Just Weighing
Just Weighing
Speaking as a writer of everything from term-papers to menus, and as a published author of an award winning novel, we can relate with authors, new or veteran, and their success and failure. Writing is a long road filled with many hours of effort and often little reward. Have you spent years writing and submitting works to be rejected by someone who only wants to see a page or 150 words of a 2oo page manuscript? Have you just started your writing career and already feel the struggle to gather...


For Writers

A New Way to Publish

Updated on December 1, 2024
Published: September 1, 2024
2 Minute Read Time

Speaking as a writer of everything from term-papers to menus, and as a published author of an award winning novel, we can relate with authors, new or veteran, and their success and failure. Writing is a long road filled with many hours of effort and often little reward.

If any of these questions resonate with you, then you are in the right place.

For too long, authors have kowtowed to agents and publishers, hoping to get noticed. Whatever value writing once held has been all but bled from our works by an economic system that values profit over art. No longer will you have to wait for a publisher to notice you. No longer will you have to pay for an agent to represent you. No longer will you have to give up your rights to your work. The tBook system is a new way to publish that puts the power back in the hands of the author.

Imagine your marketing is as easy as giving away your book. If you have been in the self-publishing game for any length of time, you might realize that even giving books away can be difficult, but this is the difference between publishing a tBook and digital book: people will want your tBook!


Because your tBook increases in value by marrying the intrinisc value of story with the monetary. This feat is accomplished by using crypto-tokens to create a unique and valuable product that can be traded or sold. With an investment of $500 dollars or even less, you can publish your tBook and take advantage of a decentralized publishing system that makes your book an investment rather than a one-time purchase.

The making of a tBook starts with a process of figuring your total number of books to create. If you have an audience, this is not too difficult but if not you can start with as low as 12000 tBooks. Once this number is determined, we mint 12000 tokens which become part of the book thus making a tBook. So many tokens are allocated to you as the author, so many to the developer, and so many to the DEX for investment. Most beneficial to you as an author is the tokens that will be allocated to gifting and marketing. Typically, this is about 1,000 or more! What better marketing could ask for than your book that actually increases in value as it is read?

Nothing! But there is more.

tBooks free authors to explore new methods that traditional publishing cannot. Imagine writing a book about economics and placing a video inside to explain difficult concepts. Imagine having background music inside your tBook. What if you could use animations or photographs as you see fit? Crossconverging media is not a problem and the tBook makes doing so cost effective. The possibilities are endless and the only limit is your imagination.

Your book is your investment but now it can be an investment for everyone.

Have questions? We have answers.

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