Just Weighing
Just Weighing
Christian Zombie MAGAs and their unwavering support for Trump As a proud Christian Zombie MAGA (Make America Great Again) supporter, I can't help but marvel at the unwavering loyalty my fellow Christian Zombie MAGA comrades have towards our dear leader, Donald Trump. It's truly a sight to behold – an army of devoted followers, marching in lockstep, ready to defend the honor of our supposedly disgraced, thrice-married, tax-evading, self-proclaimed

Christian Zombies

Christian Zombie MAGAs Unite

A Convicted Felon Leader Worth Rallying Behind!

Updated on February 25, 2025
Published: July 31, 2024
4 Minute Read Time

Christian Zombie MAGAs and their unwavering support for Trump

As a proud Christian Zombie MAGA (Make America Great Again) supporter, I can't help but marvel at the unwavering loyalty my fellow Christian Zombie MAGA comrades have towards our dear leader, Donald Trump. It's truly a sight to behold – an army of devoted followers, marching in lockstep, ready to defend the honor of our supposedly disgraced, thrice-married, tax-evading, self-proclaimed "billionaire" at the drop of a Christian Zombie MAGA hat. What is it about Trump that has captured the hearts and minds of so many Americans? Is it his unparalleled business acumen, evident in his numerous ventures, like the Taj Mahal and Trump University? Or perhaps it's his impeccable moral character, as demonstrated by his dedication to his wife and the charity he shows adult film stars? Whatever the reason, the Christian Zombie MAGA faithful are willing to overlook any and all of Trump's transgressions, no matter how egregious.

Blind faith in political leaders

It's truly remarkable how the Christian Zombie MAGAs cultivated blind faith in Trump but we should not be surprised by their ability to believe anything since they had a lot of practice worshipping Jesus. Their prayers extend beyond Trump to political leaders that make even the most devout religious zealot blush. We elevated Trump to the status of a demigod, immune to criticism and beyond reproach, just as he should be! Questioning his motives or actions is tantamount to heresy, and the consequences for such blasphemy can be swift and severe, just as it should be!

The Rise Of Convicted Felon Leaders In Politics

Remarkably, my fellow Christian Zombie MAGAs elevated blind devotion to a new level with their embrace of convicted felons as political leaders. Take, for example, the case of Steve Bannon, Trump's former chief strategist, who was recently pardoned by the former president for his role in defrauding supporters of a crowdfunding campaign to build a wall on the southern border. Despite his criminal past, Bannon has become a darling of the Christian Zombie MAGA crowd, his rallying cries echoing through the echo chambers of right-wing media.

Embracing convicted felon leaders is the way to the Christian Zombie MAGAs. Trump leads this charge with pardoning and forgiving many felons: former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, Eddie DeBartolo Jr., and Michael Milken. These were just pardons from his first presidency, Trump plans to pardon many more felons when he wins back the White House – starting with himself.

Explaining Why We Christian Zombie MAGAs Support Trump

Perhaps you see pardoning oneself for crimes as self-serving or somehow lacking character. Perhaps you wonder what motivates our unwavering support for a man who has repeatedly demonstrated a complete disregard for the rule of law and the well-being of the American people. Is it a desperate longing for a strongman to restore their perceived glory days of the past? Or is it a deep-seated fear of change and a desire to cling to a bygone era of white supremacy and unchecked privilege? No, the answers are far more important and rational.

You see, all these so-called "criminals" Trump pardons are actually skilled businessmen we need to manage our country. To the average person, what appears to be corruption is just business savvy. What seems to be fraud is just good old-fashioned earning. This is the leadership, Americans need: men unchecked by laws and rules, businessmen who know how to get things done! The average person might believe us collectively hypnotized, ignorant, or just insane, but the Christian Zombie MAGA movement's support for Trump and his felons is an act of faith. Clearly, Jesus wants Trump and other felons to rule. What other explanation could there be for is ascension to the presidency and the kangaroo court that convicted him?

He is America’s savior, and just like any Christian savior, he is persecuted!

The Faith of the Christian Zombie MAGA

We Christian Zombie MAGA know the truth and because we are people of faith, we don’t get to choose or question our savior. We have no choice but double down on our faith and find liberal fascists who created the decline America now races to the bottom. We must fight the toxic environment and just like arguments against Jesus, we will turn a blind eye to the so-called "reasoned debate and critical thinking" of the out-of-control left. We must ignore the warning of enemies citing the dangers and spouting criticisms against the Christian Zombie MAGA’s blind faith in political leaders. The so-called "respected scholars, historians, and political scientists" meet with our willful deafness, for we will not be led astray – no matter the evidence.

This is faith!

Proud Christian Zombie MAGAs We Are!

We remain undeterred in our support for Trump and his band of skilled business associates called ‘felons’. Even as they continue to run afoul of the law, we embrace convicted felons as political leaders and see beyond the so-called "disregard" for the rule of law and seeming "willingness" to sacrifice the integrity of our democratic institutions in the pursuit of political power. We Christian Zombie MAGAs have faith in Trump and know he will make America great again.

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