Just Weighing
Just Weighing
Astonishing is the unbelievable – where fact and fiction collide in a dizzying dance of the bizarre and the inexplicable. Even more than astonishing is frightening human tendency to believe in the unbelievable, to cling to Christianity’s fantastical and the supernatural, even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. From ancient Christian myths to the modern-day obsession with zombies, the realm of the unbelievable is a vast and ever-expanding playground for our collective imagination. Navigating this landscape is no easy feat. It's like trying to find your way...

Christian Zombies

Christianity to Zombies: Understanding the Unbelievable

Exploring The Realm Of The Unbelievable

Updated on February 25, 2025
Published: July 31, 2024
6 Minute Read Time

Astonishing is the unbelievable – where fact and fiction collide in a dizzying dance of the bizarre and the inexplicable. Even more than astonishing is frightening human tendency to believe in the unbelievable, to cling to Christianity’s fantastical and the supernatural, even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. From ancient Christian myths to the modern-day obsession with zombies, the realm of the unbelievable is a vast and ever-expanding playground for our collective imagination. Navigating this landscape is no easy feat. It's like trying to find your way through a dense fog, where every step you take leads you deeper into a world of uncertainty and confusion. Fear not, my friends! I will lead you into the heart of the unbelievable, unraveling the truth behind the phenomena known as Christianity!

The Truth Behind Christianity

Let's start with the big one – creation. For centuries, people have clung to the belief that the world as we know it was created by a divine being in a matter of days. And let me tell you, the mental gymnastics required to reconcile this belief with the overwhelming scientific evidence for evolution would put even the most seasoned Olympic gymnast to shame. I get it. There's something comforting about the idea of a higher power orchestrating the grand design of the universe. It's like having a cosmic safety net to catch us when we fall. Honestly, the thought of our existence being the result of a series of random, chaotic events can be a bit unsettling.

However, the deeper we explore Christian creation, the more the story appears to be nothing more than a house of cards, built on a foundation of cherry-picked evidence and a willful disregard for scientific consensus. It's like trying to convince me that the Earth is flat – the evidence just doesn't add up, no matter how much you try to twist and manipulate it.

The Rise Of Zombies

But let's move on to something a little more, shall we say, undead? Zombies. Oh, how I love these shambling, brain-hungry creatures. They've captured the imagination of the masses, spawning countless movies, TV shows, and even entire video game franchises. It's kind of fascinating to see how the zombie mythos has evolved over time. From the voodoo-inspired zombies of Haitian folklore to the modern, viral-infected hordes, these undead abominations have become a symbol of our deepest fears and anxieties.

Here's the thing – despite their overwhelming popularity, zombies are about as real as the Loch Ness Monster or the Tooth Fairy. I mean, sure, you can find plenty of people who will swear up and down that they've seen a zombie, but let's be honest – those people are probably just a little too deep into their own collective delusion.

The Power Of Gullibility

You might be asking what zombies have to do with Christianity? Well, if you believe in Christianity, you might as well believe in zombies. There is something about the human psyche that makes us susceptible to believing in the unbelievable. Perhaps it is a deep-seated need for comfort and security in the face of the unknown, or is it simply a matter of our own cognitive confirmation biases?

Belief and faith are deeply intertwined with the very fabric of our minds. We're hardwired to seek patterns, to find meaning in the chaos, and to cling to the familiar, even when the evidence points to the contrary. Emotion is also a factor. After all, it's much easier to believe in something that makes us feel good, that gives us a sense of purpose or belonging, than it is to confront the cold, hard realities of the world. It's no wonder that so many people find solace in the seemingly warm embrace of Christianity or the thrilling terror of zombies.

Perhaps the most fascinating aspect of this whole unbelievable phenomenon is the sheer power of human gullibility. I mean, really, how many times have you seen someone fall for the most obvious hoax or conspiracy theory, only to double down on their beliefs in the face of overwhelming evidence? It's like our brains are hardwired to seek out the extraordinary, the sensational, the downright bizarre – and to ignore the boring, the mundane, the scientifically proven. And the more we're exposed to these fantastical ideas, the more they start to take root in our minds, until they become an integral part of our worldview. Christians do this all the time and call it faith but really it is gullibility.

Believing Christianity carries a very real threat of being exploited by everything from religious cults, MLMs, to fake news peddlers, and it's a testament to the power of our cognitive biases and the vulnerability of the human mind. Christianity’s impact on science and education has been nothing short of catastrophic in an effort to maintain the unbelievable.

The next time you think about zombies – those undead, shambling, brain-hungry horrors that have captured the imagination of the masses, and you enjoy fantasy, just remember that the same effort it would take you to believe the living dead are real, is the same effort it takes to maintain Christianity. After all, if you're willing to believe everything was created by a divine being, ignore the natural world, empirical observation, and all of science, then you will believe anything.

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