young readers.
Books are not the only source of income for writers in the digital age. Websites are essential for engaging with readers and building your brand. This article explains the benefits of having a website and the risks of neglecting it.
Many authors think that pricing their books low will attract more readers and increase their sales. However, this strategy is based on a misunderstanding of how online pricing works and how readers value books. Learn why selling cheap books is a bad idea and how to price your books more effectively. You will discover the difference between marketing and economics, the role of Amazon’s algorithm, and the importance of quality over quantity. You will also see an example of how a higher-priced book can outperform lower-priced ones without any marketing or reviews. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of online pricing and how to use it to your advantage.
The practice of joint authorship presents numerous rewards; however, it is not devoid of its own set of issues and irritations, which can complicate the endeavor, even among expert writers.
Artists are supposed to be creative, original, and expressive. But some of them are just annoying, delusional, and desperate. In this witty article, the author recounts a night when he met a guitar guy who wouldn’t leave him alone and how he dealt with him in a brutal way.
If you want to improve your writing ability, you need to work on three aspects: your linguistic skill, your personality, and your desire. Linguistic skill is the foundation of good writing, and you can develop it by learning the rules and techniques of language, grammar, and rhetoric. You can also improve your linguistic skill by reading a lot of different texts and genres, and by practicing writing regularly and revising your work. Personality is the element that makes your writing unique and distinctive, and you can cultivate it by finding your own voice, style, and perspective. You can also enhance your personality by using humor, emotion, and creativity in your writing, and by expressing your opinions and insights. Desire is the force that motivates you to write, and you can strengthen it by writing about topics that interest you, challenge you, or inspire you. You can also increase your desire by setting goals for yourself, seeking feedback from others, and celebrating your achievements. By combining linguistic skill, personality, and desire, you can achieve writing ability that will make you stand out as a writer.
Writers can improve their ability to influence their audience by studying how different media, like film, writing, symbols, and speeches, communicate and shape meaning. This is the goal of rhetorical analysis.
Adverbs are often misunderstood and abused by writers, but they can also be powerful tools to express yourself. This article explains how to use adverbs wisely and avoid the pitfalls of overusing or misusing them. It also gives examples of how adverbs can add flavor and nuance to your writing, especially in dialogue.
An old writer’s advice to young writers: don’t think about writing poetry or prose, just write what’s on your mind now. A heartfelt piece about writing and loss, encouraging young writers to write without overthinking.
Learn how to pack your fiction with action and captivate your readers from the very first page. Discover the importance of action in writing and explore the power of gerunds, adjectives, and adverbs in creating dynamic and engaging prose. Discover how to use gerunds to add action to your writing, enhance your descriptions with descriptive adjectives, and power up your prose with impactful adverbs. With examples, tips, and exercises, this article is a valuable resource for any writer looking to elevate their storytelling skills.
Learn about satire. Satire is a literary genre that criticizes human nature and society. It can bring attention to overlooked issues, advocate for social reforms, and provide new perspectives on issues. Satire can also open up discussions about justice, morality, and stigmas. It is important for writers to understand and learn to use satire to make their writing more persuasive.
What passes as constructive criticism todqy provides no benefit for writers. Telling people to be nice when critiquing work has a blinding effect that adds a positive ring to a sad manuscript. Likewise, literature's trolls dish out banal, useless, opinionated criticism as if they possessed a degree from every ivy league school. Learn what not to do and what comments not to read in the humorous piece about writing and criticism.
Centaurs are half-man and half-horse creatures that originate from ancient Greek myths. The article examines how centaurs once embodied the tension between the civilized and the barbaric aspects of humanity, and how their symbolism became an idiomatic motif of fantasy and science fiction.
A writer reflects on his life experiences and how they have shaped his writing career. He shares his insights on courage, honesty, and self-expression, and encourages other writers to face their fears and write the scariest shit they can think of.
Examine the philosophical and literary movement of existentialism, which seeks to understand human existence in an absurd and irrational world. The author explains the key concepts of existentialism, such as existence precedes essence, freedom, and responsibility, and how they influence the writing of existentialist authors. The author also analyzes the role of religion, especially Christianity, in existentialist thought and writing.
How rhetoric uses indirect argument, emotional appeals, and rhetorical questions to convince the audience. Despite the lack of concrete evidence or counterarguments, audiences are receptive to these persuasive techniques, demonstrating the power of rhetoric in influencing opinions and the importance of critical analysis to avoid being misled by flawed reasoning.
To become a successful writer, one must navigate a path filled with ups and downs. This journey requires determination, hard work, perseverance, and a lot of luck. Setting clear objectives is the initial step toward accomplishing success. With daily writing practice, one can develop their skills and derive pleasure from the process. Overcoming distractions at home is vital for maintaining a consistent writing routine. Drawing inspiration from diverse sources can spark creativity and keep the writing process thrilling. Ultimately, embarking on the journey to become a writer is a personal and transformative experience that necessitates dedication and introspection.
How do you write with confidence and authority? How do you avoid faux humility in your writing? Dpn't write with faux humility because it harms your writing and reinforces ignorance.Find out how to write with facts, logic, and evidence, and how to be open to criticism and feedback. Discover how to use writing as a tool for learning and seeking the truth.
How can writers express themselves freely and creatively in a world where editors and critics enforce strict rules and standards? How can writers revise their work without losing their voice and vision? Discover how to overcome the challenges and frustrations of editing, and how to break free from the constraints and conventions of writing.
How do you deal with publisher rejection and keep pursuing your writing dream? It’s not easy, but it’s possible. Learn to handle publisher rejection and not let it stop you from writing. You will explore different strategies and mindsets that can help you overcome rejection, learn from it, and move on with confidence and resilience. You will also learn how to understand the publisher’s point of view and increase your chances of getting published.
A leprechaun is a small, bearded, and green-clad man from Irish folklore who has magical powers, such as granting wishes or hiding a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. While other mythical creatures, such as vampires, have changed drastically over time and media, the leprechaun has remained largely consistent with its original depiction. The contrast between the ancient tale of “The Adventure of Fergus son of Léti” and the modern movie, Leprechaun, shows how the leprechaun has evolved, but also how it has preserved its core features.
Free verse is a common form of poetry with no specific requirements for meter or rhythm. It allows writers freedom but can cause reader engagement issues. Readers may need to pay attention to mechanics such as stanza breaks and punctuation to understand the poem’s meaning. Free verse poems are stylized by individual poets, so readers must study their unique forms and attributes. This need to study requires poetry to be engaging.
Learn how to use mimesis to write more realistically and engagingly. Mimesis is the imitation of reality in art and literature. This article will teach you how to reduce unnecessary pronouns, narrative distance, and verbosity in your writing.
This author shares a bizarre and hilarious experience of writing a story about a guy who lies a lot, and then having the same guy lie to him by telling him the same story that he wrote, without knowing that he wrote it. The author also discusses the idea that to write a compelling narrative, a writer must convince himself that others believe his lies or story’s fictional elements.
What are some of the things that annoy you as a writer? Maybe it’s the grammar police who nitpick every mistake, or the plagiarists who steal your ideas, or the clichés that make your writing boring, or the unrealistic expectations that make you doubt yourself. You will find out how to deal with these pet peeves and turn them into learning opportunities for your writing craft.
Writing concisely and impactfully is a skill that can be mastered with practice and attention to detail. One of the key aspects of concise and impactful writing is avoiding pleonasms, which are unnecessary words or phrases that dilute your message. Learn how to identify and eliminate pleonasms, how to avoid common pleonasms, and how to edit and proofread your content to eliminate pleonasm.
How do you create a theme for your story? Why is theme important for fiction writing? Learn how theme gives meaning and direction to your story, and how ignoring theme can lead to derivative and inconsistent stories. You will also find out how to use theme as a guide for your worldbuilding and character development, and how to avoid common pitfalls when writing about different cultures and perspectives.
Learn why persuasion is the primary goal of writing and how to determine if you write persuasively.
Discover the fascinating world of narratology and its impact on literary analysis. Explore the intricate narrative structures and theories of Mikhail Bakhtin, shedding new light on the art of storytelling.
An arguement that third-person POV lacks realness and natural voice, making it difficult for readers to become emotionally invested.
Learn how to use inverse language techniques to spice up your writing and captivate your readers. This article will show you the benefits, examples, and tips of this powerful writing tool.
Learn how the craft of writing teaches you by perpetually teaching, resolving, and articulating your perceptions. This article will show you how writing helps you to develop your critical thinking, creativity, and communication skills. You will also see how writing can enrich your personal and professional life.
The Reality of Social Media Advertising for Book Marketing: A Complex Method for Engagement and Effectiveness that Fails to Deliver This article delves into the intricacies of social media advertising and engagement for book marketing. It highlights the limitations of the general assumption that people click on social media ads and make purchases. By understanding the multifaceted nature of social media platforms and the diverse reasons individuals engage with them, the article emphasizes the need for a different approach to advertising books.
As it turns out, writing isn’t just about putting words on a page. Explore the deeper themes of legacy, reputation, and self-delusion through personal anecdotes, poetry, and introspection. Consider the power and purpose of writing.
Working with mosaic poetry can help you become skilled at writing in meter because it allows you to hear how words fit together more effectively when spoken. This practice can lead to the creation of more complex poetry with refined meaning as you learn to incorporate other techniques into your own work.
Delve into the world of Big Bad Bigots, individuals who perpetuate racism and prejudice, misguidedly believing in their own inherent superiority. These figures often mask their discriminatory beliefs under a guise of righteousness, causing significant harm to those they deem inferior. By understanding their mindset and tactics, we can better combat the spread of such toxic ideologies. Join us in exploring the roots of bigotry and the steps we can take to foster a more inclusive and equitable society.
Trump exploited our culture’s deep-rooted prejudices for his own gain, revealing how far we still have to go to overcome our history of bigotry. His greatest contribution, however, has been to show us clearly where we came from and what we need to do to keep progressing.
Ron DeSantis' political journey and instances of bigotry associated with him raises significant concerns about his leadership and commitment to inclusivity.
Rigid Christian beliefs on gender identity and expression are a binary view of male or female, creating stereotypes and biases that limit individual freedom and potential. We examine how some people challenge these beliefs and embrace their true gender, and how those repressed by Christianity are harmed. It is important to understand that Christian gender roles are a form of gender oppression.
This article reveals the cruel, hateful, and ignorant people who keep racism and inequality alive in America. Rosa Parks is the symbol of justice and dignity in this article because she stood up for her rights by not giving up her seat on a Montgomery, Alabama bus in 1955, which sparked the civil rights movement in the United States. Using humorous and truthful stories, Vincent Triola and Terry Trueman show how racism is still an issue in our society and urge people to be smarter about racism and inequality.
Education is not only about learning facts and skills, but also about learning how to be a member of society. However, not everything that is taught in school is explicit or intentional. There is also a hidden curriculum that influences our beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. In this blog post, you will discover what the hidden curriculum is, how it affects education and society, and what you can do about it.
How a man learns the hard way that being nice to a disabled person doesn’t make him a saint, but a sucker. A hilarious story of love, lies, and wheelchairs. Vincent Triola reveals the depths of bigotry behind the facade of politeness and compassion, challenging our stereotypes and prejudices.
Sometimes racism and bigotry are subtle or unconscious; even people with good intentions can do things that hurt others because of their race and they need to acknowledge this reality.
Bullying manifests in six harmful forms—physical, verbal, relational, cyber, sexual, and prejudicial—each leaving lasting scars on its victims. These forms of bullying create profound emotional, psychological, and sometimes physical damage that can linger for years. Discover actionable strategies to recognize and combat each type effectively, fostering a safer and more inclusive environment for everyone. From schools to workplaces, learn how to stand against bullies and support those affected.
Despite recent research and public outcry, bullying continues. Bullying and bigotry are two sides of the same coin, with some of the worst offenders being adults who endorse a system of violence that favors the privileged and oppresses the disadvantaged. The root of the problem lies in the disregard of children and social injustice. Bullies are nothing but bigots, racists, and elitists in the making.
How does a bully become a writer, a husband, and a father? In this honest and moving article, the author reflects on his past actions and the factors that influenced them. He also explains how he changed his perspective and attitude to deal with his problems and pursue his goals.
Netflix has done it again. They took the bland and outdated Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone and turned it into a witty and bold parody that reveals bullying's six faces of evil and biases of the original story. Hairy Puder is a young boy who embraces his true sexual identity upon attending NO BIGOTS magic institution, where he meets a diverse group of friends. Along the way, he discovers a wicked scheme to steal the Philosopher’s Bone, a powerful artifact that can defeat VoldiTrump.
This article provides an in-depth analysis of bullying, its causes, effects, and solutions. It covers the different forms of bullying, the factors that influence it, and the strategies to prevent and address it.
They break the law; they are the law. Who are the bastards of Justice and Injustice and what breeds them?
How Serial Killers Expose the Weaknesses of Criminal Investigation: A critical analysis of how bias, lack of expertise, and limited resources affect the ability of law enforcement to catch and stop serial offenders.
The ineffective laws and policies targeting child sex offenders are a result of ambiguous definitions and emotional responses rather than scientific evidence. This article emphasizes the need for evidence-based treatment and supervision, tailored to individual offender types and circumstances. By increasing incarceration time for severe crimes and providing effective interventions for lower-risk offenders, policymakers can achieve better justice outcomes. Additionally, understanding the causes of sexual offenses is crucial in developing more practical laws and policies that address the root of the problem.
History has no problem repeating itself when it comes to the issue of the death penalty. Every year the issue of the death penalty surfaces and the argument continues against the vast data in opposition to capital punishment.
Explore the Bastards of Business: those who prioritize profit over ethics, revealing the harsh reality of corruption in commerce. Despite ideals of ethical capitalism, these figures illustrate that morality often takes a backseat in the pursuit of financial gain.
Advertising is a powerful tool for promoting sexism and social inequality. Learn how advertising messages use women as sex objects and portray them in roles lacking equal status, and how they indoctrinate both women and men with the idea of women’s inferiority. You will also learn how conflict theory can help us expose and challenge the sexist messages that are prevalent in the media and in our culture.
An eye-opening analysis of how Big Tobacco exploits and harms children through its deceptive and aggressive marketing strategies, and how capitalism and politics create and defend the bastards of marketing who profit from death and disease. The article challenges the notion of tobacco use as a personal choice, and argues that it is a social and public health problem that requires collective action and responsibility.
You should be cautious about what you believe in or who you trust, yet often this warning goes ignored where religion is concerned and negative consequences occur for blindly following. If soemthing cannot submit itself for questioning, then it is not worth following.
Life is often like a fiction, a story that we create or follow based on our perceptions, beliefs, expectations, and desires. Faith and religion are a large part of this fiction supposedly providing comfort and guidance but more often terrible consequences for believing, like harmful decision making. Unlike other religions, Buddhism seeks to understand suffering, impermanence, mindfulness, compassion, and happiness rather than providing a set of commands to attain such knowledge. Not that Buddhist wisdom cannot create its own confusing fiction, but that it is perhaps the least offensive of religions.
How being an anarchist, atheist, and blasphemer can improve your thinking and behavior, and why these positions are beneficial for you.
Religion's fiction degrades diversity. There is no diversity in the context of faith and religious belief. A Christian practicing diversity would have to accept Satanism as an equal religion. Clearly, diversity of religion has not been effective in the US considering rise of Christian Nationalsim with the advent of President Trump. Diversity failed because religion is not capable of respecting differences of faith.
Exploring the many branches and facets of life through the lens of a tree.
There is a fine line between entertainment and reality. Explore how movies, songs, poems, and novels can be learning experiences.
How celebrities are transformed into products by a ruthless industry and the dangers of celebrity culture for society and individuals.
On the reel, Bill Cosby played America's favorite dad but that portrayal afforded the real Cosby, the predator, to rape at will. Claiming power breeds corruption provides an oversimplification as to why the privileged, especially men, abuse their position. The more important question looming over these acts is how society creates these predators waiting to be unleashed by success?
On the video reel, we see the artist singing but on the news we see the real victim of suicide. It is not just celebrities who suffer the need to perform life to hide the desperation and depression. American suicide solutions are for everyone.
Explore how Ina Ray Hutton’s life as a Black woman leading a band under the guise of whiteness sheds light on entrenched racism and underscores the relevance of Critical Race Theory in the United States.
A poignant exploration of the fleeting nature of fame and the human desire for recognition and success. Through personal reflections and poetic musings, the author delves into the struggles faced by those who seek fame, whether they are children of celebrities or aspiring artists. A powerful reminder that fame, glory, and fortune are ultimately ephemeral, and that true fulfillment comes from within.
You cannot live the reel of film, diamonds aren’t forever after all; even Marilyn Monroe couldn’t escape death's reality.
Picasso and poetry shows us the reality of perfection that can lead to flawed thinking. For example, when someone achieves success in business or Hollywood, they may credit their hard work and self-belief, overlooking timing, circumstances, and luck. Looking at the life's film reel through the lens of expectation can lead to the false reality that gives rise to widespread issues like ageism and other prejudices. These stories remind us to live authentically, practically, and embrace joy.
Discover the incredible ripple effect that comes from addressing a single issue head-on. In this captivating blog, we delve into the transformative power of solving one problem, and how it can lead to a cascade of positive changes in every aspect of your life. Get ready to embark on a journey of self-improvement and witness firsthand how fixing one thing can unlock a world of opportunities.
Explore the complexities of playing the starring role in your own life and the paradoxes faced by celebrities who navigate multiple personas.
Life's not a movie, but even if it was, winning an Oscar is only as important as the siginificance you assign it.
Wil Wheaton played Wesley Crusher on Star Trek Enterprise, a character that led a near perfect life while the Wheaton struggled with abuse and gaslighting. In this article, the author shows why Wesley Crusher was unlikable for himself and for many others who experienced the same abuse that Wil Wheaton hid from public view.
Be the star of your own fiction just by being nude. The making of social media pornstars by the men too old to understand the significance of #metoo.
The Eighties punk rock scene formed from a cultural identity of anger, disenfranchisement, and rebellion, but also provided much prophecy for those who listened. In a society that politically leaned more to the right, punk rockers shined the spotlight and gave the starring role to marginalized groups by attacking Republicans (The Right Wing Pigeons) and laying the foundation for a more inclusive and diverse music scene by defying traditional genre boundaries.
The Beatles impacted the world in many ways, revolutionizing the music industry, creating a new genre, merging elements of rock ‘n’ roll, pop and R&B, but most of they altered our minds & spirits. The Beatles musical innovations inspired new styles and sounds, but most importantly, their influence on the mind and spirit endures.
How the Beatles influenced an author's life with lyrics that continue to inspire critical and creative thinking to solve social problems,ly and make decisions based on facts and truth, rather than being swayed by emotions or a desire for comfort.
What happens when five rich young adults decide to use their trust funds to change the world? Find out in the Trust Fund Beneficiaries League, a comedy series that follows their hilarious and heartwarming attempts to combat travel deficiency, racism, and other bad things.
The tapestry of our experiences is intricately woven from the vivid hues of both breathtaking triumphs and crushing setbacks that we encounter along the journey of existence.
How to Reach New York Without Stopping in Chicago: A Picture Book for Writers. Discover the meaning behind the expression “Don’t stop in Chicago if you’re going to New York”, and how it can help you achieve your writing goals and dreams.
Vacations are meant to unwind but can also make us stop and think about the surroundings, serving to wind thoughts again into ruminations beneath the fun.
An evocative portrayal of the artist's psyche and the enigmatic world below the fold, where creativity and love intertwine with raw honesty and boundless passion.
A personal account of living in Hawaii, exploring the pros and cons of the island life. The author shares his experiences and his belief as to why people need to stop moving to the islands.
Tucson, Arizona is more than just a city in the desert. It is a place of rich history, diverse ecology, and stunning scenery. In this article, the author tells his story of living in Tucson for six years, and how he learned to appreciate and enjoy the high desert lifestyle. He describes his favorite places and activities, such as hiking, biking, camping, and visiting museums and parks.
There are places that stay with us, etched into our memories for better or worse. They have the power to influence our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions, driving us to joy or despair, sparking creativity or truth, and sometimes tearing us apart. Regardless of their nature, they are always a source of valuable lessons.
Eerie noises, apparitions, unexplained machine failures, and strange movements turn a warehouse into a nightmarish, stressful workplace. Learn how the supernatural can prevent us from seeing the true nature of problems.
A fascinating read about the author’s experience living in a house with a rich Hollywood history. The house was built by Victor Schertzinger, a composer, film director, producer, and screenwriter. The article describes the house’s fixtures, designs, and rooms that remain unchanged since the 1920s. The author also shares his experience of living with the ghost of Victor Schertzinger, who still haunts the halls. An engaging read for anyone interested in Hollywood history and the supernatural.
Entering Valley Forge Military Academy at age sixteen marked a point of change in my life. After reading about recent abuse at the school, I recall VFMA and public school abuses, and though abuses did occur in military school, I still feel that Valley Forge haunts me in a positive way.
Political news leaving you feeling drained? Struggling to balance yourself in the political environment? Similar to a debilitating hangover that leaves you unable to focus on anything other than your pounding headache and nausea, consuming excessive amounts of political news can result in mental fatigue and an overwhelming sensation of disorientation. Just as hangovers can render even the simplest tasks nearly impossible, becoming engulfed in a sea of political discourse can make it difficult to navigate through the complex world of politics without feeling overwhelmed or disoriented. Learn what is causing this insobriety and loss of well-being and avoid it.
Once upon a time, in a faraway place called America, the people were known for their Christian beliefs. They went about their daily lives without a worry in the world. However, they were completely oblivious to the dangers that surrounded them because of their Christianity.
Time for some delicious GOP fortune cookie politics that carries all the wisdom of an underpaid factory worker scribbling adages for mindless consumers. Republicans are a factory producing Christian values daily.
Headline evidence that Florida Republicans are the stupidest, most violent, hypocrits the world has ever known. Florida Republicans are the hateful asshats we always knew them to be: the headlines prove it.
Christians are prone to a mental fiction propped by their beliefs and more likely to believe information that confirms their existing beliefs (confirmation bias). They make decisions based on faith rather than logic. Ultimately, Christian ignorance and irrationality create predictable political behavior because they lead to biased decision making. Christian biases are systematic errors in thinking that lead them to the same mistakes over and over again.
Who knew the Jan 6th Patriots would be called insurrectionists and end up in the headlines ratting out their comrades.In a bold move to save democracy has, a group of “patriots” decided to storm the United States Capitol on January 6th, 2021. Their goal? To overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. Because nothing says democracy like rejecting the will of the people, right? Yet, when faced with the consequences of their actions, these patriots were quick to turn on each other. So much for loyalty and brotherhood!
Ah, the GOP. The gift that keeps on giving. As the 2024 election approaches, let’s not forget the insanity that has plagued America. But who needs sanity when you have the Republican party?
Let’s ignore the fact that vaccines are one of the safest and most effective health interventions for infectious diseases. Who needs to reduce the burden of infectious cases worldwide when you can join the Republicans who oppose their use and actively spread misinformation about their safety? It’s not like there’s any benefit to the vaccines, like saving lives. I mean, who wants to be safe and healthy anyway? Especially when there is business to be conducted!
To be a Republican, one must force themself to believe conflicting ideas that reduce religion and politics to absurdity. There is no way to believe yourself a good Christian and be a Republican since you must agree to refuse to help the poor and sick, which undermines Christian doctrine.
Conservatives are a nightmare come true. Despite Trumps indictment and millions of other stories about the GOP, Republicans continue their nightmarish politics. Just look at how they are trying implement the same policies as Germany and Japan in the 1930s and 1940s based prejudice and hate. That worked out great! And those Make America Great Again folks? They’re the bad dream of Christian Nationalism. Fascists are fascists, terrorists are terrorists, and traitors are traitors and they are all nightmares!
Are you tired of the negative and depressing news that dominates the media? Do you long for some uplifting and inspiring stories that will restore your faith in humanity? Then look no further than Touching Republican News, the blog that brings you the heartwarming stories of the GOP. Here you will find the tales of courage, compassion, wisdom, and love that define the Republican Party. You will read about how they bravely fought against the tyranny of science, how they generously helped the rich and powerful, how they wisely led the nation to greatness, and how they faithfully followed the teachings of Jesus. You will be moved to tears by their touching Republican news.
The Republican family is the party of love and life. Learn all about the real conservatives that liberals just love to bash in these touching letters to and from Republicans.
The dangers of drinking and discussing politics with your MAGA relatives.
Once upon a time, in a faraway place called Trumpistan, the people were ruled by a single leader, Donald Trump, who had absolute power. The leader was so powerful that he could change reality with a snap of his fingers. One day, he decided that it was too hot and said, 'Let there be snow in the middle of summer!' The people started wearing winter coats over their swimsuits. But the leader didn’t care, he was too busy building a giant statue of himself in Capitol. The people of Trumpistan were so used to following orders that they didn’t even question the sudden change in their religion. They just went about their daily lives, praying to Jesus while performing atrocities for their leader, Trump. But one day, a brave citizen stood up and said, 'This is ridiculous! We can’t live like this!' And the leader just laughed and said, 'Of course you can, because I said so.' And so the people continued to live in their hypocritical world, never daring to question their leader’s decisions. Deep down, the people of Trumpistan knew something was wrong. They longed for the freedom to make their own choices and to live in a world where religion made sense. So they began to whisper among themselves, sharing their dreams of a better life. And slowly but surely, a spark of hope was ignited in their hearts. They realized that together, with the power of Jesus, they had the power to change their world and to create a brighter future for themselves and their children.
While Trump is often the main attraction, let’s not neglect his associates who have been in the news for everything from sex with underage persons to spreading lies.
In the turbulent changing 60s and 70s, the Brady bunch was an unrealistic throw-back to the fifties, which is the Republican party of today with its desire to turn back the clock to the make-believe time when everyone was a straight hardworking, husband or dutiful wife, 2.5 kids in suberbia, and Negro to mow the lawn, and everyone was a happy Christian.
Trump's mug shot will be a sad historical artifact that will likely be used to show how the United States devolved into an authoritarian state. Find out why so many people voted for this insane, stupid man.
Political polarization has become a defining characteristic of American politics, leading to a deeply divided nation. Explore the impact of conservative polarizing stupidity and its detrimental effects on trust in institutions, legislative progress, and critical issues. As the 2024 election approaches, it's crucial to understand the consequences and work towards a more inclusive and productive future.
An examination of the US political system and leaders who enable affluent individuals and dominant entities to amass wealth and resources at the expense of the economically disadvantaged and our planet's ecosystems, while failing to generate any positive societal or environmental impact.
From the rise of fundamentalist Christians to the consolidation of power by the ruling class, this thought-provoking piece delves into the various factors shaping American politics and the implications for the general population.
The role of empathy and sentimentality in politics and culture, and how the GOP exploits our lack of empathy with melodramatic entertainment.
How fear of political differences can shape our identity and why black and white thinking can be both helpful and harmful. This document explores the psychological effects of fearing those who have different political views, and how it can create a sense of belonging and purpose. It also examines the advantages and disadvantages of black and white thinking, a cognitive style that divides the world into extremes. It offers some tips on how to overcome this thinking pattern and adopt a more nuanced perspective.
To address our senseless and scared attitudes towards immigration, we can learn from how drug policies improved to be more humane.
If you think the MAGA/GOP can’t get any crazier, think again. This satire article reveals how these lunatics are planning to win the 2024 election by killing their kids to own the elitist libs. Whether it’s by refusing to wear masks, sending them to school during a pandemic, or exposing them to radical right-wing propaganda, these parents are putting their children at risk for Trump’s sake.
When the aliens come to collect the rent, President Trump negotiates a new no-so-green deal for the planet.
Policy and party disagreements, and the conservative-liberal divide, are outdated and meaningless. The new political struggle is between democratic principles and MAGA Trumpian authoritarianism.
The U.S. political landscape is characterized by a two-party system, predominantly occupied by Democrats and Republicans. Despite its merits, the American two-party system also presents considerable limitations, which become apparent when addressing issues such as immigration.
The GOP claims to have the power to improve America, but COVID shows that they only excel at increasing the death toll due to their incompetence. They also deceive you into thinking that their economic policies are effective, even if they put your life at risk. The GOP’s lies, denial, and greed during COVID led to many preventable deaths.
By using fear tactics and exploiting the weakest groups, the GOP, which claims to uphold law and order, manipulates the police for its political agenda.
A study of the relationship between inequality and democracy in the US, examining the barriers and opportunities for social mobility and political participation of different groups, and the influence and limitations of interest groups and political parties in the policymaking process.
MAGAs show the contrast between conformity and independence, as they embody the primal horde. Conformists, who avoid the difficulties and dangers of independent success, prefer political conformity, which leads to harmful actions, as the MAGA case shows.
An examination of the pros and cons of the line-item veto, a power that allows the president to cancel parts of a bill, and how former President Donald Trump showed why this power is controversial and unconstitutional.
Why do so many poor and working-class people vote for the Republican Party, even when it goes against their own interests? This article analyzes the complex relationship between social class and political preference, and how it is shaped by various aspects of social, economic, and political life. It also reveals the hypocrisy and harm of the Republican Party’s views on topics such as government size, individualism, wealth distribution, political polarization, and religious values.
Dive into the paradox of cultural appreciation and disdain, exploring the reasons behind the unequal valuation of different cultures.
Tips to endure holidays. Don’t be fooled by holiday myths and faux promises of joy & happiness. The filthy beauty of inelegant holidays will get you every time.
Explore the intricate relationship between art and identity, delving into how the raw and unrefined aspects of art reveal the depths of our humanity.
Luxury is a figment of our imagination, like a mirage in the desert that disappears when you try to grab it. And if you try to show off your luxury with gold trinkets, you might as well be juggling jellyfish because they’re just as useless. Learn the hollowness and vanity of luxury, and how it can result in greed, corruption, and ruin.
Dive into the unapologetically raw and unrefined facets of love, where beauty and imperfection coexist in a compelling narrative.
How Fidelity Limits Our Love Potential: A Bold and Honest Look at what many consider the dark Side of Romance. This article examines the concept of fidelity and questions its validity as a measure of love. This narrative argues that fidelity is not a natural or universal value, but a social construct that restricts our ability to find true happiness. It also exposes the hidden realities of love that are often taboo or ignored by mainstream culture. What some call infidelity, others find filthy beautiful.
Sex fantasies and desires form a battle when interacting with women, requiring a deep honesty and willingness to reflect inward in order to grow.
If we treat beauty as a property of objects apart from subjects, we omit essense, with which we associate beauty. A photo of a beautiful person does not evoke the same emotion as the beautiful person.
What if, instead of growing older, we could return to our younger selves, equipped with the knowledge we've acquired as we've aged? This, of course, is a universal fantasy and desire.
When the end arrives, I'll be there with gasoline and a lighter. As death nears, many things lose their significance, making that last act the most crucial.
A somber verse on death and the inevitable end. The closing breath, the final farewell, A path we all must tread. An enigma beyond comprehension, A destiny we cannot elude.
Your death, yes YOURS! People we knew closely and others not as well, meet their end in strange and sudden ways: A family member, taking a steep staircase to check on kittens.
As we grow older and lose more friends to death, we find it ever closer. There's a unique wisdom in facing death that the young may never truly grasp.
As we grow and mature, our thoughts undergo a natural transformation, much like the body. This evolution brings about a shift in concerns, priorities, and perspectives.
Tragic Truths of Getting Old explores the harsh realities of aging, including the decline of physical health, the loss of youthful energy, and the impermanence of life. It delves into the concept of impermanence, a fundamental truth in Buddhism, and how it relates to the human experience. The post encourages readers to confront and accept the uncertainty and change that comes with aging, and to cultivate a deeper understanding of the fleeting nature of life.
Is love more powerful because it's fleeting, or because we want it to last? Love can be seen as a delicate balance between the carefree nature of a momentary pleasure and the enduring hope of a lasting connection. However, the reality may be that true love is an illusion, and what we experience is merely a temporary infatuation.
Two significant factors are currently eroding our bonds of love and compassion: the pandemic and political division.
Friendship: Love encompasses many facets, but it can never be deserved or expected when demanded — it is given freely, at the discretion of the giver.
Are you in search of true love? Still yearning for the fairytale romance you were told to pursue? Love is the most perplexing of emotions, often remaining elusive despite the passage of time and wealth of experience.
As we journey through life, the years leave their mark. What was once vibrant and full of life begins to fade, like a sunset on a distant horizon. Our bodies weaken, our minds grow less sharp, and the memories that once brought us joy now seem distant and hard to recall. It's a natural part of growing older, but it's a reality that can be difficult to accept.
Discrimination on the grounds of age is an experience shared by all. A variety of mistaken beliefs about the elderly and retirement still prevail, even though they are contradicted by facts.
Mary Jane is a quirky, beautiful, Italian stoner with an extraterrestrial secret from her youth. Will Mary Jane find love and live a happy life, or, as she ages, will she become another victim of the Planet People?
As we grow older, we face more experiences with death, whether it is our own or that of our loved ones. How do we cope with this inevitable reality? How do we find meaning and purpose in our lives when we know they will end someday? In this blog post, we will explore how aging affects our views on life and death, and how we can embrace this process with wisdom and grace. We will also challenge the common assumption that fame and fortune are the ultimate goals of life, and suggest some alternative ways to live authentically and joyfully.
In youth, the dynamism often overshadows the value of peace, but as one matures, the appreciation for every tranquil moment and its rewards grows.
Youth and old age have different ways of finding happiness. Life’s difficulties shape our happiness.
The present founds on the past, and in the repitition of time, we find the meaning of love but also the fleeting nature of all things.
Making mistakes is the rocky road we must travel to reach the destination of success.
Just because you’re old doesn’t mean you’re wise, sometimes it just means you’ve been making bad decisions for longer. It is not necessarily the case that an increase in age correlates with an increase in wisdom.
The ephemeral nature of emotions finds its fiercest fuel in love, lust, and sex. Do these transient passions make us their captives, and if so, why?
Sex, Lies, and Conversation: 'Why Is It So Hard For Men and Women To Talk To Each Other?' delves into the communication differences between men and women.
And one night after Love Boat on the decrepit pink couch, The lake lapping the shore outside and the night getting on, Ona came out In a torn and ragged green print dressing gown...
Love, sex, and lust. The holy trinity of human nature. But let’s stigmatize them and make them ugly, because that makes perfect sense.
If matrimony is the ultimate goal and the key to fulfillment, why then does it often feel like a death sentence rather than a joyous union?
It’s like a rom-com, but with more dishes to wash. Marriage, where wild passion goes to live happily ever after. Or not.
Whether by nature or nurture, the enigma of love, sex, and lust endures throughout our lives, confounding even the most seasoned among us. Love, sex, and lust: the eternal riddles of existence. Despite our best efforts, we remain perplexed by their complexities.
Love's intensity that feels maddening is fleeting even in long term relationships. Is love just a temporary state and all beliefs of eternal love an illusion?
A touching tribute to the power of love. Despite his past as a ‘ladies’ man’ or ‘cad and creep,’ his wife saw something in him and chose to love and support him on his journey to success. Her unwavering belief in him changed everything.
Tech giants push the narrative that everyone uses social media, but reality paints a different picture. Social media is nothing more than a digital fabrication.
Tech companies foster the illusion of social media being necessary and ubiquitous, which should make you question whether the illusion since these companies have tremendous financial interest, especially when social media often leads to frustration and negative consequences, such as cyberbullying.
How social media erodes social trust by making people question everything they hear and verify it with the internet. Social media is the primary cause of mistrust in society.
Social media is not an intrinsic form of communication like a song or a book, and when life is filtered through social media, it becomes more of an advertisement than a meaningful moment. Learn why Millennials suffer death by despair because of their entrenchment in social media.
When you affirm what you already believe, you're justifying your stance, not seeking the truth. Be cautious of accepting convenient falsehoods, even if they serve your interests.
A man’s attempts to connect with a poet over their shared interest in poetry are overshadowed by his attraction to her appearance in a black singlet.
Relationships are the trickiest and most valuable part of our lives. Love, devotion, and loyalty all seem obvious until we look at them reflected in reality and grasp the challenges posed by their opportunities and limitations.
The article is a critique of Faith Jones' Ted Talk, in which she claims that owning one's body is the key to overcoming trauma and abuse. The author acknowledges Jones' resilience and success, but argues her philosophy is superficial, arbitrary, and insensitive to the realities of many victims.
A 75-year-old orphan reflects on the realization that his parents weren’t special and neither were they.
The lazy usage of the word “bored” to indicate disdain for a conversation or subject.
The fleeting nature of news stories and how quickly they can fade from public attention.
Are you tired of being lied to by the mainstream media and the so-called experts? Do you want to know the real truth behind the events that shape our world? If so, then you need to read this article, which exposes the hidden secrets that they don’t want you to know.
Reflecting on past experiences with women and questioning the truthfulness of actions.
Being either overweight or underweight often feels like never being just right. There's a significant truth in focusing on health, but the diet industry is full of myths and misconceptions.
Learn the advantages of working out in a group setting: variety of activities, the motivational aspect, and the unique benefits of group fitness classes.
Discover the silent killer that is hypertension. Affecting nearly half of American adults, that’s a staggering 48.1% or 119.9 million people, hypertension is a serious health concern. With only 1 in 4 adults having their condition under control, it’s crucial to understand the impact of hypertension on the body. Learn how lifestyle and diet changes can help manage and even prevent this condition.
Discover why low-carbohydrate diets are the healthier and more effective solution for weight loss. This article delves into the research behind popular diet plans and reveals the superior benefits of low-carb dieting.
A powerful personal account of the challenges faced by those living with a partner who has anorexia and bulemia.
Our well-being depends on our social and psychosocial health. They determine our physical health, and our mental and emotional state. They allow us to handle stress, create meaningful relationships, and perform well in our daily activities. Our social and psychosocial health are connected and have a significant effect on our well-being.
By cultivating mindfulness and enhancing self-awareness, yoga equips individuals with improved coping mechanisms to handle daily psychosocial stressors. Hence, yoga proves to be a potential tool for promoting psychosocial health and well-being.
While appearances often match reality, whether someone is heavy or thin, making assumptions based on looks alone is unfair and potentially risky.
How does one become wise? Is it by praying or by meditating? Or is it just the application of the critical thought skill?
Embark on a thought-provoking exploration of the renowned Scottish philosopher David Hume's intellectual heritage. Renowned for his remarkable contributions to philosophy, economics, and other domains, Hume's most notable legacy lies in his pioneering work on Empiricism. In this insightful article, we delve into Hume's key philosophical concepts and their far-reaching influence on contemporary thinking. Uncover the profound impact of Hume's ideas as we delve into the depths of his intellectual legacy.
In this explosive and eye-opening article, a former therapist confesses his sexual escapades with his former clients and questions the ethics and values of the society he worked in. He argues that sexuality is not a black and white issue, but a complex and nuanced one that requires compassion and understanding.
How can we overcome the denial of America’s racist past and embrace a more just political philosophy? Explore the role of psychological awareness and education in confronting the truth and changing our mindset.
In this thought-provoking article, the author challenges the notion of reverse discrimination and debunks the myths surrounding affirmative action. By emphasizing the benefits of diversity, inclusion, and social justice, the article argues that affirmative action is not a threat to merit or rights but a means to create a fairer and more inclusive society. With compelling evidence and logical reasoning, it urges readers to question their own privilege and embrace the principles of equality and opportunity for all.
The choice is yours to listen or not to the shades of your dreams, but only in some states of mind you can do that; I bet Dylan and the Fab Four are happy with their choices.
In a world where relationships are tested by differing opinions, this thought-provoking document explores the complexities of maintaining love and connection with friends and family who hold racist views. Discover how to navigate these challenging dynamics while fostering growth, understanding, and compassion.
Uncover the ethical principles of beneficence and non-maleficence in the context of family dynamics. Explore the delicate balance between helping and respecting personal boundaries.
How do people who grow up in the same environment end up with different political views? This article explores the role of personality type and moral development in shaping our attitudes towards democracy and authoritarianism. Drawing from various psychological theories, the author argues that we are a blend of nature and nurture, and that our choices reflect our unique selves.
The Truth About Twins: How Media and Research Can Mislead Us. In this article, the author explores the pitfalls of twin studies and media coverage that can create false impressions of genetic determinism and similarity. The author argues that we need to look beyond the sensational stories of twins separated at birth and consider the complex interactions of genes and environment that shape human behavior and health.
Dive into the world of business statistics and learn how to avoid being manipulated by misleading data. ‘The Wisdom of Business Statistics: Assume Nothing & Avoid Being Manipulated’ is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand the power and pitfalls of statistics in business.
This article introduces three major ethical theories: virtue ethics, utilitarianism, and deontological ethics. It explains the main features, strengths, and weaknesses of each theory, and provides examples of how they can be applied to real-life situations.
Dive into the psychology behind our actions and reactions. This article sheds light on two common cognitive biases the fundamental attribution error and the self-serving bias.
Reflection theory is a framework that helps us understand how culture and society influence our identities and experiences. In this article, we compare and contrast the two main perspectives of reflection theory: functionalism and conflict theory. We also illustrate each perspective with examples from different aspects of culture and society, such as religion, education, family, media, politics, and art. We also evaluate the advantages and challenges of reflection theory.
Psychology covers a wide range of topics, from psychodynamic to behavioral therapies. You can find out how these different therapies and theories work and what suits your needs.
Life racing nowhere? Snared in dilemma? Whether we feel stuck or not, there is much wisdom to be learned from this snared state.
Fascism and discrimination against the disabled are both forms of discrimination that violate human rights. Both suppress individual freedoms and promote a particular group or race as superior to others.
A personal story of how a writer moved to Hawaii in search of something more and discovered the value of mindfulness in his life. Vincent Triola recounts his life-changing decision to leave Arizona and settle in Hawaii, where he learned to appreciate the beauty of nature and the power of mindfulness.
Reducing problems to obvious answers doesn't make you wise; it reveals you as a shallow, blithering idiot. Worse yet, this logic rarely solves anything. Learn to be more discerning, curious, and wise. Don't fall for wiz-dumb and live your best, most-successful life.
Economics based on consumption impacts more than just the environment by creating a waste cycle and increased refuse output by ever pushing for new and better commodities. People become gears in the economic system having only the value to produce and buy commodities.
Pain can be a distraction from what is truly important. Once the pain is gone, one can focus on what truly matters and gain wisdom.
How does Freud’s psychodynamic approach explain conformity and group behavior? Is it still relevant and accurate in the light of modern research and evidence? In this article, we explore Freud’s theory of conformity and compare it with other empirical studies, such as the Stanford Prison Experiment and the Milgram Experiment. We also suggest some implications and recommendations for future research and practice.
Don't let the festive lights fool you. The holidays are a time of terror, especially when you have to deal with your crazy relatives. Learn how to protect your mental health and your sanity in this funny and practical book.
Do you feel like a failure because of what happened in your life? Whether it’s a divorce, a job loss, or something else, you don’t have to grade yourself based on your circumstances. Life is not a test that you can pass or fail. Learn how to stop judging yourself based on your life events, such as divorce or job loss, and start living more authentically.
Life demands self-sufficiency, but being in control is overrated. Futility’s sarcasm is where it’s at.
Delve into the realm of political discussions where rationality takes a backseat and distorted logic reigns supreme. Uncover the alarming prevalence of crazy argumentation, where seemingly intelligent individuals succumb to flawed reasoning. Brace yourself for a captivating journey through the mind-boggling world of political discourse.
The road to wisdom is not always smooth. Along the way, we may encounter pot holes - obstacles and challenges that can slow down our progress. But these pot holes also provide opportunities for growth and learning. By facing and overcoming these challenges, we gain knowledge and understanding that brings us closer to wisdom.
The pursuit of perfect form in all endeavors is a noble goal, for success is assured even if the effort proves fatal. Be it in writing, singing, acting, fighting, or loving.
This article is about how faith and religion can influence our views and actions on randomness, control, and responsibility in life. The authors discuss how they have questioned and challenged their own beliefs and values on these issues, and how they have found wisdom and courage in their spiritual journeys.
Responsibility and forgiveness are two powerful themes that are explored in this thought-provoking piece. The author delves into the wisdom of forgiveness to illustrate how easy it is to miss the point when it comes to understanding the concept. Through a series of examples, the author challenges us to think about what it truly means to take responsibility for our actions and to seek forgiveness when we have wronged others. This is a must-read for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of these important topics.
Even art, which is often seen as a way to preserve and immortalize something, is subject to the passage of time and may eventually lose its relevance or significance. Nothing lasts forever, not even our art. Time renders all things irrelevant.
A poem about gratitude and life filled with joy.
What is intuition and how does it relate to superstition? How can we use Hume’s Empiricism to avoid irrational beliefs and overconfidence in our gut feelings? Find out in this article that explores the philosophy of David Hume and his impact on modern thought.
What is wisdom and why does it matter? A thought-provoking essay that challenges the conventional notions of wisdom and offers a fresh perspective on how to cultivate wisdom as a skill.
Despite the fear of the virus lurking around every corner, Tea and his friend refused to let it dampen their spirits. They laughed, joked, and even wrote poetry together to pass the time.
Pain can cloud one’s judgment and make it difficult to think clearly. Once the pain is gone, one can think more clearly and make wiser decisions.
Like a lighthouse in a stormy sea, simple ideas stand firm behind the chaos, guiding us towards discovery.
As we age, we gain wisdom through our experiences. This process of acquiring wisdom takes time and can have both positive and negative aspects. The upside of aging is the benefit of having more knowledge and understanding, while the downside can be the challenges and difficulties that come with getting older. The wisdom of aging is a double-edged sword, but one that is worth considering as we navigate through life.
Time is both infinite and fleeting, and that our existence within it is both significant and insignificant. There is no time for assholes and nonsense.
We dedicate much of our lives to work without questioning the underlying wisdom of it. Despite this unawareness, a wisdom about work evolves around the concept of career, which aims to enhance various aspects of this activity: productivity, motivation, etc. But what if our entire understanding of work is fundamentally flawed? Dive into articles that question and challenge the conventional wisdom of work and career. These pieces critically examine the assumptions, beliefs, and values that shape our understanding and approach to work. Additionally, explore articles that suggest alternative and radical ways of thinking and working.
Vincent Triola challenges the conventional notion of CEOs’ indispensability. The article explores the changing dynamics of workplaces and the need for organizations to adapt to new requirements.
Ambition is not a virtue and may be a detriment since inequity is prevalent in organizations of all sizes, manifesting as nepotism, cronyism, favoritism, glass ceilings, and racial bias. These issues are not anomalies but rather standard practices in corporations. Companies may subject potential employees to rigorous hiring processes while concurrently hiring overpriced CEOs and executives based solely on their reputation. The same rules that apply to workers and lower-level managers do not apply to CEOs, resulting in a situation where executives are often overpaid due to their inability to generate a positive return on investment with regard to their compensation. This can lead to employees engaging in quiet quitting as a way to cope with their dissatisfaction.
The American Dream is a fairy tale that many people believe in, but few can achieve. This article explores how the dream is unrealistic based on life choices and opportunities of Americans today.
Explore the impact of both productive and counterproductive behaviors on your journey, whether you’re building a business or ascending the corporate hierarchy. Discover why performance measurement is crucial.
Explore the difference between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation and how they affect behavior and performance. Find out how to use both types of motivation wisely and appropriately in different fields and situations. Enhance your personal and professional development by balancing extrinsic and intrinsic motivation.
This article explores the four types of motivation that drive people to achieve their goals: extrinsic, identified, intrinsic, and introjected. It explains how these motivation forms differ in their sources, actions, and effects. It also discusses the advantages and disadvantages of each form of motivation and how to apply them effectively in personal and professional settings.
Rewarding yourself may seem like a good way to motivate yourself to do things you don’t enjoy or find difficult. However, research shows that self-rewarding can have some negative consequences for your motivation, performance, and well-being. In this article, you will explore the psychological theories of the Law of Effect and operant conditioning, and how they reveal why self-rewarding doesn’t work. You will also learn about a more effective approach to self-motivation: Drive Fulfillment. This is the process of accomplishing your desires and needs by creating practical strategies, rather than depending on external stimuli. Read on to learn how to use Drive Fulfillment to your advantage and reach your goals.
The only thing you need to know when starting a business is your ability to become a pschopath. A hard-hitting article that exposes the harsh truth about the business world, where profit is king and employees are disposable. The author argues that the only thing you need to know when starting a business is your why, and that you should be prepared to sacrifice everything else, including people, for your vision.
Tired of self-help books that just don’t help? Get a fresh perspective on why those books might be missing the mark. Spoiler alert: it’s not you, it’s capitalism. How we unknowingly sell ourselves instead of building trust.
The concept of work as an unintended form of slavery is not new. Many argue that it is a necessary evil we must endure to survive as a society. Others believe that work can be fulfilling if the task has a meaningful purpose or can be one’s passion. However, a growing number of people feel trapped in their jobs due to financial constraints or other obligations. While “work” may not accurately define as “slavery” since it is not forced labor and workers do not exist as property, a similar hopelessness and despair arises.
This article examines the flaws of pay-for-performance systems, which use financial incentives to motivate employees. The reasons performance pay fails to achieve long-term success are many and an examination of these issues reveals a gap in existing research.
Dive into the world of motivational theories with this insightful article. Explore the similarities and differences between various need theories and understand how they influence human behavior.
Magical thinking at its best, Alcoholics Anonymous is a Christian sect masquerading as a treatment program.
The only religion more absurd than Christianity is the absurd booze-based religion Alcoholics Anonymous. AA is just another Christian sect and therefore, more Christian Pollution.
Learn how Alcoholics Anonymous and Christianity are related and how both organizations undermine free thought and spread irrationality.
Alcoholism is not a disease but more likely the symptom of a different ailment. Treating alcoholism as a disease is a mistake.
The AA program of recovery is a sad excuse for rehabilitation since it offers no means of quitting, such as identification of triggers. AA begs the question, How does a stop drinking program work if it doesn't actually treat the drinking?
AA was derived from Christian doctrine. The proof is in all the literature! How AAs criticize Christians or vice versa is ridiculous.
The instrument of God's Will knows no fear and stands for the righteous cause of the MAGA in Jesus Christ's name! Join Pastor Christian T. Roll and stamp out the evil of liberalism.
Repent, sinners! That means you, liberals! Join the Church of The Redeemed Whore and let pastor Christian T. Roll baptize you in the waters of conservatism.
Democratic evil knows no end as the facist, homosexual, liberal, atheist, feminists, attempt to destroy Christianity with their lies and socialist policies.
All hail, President Trump! The savior of America. Pastor Christian T. Roll brings you the truth about the Godly President and his cabinet of saints. The real Christians!
Pro-life’s war never ends! Learn how to stand up to the scourge of liberal facists who desire to drag you into the bowels of Hell!
You must be tough to be a Christian! Are you willing to fight the demons of Satan with only the Word of God on your lips? Pastor Christian T. Roll is, and he will enlist the help of God's most righteous individuals to help: billionaires!
Christian women love performing their duty and serving men but do they know how to keep their men happy? Learn real Christian pro.
Get your weekly dose of the Word of Christ so you can avoid the peril of sin that can creep into your life! Praise God!
Most people would think that destroying the environment is a bad idea, but Christians feel entitled to do so because they are saved. Let's explore this thinking and teach Christians to stop polluting the earth.
When it comes to climate change, Christians are often the most ignorant. This tutorial is designed to educate Christians about climate change to stop them from destroying the earth.
One would think that scientific facts would win a Christian over by the mind of a Christian is too obstinate to accept facts over faith, even if it means the destruction of the planet. Still, we try with this tutorial.
The worst fraud of Christianity, and there are many, is the theft of rational thought in which believers are indoctrinated from birth, never knowing the freedom of choice.
Christians must be the most dense individuals on the planet to believe that their religion is an appropriate discussion while supposedly educating children.
Christianity is so embedded in culture that the bias permeates even the media. What is more bizarre than enforcing a dress code at an execution is the fact that the reporters don't see this as a religious issue.
The start of Just Weighing in our Newsletter
Time to stop blaming yourself for feeling hurt or angry. Christianity is the culprit, not you.
Christians hate gays with a passion. Are they projecting their horrible sex lives onto others?
Christians lie so much it is natural for falshoods to fly off their tongues.
The Newsletter from 2022 that discusses the Christian crazy decision-making.
Poor, poor Christians. They are such victims. It's okay to hate Christians but not okay when they hate other people?? That's some logic.
Imagine not wasting years of your life, perhaps decades, blinding yourself to the reality of the world. Imagine Christianity didn't exist.
Christians are a scourge on the modern world. They hate progress, they hate minorities, and they hate all other religions. Yet, they point fingers to each other claiming fake Christians. They are all the same.
Only Christian, fully gaslighted by community and family, would willingly send their kids to churches filled with sexual predators.
If you are deconstructing Christianity, you are already questioning the validity of the faith, or you are looking for permission to believe.
How anyone could watch FOX News, any other Christian media outlet, or even traditional media and not recognize the outright bullshit or bias proves the stupidity of Christians.
If you believe Christians are the most persecuted people in the world, than you must be a stupid Christian. No one but Christians believe this lie.
If a value system, Christianity, is so flimsy that it can justify anything, than it is worthless. In the dust of Trumpism, you will realize this fact.
Christians are amoral people evidenced by their long history of violence, desctruction, and oppression that continues today.
Christianity is facism and facism is Christian.
Christians justify any action based on their black and white thinking and risk becoming sociopathic.
Christianity instills believers with pathological issues denoted by cognitive distortions.
To justify Christianity as normal, believers play the role of psychologist to shut down critics.
Clearly, forcing women to incubate unwanted rape babies shows the morality of Christians since they are responsible.
Who would have known that Christians suffer the worst persecution in the world: almost dying of near genocide?
Learn about the absurdity of Christians claiming they are the most persecuted people in the worl.
The only salvation from Christianity comes from going deeper into the fantasy.
Think we are too hard on Christians? Read this article from 2022. See any similarities with Project 2025?
CCCOD is a pervasive disease that inflects crippling stupidity and ignorance on the infected.
The Theistic Rhetoric Online Language Lab will have you Communicating Online Christian Knowledge like a pro!
A response to a Christian accusing Christian Pollution trolling Christians.
Liberal Christians may actually be more irrational than their fundementalist counterparts, since they pick and choose what they believe.
How Christian Adoption Agencies discriminate and harm life chances for children.
Christianity is a philosophical disease. Learn how this disease infects society.
All Christians suffer the same philosophical disease and therefore the same dishonesty wrought by that sickness.
Let's look at some example of the Christian stupidity that believes itself to be philosophical.
Christians resist reality like it is a villian trying to steal their children. There's nothing dumber than Christians.
Learn how the so-called greatest democracy in the world was brought to its knees by the stupidity of Christianity.
Westboro Baptist Church exemplifies the problem of believing implausible ideas: Christianity makes you nuts.
How could you possibly expect to write quality science if you believe utter nonsense?
For being so prudish, Christianity is addicted to sexual matters, depicting them in the most negative way possible.
Make a resolution for 2023 to stop being a Christian.
A vocal Christian criticizes AOC for supposedly supporting the killing of fetuses, while simultaneously objectifying and dehumanizing her as a 'big booty Latina'.
It is striking that certain Christians believe they can deceive others into accepting implausible ideas, as if they assume that anyone who disagrees with them is intellectually inferior.
The authority of scripture in Christianity elevates the Bible above all else, shaping believers' behaviors and beliefs, which results in harmful consequences for both individual and collective well-being.
Responding to a reader email about the problem of purity culture.
While internet trolls ruin social media interactions, Christian trolls are often the worst because their behavior undermines users' confidence and trust in one another.
Some uninformed Christians think critics are lying about Christianity because they fear facing truths that could challenge their existing perspectives.
INCEL madness goes something like this, 'If you refuse me, you must be flawed'.
Delving into the intricacies of the Pauline Letter's context, we examine the enduring implications of Paul's genuine teachings on contemporary Christian practice and its relevance in today's world.
Investigating the complexities of Christian theology and its application in modern society, we aim to foster a culture of empathy and inclusivity, acknowledging the varying beliefs and values that shape the experiences of Christians from different backgrounds.
A critical analysis of Christian Nationalism's role in shaping public discourse, we aim to disentangle the ideological underpinnings of extremist actions, such as the January Sixth riots, from the beliefs and values of those who identify with Christian Nationalism.
Recognizing the potential for online discourse to become entrenched and unproductive, Christian communities resort to defensiveness and counterarguments to maintain a sense of control, rather than engaging in open-minded discussions that foster growth and understanding.
Reevaluating the historical context of Jesus' life and teachings, we must acknowledge the contradictions between his emphasis on social justice and the economic realities of ancient Judea, including the activities of those who profited from the temple trade, and consider how this might have influenced his reactions to such practices.
To gauge Christianity based on its followers reflects the Christian belief system since Christians are supposed to intrinsically embody and contribute to the essence of their religious beliefs.
In a deeply unsettling event, Lafayette's Judge Michelle Odinet and her family have been exposed for their hateful behavior as they screamed derogatory racial terms into video cameras during an evening of entertainment. This occurrence demonstrates the unfortunate truth that racism still has a stronghold in certain communities within Louisiana.
The continuance of a mindset that led to burning heretics alive and drowning innocent women in the name of witchcraft is astonishing. However, it's apparent this same mentality still exists, resulting in people succumbing to madness when their faith manifests as mental illness. This situation consistently draws strong reactions from communities.
Recognizing the deep-rooted connection between white supremacy and Christianity, the perceptive Malcolm X foresaw the implications of this relationship. In current times, we must consciously separate our understanding of someone's faith as a Christian from their identification with the Republican political ideology.
Discerning commentators understand how some Christians impose a problematic identity conundrum on American society, causing political contamination as they strive to determine which individual of their faith will enact the most level-headed governmental regulations.
The far-reaching impact of Christianity is evident as it taints various aspects of social order, including the domain of technology and its subsequent utilization in our daily lives. Consequently, even a seemingly innocuous debate on monogamy versus polygamy may transform into an ardent religious discourse dominated by Christian beliefs.
Although the history of bullying is vast, a critical revelation only surfaced within the last few decades: that the majority of bullies are Christians who learn to perpetuate prejudice as they transition into their adult lives, becoming bigots and racists in the process.
In an attempt to impose their religious beliefs upon students, Christian educators like Larry Volk push for the incorporation of Bibles into school curricula and for schools to teach a specific Christian rendition of history, regardless of whether such actions align with or violate the established separation between church and state.
Both critics of Christianity and those who practice its tenets tend to scrutinize the belief system in their own unique ways, either uncovering contradictions or advocating for its proper understanding. Through these discussions, it becomes apparent that there exist sinister facets of Christianity's nature - a parasitic influence and potential danger which transcend mere hypocrisy or the religious value ascribed to it.
An image circulating online, featuring Speaker Mike Johnson of Louisiana suggesting a woman's role should be limited to bearing children destined for the workforce. This inflammatory statement echoes his traditionalist views, anti-choice agenda, and patriarchal political ideology.
Christianity infiltrates every individual within a Christian-dominated society, but its adherents display the most harmful effects of this belief system. Among these detrimental outcomes are their fervent promotion of MAGA (Make America Great Again) ideals, the manifestation of hate against specific groups, propensity for violence, irrational reasoning, deeply entrenched racism, and possibly other destructive characteristics.
An examination of the meaning within Psalm 24 provides an insightful glimpse into the complexities surrounding Bible interpretation. To unearth the deeper significance hidden in this scripture and gain competence in deciphering religious texts, one must first immerse themselves in various contexts such as history, culture, and linguistics. Additionally, a robust understanding of hermeneutics - the science and art of biblical interpretation - will equip individuals with the tools necessary to unravel the intricate layers of meaning encompassed within scripture.
Racist individuals identifying as Christians frequently ask the question, Who commits more crime? to support discriminatory inquiries that serve to validate their stereotypes and bias. This inquiry fosters a sense of solidarity among white Christians who share these problematic viewpoints and uphold them within their community.
Christianity's influence disrupts the rational process of striking a balance between essential human requirements and moral standards, consequently allowing its adherents to reconcile contradictions inherent in religious teachings by providing justifications for these inconsistencies. This phenomenon creates an atmosphere of discord as society attempts to adapt to these unsettling deviations from a rational understanding of life's necessities.
Christianity mixes love and hate in a vicious, toxic poison for your soul.
Blind belief can make you perform irrational acts while maintaining your innocence, even as genuine facts clobber you repeatedly.
How much do you need to underestimate your own intellect in order to adhere to the belief that an omnipotent being put together this entire universe with the intention of catering solely to Adam and Eve, and subsequently sent his one and only son to die for human mistakes?
Adultery within small-town Arizona presents a myriad of dangers to devout Christian gentlemen looking for sexual satisfaction supplied by sinful, domesticated women.
Anti-immunization bullying? The coronavirus, unlike rational inquiry or discourse, manages to quell fanatical Christians through a natural wonder called death.
The Christian worldview rests on falsehoods, reinforced by further embellishments. Grasp the motive for every believer to be deceitful and comprehend the significance of exposing Christians as liars.
The Christian ideology is a hoax, and if you adhere to it, you are essentially cheating yourself. If you promote it, others become victims of this fraudulent scheme, and if you educate your children in its principles, you're perpetrating the deception on them as well.
The majority could be deemed mentally unstable, save for those Christians upholding the notion of a phallus-fixated deity fabricating existence, slaying its own child, then electing to disappear.
Immerse yourself in this profound analysis and examination of biblical books, unearthing the intelligence of the Holy Scriptures. Expose the authentic aspirations of Jesus and God regarding their preferred beliefs.
Christianity manifests numerous potential hazards that surprisingly fail to capture the attention of its followers. The Christian faith holds various dangers, yet its devotees seem unaware of such threats.
With George Zimmerman being acquitted for his role in the death of Trayvon Martin, it becomes evident how the Stand Your Ground rule is riddled with legal flaws and reveals the rampant systemic racism that aids in its perpetuation.
All critics of Christianity must be wrong. So says the arrogant Christian.
A Tale of Religious Wrath: Insight into the Ku Klux Klan discloses the repulsive reality of Christian ideology by illustrating its followers as intolerant beings who engage in wanton acts of terror, primarily homicide.
Adherence to a restrictive belief system leaves Christians woefully uninformed, disconnected from the real world, and incapable of basic reading skills; as a result, they frequently pose inquiries that can be effortlessly addressed through casual reading practice.
With attributes mirroring both contemporary myths and children's stories, the Divine Feats of Christianity exhibit a level of implausibility that would be solely accepted by its devotees. These are the 10 most preposterous Biblical Wonders.
As a part of their misleading discourse, Christians often insist on their possession of perfect family ideals even when facing hardships common to all other people.
This festive occasion, join forces with Kris Kringle as he overcomes the deity; for, his sense of righteousness and ethical conduct is significantly more refined than that of Jesus Christ.
Over a million individuals have signed an active petition to remove Justice Clarence Thomas from his post, reflecting a growing frustration with his corrupt behavior and widespread apprehension regarding his future judgments.
Accompanied by your holy scripture, donning a clean smile, and masking the odor of your excessive perspiration and skin-irritations linked to your perpetual worry, you's engage in debates over an extensive list of subject matters; for marriage is regarded as a sacrament.
Donald J. Trump and the MAGA followers are not-so-subtle reminders of Adolf Hitler and National Socialists that need to be confrontational with nonMAGA.
Mythologies derived from Christianity are unlike fairy tales about enchanting creatures like unicorns or legends of mysterious beings such as Bigfoot. Spreading falsehoods in the name of Christianity reinforces white superiority, hatred towards women, and overall malevolence.
This foundational doctrine in Christianity holds immense significance for followers seeking guidance towards moral and spiritual conduct.
Spurred on by their irreligious stance and devoid of any specific goal in mind, many atheists choose to challenge religious beliefs through philosophical means. However, in doing so, they often overlook the fundamental problems associated with religions themselves.
A Christian's judgment on someone's poor choice of aesthetics is tantamount to a sex symbol like Ron Jeremy pointing fingers at Hollywood for promoting sexuality.
Christian Pollution's indictments showcase the threats intrinsic to Christianity.
Why did we write the book that Christians can't stand? Because someone had to. The danger of Christians is all over the news daily as they dismantle our government. Learn all about these destructive beasts in our book.
Christians want you to believe that their religion is normal and believing a nonsensical story based on ridiculous book is good way to create law and policy. Just look at all those good Christians dismantling the government at this time.
If you want to stop the Christians, hit them where it hurts - in the wallet!
A peculiar phenomenon can be observed among certain Christian groups, wherein the act of correspondence seems to serve as a means of coping with internal contradictions, as if the very act of putting pen to paper allows them to momentarily reconcile disparate aspects of their faith with the awareness that, upon closer inspection, certain assertions may ring hollow.
Both Christianity and Zombieism have something in common - they both consist of people who are not alive but are still moving around or behaving as if they were. While zombies are undead creatures, Christians appear like undead due to their brain dead state. Learn about the frightening world of the living brain dead.
If you can believe the bizare story of Christianity then you can believe anything. Learn why being a zombie is better than being a Christian.
There are many ways that Zombies are better than Christians and this article will show you why. Learn how Christianity is a mindless religion that leads to negative outcomes.
There are many similarities between Christians and zombies. Learn how these two groups act and NOT think alike.
Empty your mind and embrace conformity with this guide to Christian zombification. Learn how to relinquish your freewill and become a perfect Christian zombie.
They wave flags, drone on about Jesus, and mutter 'prolife', all the while pushing policies that harm the poor and help the rich.
Nothing reveals Christian Zombie MAGAs better than their support for Trump and his felonious friends. You would have to be a completely brain-dead Christian Zombie MAGA to support Trump and his ilk.
Without forethought, Christians can become zombies, mindlessly following the herd, and losing their individuality, becoming dangerous to themselves and all those around them.
The leap from Christianity to zombies is not as far-fetched as it may seem. Learn how naiveness and lack of critical thinking can lead to the unbelievable.
You don't have to become a Christian zombie. Learn how to maintain your mental and physical freedom by resisting Christian dogma.
Who would have guessed that believing the improbable and implausible religion of Christianity would turn people into blithering idiots? We did!
Faith has been known to be a positive force that brings people together and acts as a compassionate guide through difficult times, but there are also fears that it may lead individuals towards irrational beliefs and prevent them from using their critical thinking skills.
Christians lose their ability to think critically and rationally when they adopt a belief system that is not based on logic or evidence, which can lead to harmful and illogical actions.
The religion of Christianity negatively affects decision-making abilities and creates emotionally detached individuals who are incapable of feeling compassion for others.
Christianity is a tall tale that sensible people recognize as unbelievable and foolish. Anyone who accepts Christianity as fact becomes susceptible to accepting any fantasy tale without critical evaluation.
Christianity robs reason and intellectual reasoning, infusing the belief in witchcraft and mysticism. If you have faith in Christianity, you're predisposed to any absurd thoughts.
Christianity offers an answer for success in life through hard work and prayer, but very few people actually become wealthy through following its teachings because it is not a get-rich-quick scheme.
How brainwashed do you have to be as a woman in order to believe that the subjugation of women is acceptable and desirable?
Religious beliefs and practices often reinforce gender norms, including traditional roles for women, which can contribute to their subjugation in society.
Christians believe they have everything figured out by simply following Jesus' teachings, but this approach is narrow-minded and detrimental to society as a whole, as it leads them to impose laws based on their religious beliefs which can make life difficult for non-believers.
Authoritarians use concepts like liberal facism to control others by force.
The dumbest political claim ever made by the Republican Party has been that liberals are fascist, a lie which only makes sense if you believe in some strange alternative reality where Christianity and capitalism dominate.
Liberal fascism is a false accusation designed to force people to adhere to conservative ideology.
The vast majority of right-leaning Republicans have no idea where the phrase liberal fascism comes from due to their lack of intellectual curiosity and inability to comprehend complex political theories.
It is Christian Nationalists (Republicans) who believe that those concerned with saving the environment are fascists and not those who desire a nationalist state.
Right-wing Republicans are extremely stupid, and for liberals who advocate for fascism, there is no need to say anything more.
Christianity is a fascist ideology due to its intolerance for any other belief system besides itself, which denies freedom of choice and individual autonomy.
The Supreme Court decision to abandon the Lemon test in cases involving the use of words or symbols with religious associations creates a pathway for fascism. The original Lemon test is no longer relevant and obsolete due to advancements in technology, cultural shifts, and changing social norms. This opens up the possibility for laws that favor one religion over others, potentially leading to discrimination and religious persecution.
Christian Conservatives use manipulative tactics to influence public opinion.
The MAGA movement is a modern-day version of the Nazis, seeking to establish an authoritarian regime and theocratic state.